Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Christmastime...& Adoption Update Time...& Family Time, Etc.

Stating that it is a busy time of the year is a true understatement in our lives right now. It's Christmastime...and Adoption Update time...and family time...and shopping time and baking time and wrapping time and family illness time and..well, you get the picture. It's been a very stressful time in our home for the past couple of weeks but we're doing the best we can and counting our blessings along the way.

Are we done with our shopping? No. Are we done wrapping packages? Haven't even started. Are we done with the baking? Only about halfway there. Decorated the house? Finished this afternoon. Rested, relaxed and ready to enjoy the season? No, no and trying. Tim and I have been working very hard to get as much paperwork done and sent out before the holidays so it will be "in motion" and hopefully returning to us before the impending deadline for our homestudy update. There's still MUCH to do...but we're slowly making progress. When we're not working on adoption papers, we're picking up this or that for Christmas, grocery needs, running errands, etc.. Before moving here years ago, we had three weeks between Tim accepting his new job and finding a place to live, pack up the house and two children...and relocate...all around Christmastime. I honestly believe this season has been more demanding and stressful than the one involving a major move.

So...why are we wearing ourselves out and "burning the candle at both ends?" I ask myself that each day and feel so guilty because it's not the Hallmark setting I'd imagined. As our children often do...our daughter and son answered that question for us quite clearly this weekend. Tim and I had spent hours working on documents while trying to make holiday plans for our family. I was feeling quite guilty for not spending time with our children as much as we wanted. So I apologized to our children for the delay in our family time. Our daughter kindly responded with understanding and kindness and offered to help with household chores, which meant so much to us. Then our son said, "Mom, you're not taking time AWAY from the family. You're working FOR our family." Wow! Sure, they realize that it is Christmas and staying in Mom and Dad's good graces is advantageous. :) But Tim and I were moved by the love, patience and support our children geniunely extended as they watched a flurry of papers, mail, phone calls, emails and lists take over our household. They realized that this challenging time is not without an incredible blessing down the road. They know that their little sister continues to wait to come home from China...and they are willing to do/sacrifice whatever it takes to ensure that she is able to come home as soon as possible. Pretty amazing children, aren't they? We think so! IS Christmas....and although we have had to make some pretty interesting sacrifices to accomplish the goals before us, we are taking time to be thankful for our precious children who care, understand and are willing to share their parents with vital paperwork and deadlines. We are thankful for the folks in attorney offices, post offices, banks, government offices, doctor offices and sheriff offices as they help us put together information needed. We thankful for our adoption agency who listens to our many questions and helps us try to find answers. We are thankful for dear friends who make phone calls to check on us and encourage us to hold on in this journey. We are thankful for grandparents and relatives who understand the challenges we are dealing with and who unselfishly encourage us to keep moving forward in this journey. We are thankful for ministers who pray and each individual who offers strength and hope when we are exhausted. We are truly blessed and we are deeply grateful.

Although I don't feel as peaceful or prepared for Christmas this year as I had hoped, I believe I have already seen the spirit of Christmas in unexpected ways. To each person who has touched our hearts in our frantic "pace of panic" recently...we've seen kindness, hope, encouragement, peace, understanding and compassion along the way. We have seen ways that cannot be packaged but will always be cherished.

This year, as I gaze into the skies and remember two very overwhelmed parents who traveled a long way full of obstacles and concerns before the arrival of their precious Child...I will also thank God for those who made room for us in their schedules, offices, hearts and lives as we await the arrival of our daughter. I may not be ready for lots of Christmas details this year. But my heart has been stirred by the ways Christmas was shared with us in ways we never imagined. We won't forget the true spirit of love, sacrifice, kindness and hope each of you shared with us. Thank you...from the bottom of our hearts.

Merry Christmas to each of you. Many blessings in 2010 for you, too. May you experience the true spirit of Christmas every day.

And JennaBeth, (Emma Kate?)....Merry Christmas, sweetie/s. Oh, how you are loved...and missed...and so worth every step of our journey. May you always know that many people worked together to bring you home. And may you always know the true spirit of love that so many people have shared in our touch yours forever.
Cherishing the blessings of Christmas, Family, Adoption...and Life,
Terri & family

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More News, More Demands, More Work, More Prayers!

It's been a very windy day with major wind gusts rushing through our community and probably the entire state of Kentucky. Little did I know that between the very hectic pace of Christmas preparations and the winds howling through our area, our lives were about to become even more busy and rushed.

We have been aware for a couple months that our 36-month homestudy update was approaching and we were under the impression that it would be very similar to the previous 18-month update process. The 18-month update involved several documents and reviews plus a home-inspection and interviews. It was work...but not considered overwhelming. We found out today that due to new Hague convention stipulations, the USA is requiring much more than we anticipated for our 36-month update...and it all has to be done in the next month or so. Wow! It will be very similar to the very first process of assembling our Dossier before sending it to China 32 months ago. In fact, there are even more documents required now than before. So...we are trying to catch our breath, somehow, before finding a way to get all this done within a matter of weeks!

Have you ever had one of those experiences when you fell and had the breath knocked out of you? Well, that's how we feel today. We had expected more paperwork and expense...but not "intense" paperwork and even greater expensive fees than before. 'Guess we're still lying on the ground waiting for our breath to return. But...when it does, there's much to be done!

Someone asked me today if we felt like giving up. Without a shadow of a doubt, the answer is NO! We didn't begin this journey because it was easy. It is not easy at all. We didn't begin this journey because it was inexpensive. It is very expensive and a total walk of faith in many areas. We didn't begin this journey because everyone understands why we're doing it. Sometimes God leads us to do things that many people don't understand or consider "logical." The reason we began this journey is because God placed it on our hearts to bring a little girl (or two) home from China to join our family...forever. That part has not changed. Nor will our efforts or commitment to continue this journey to her/them. We will do whatever it takes to be ready when God decides it's time to welcome home our little girl/s. we go. Our journey of blessings does not always involve sunny days and easy roads. Just as in life, we have to take the great days with the tough days...and keep moving forward no matter what the day brings.

We would deeply appreciate your prayers as we begin to face this "mountain" ahead of us for the next month or so. I'm a mountain girl by birth...and I know that mountains are not always easy to climb. But they are BEAUTIFUL when you get to the top! They're even beautiful when you gaze at them from a distance. So here we go. This mountain was unexpected...but we're not climbing it alone. God knew the day we began this journey that there would be steep inclines and rocky terrain. But He also knows how to get us through them. We have no doubt that when we have crossed this mountain, the view is going to be amazing! For now, it's time to prepare for this part of the journey. Your prayers are so very important and valuable to us. Thank you for being our faithful friends along the way. We'll keep you posted as we prepare for Christmas...and the mountain of updating ahead. It's going to be work...lots of it. But the view will definitely be worth it!

Hold on, baby girl/s. Each day...and each document will bring us closer to you! We love and miss you...and are always willing to climb mountains and cross oceans to find you. But what a day it will be when we are finally together! I love you, sweetie/s! I'm still holding you in my heart until we hold you in our arms.
Preparing for more of the journey...
Terri & family

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Journey of Thankfulness

It's almost here...or isn't it always here? Yes, the calendar shows that this is Thanksgiving week and it is an exciting time. Many of us are thawing out turkeys to be prepared for a Thanksgiving meal very soon. I've organized my list so I know exactly when to prepare each side dish, casserole, dessert, etc.. The new tablecloth is already placed "just so" on our table and the special centerpiece is in its place. Our daughter is home from college and our son's Thanksgiving break began when school dismissed this afternoon. My husband will come home from work Thursday morning...and we're excited about being together as a family...finally. I've even heard whispers around the house about putting up Christmas decorations this weekend. But when I slow down long enough to consider the reason for this holiday of Thanksgiving, another question comes to mind. (My Dad always said I asked too many questions during my childhood. No wonder I became a Counseling major!) :)

I certainly rejoice that this is a time for pausing to remember all of our blessings and thanking God for being so good to us. I believe it is very important that we have an "attitude of gratitude." It's a very special time for families to gather and enjoy one another while focusing on the many ways we are blessed. But my question is this: Wouldn't it be great if we remembered to be thankful every day of our lives? Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, and I truly enjoy it and respect it. But wouldn't it be interesting to see how lives could change if we spent time every day being grateful?

Occasionally, folks will ask us, "How in the world are you staying so positive when the adoption process is taking so very long?" I simply choose to believe that every day is a step closer to our baby girl/s. The choice we have is to either sit around worrying and complaining...or to be thankful for the blessings along the way. Of course, we are human and miss our sweetie/s very much already.'s much more enjoyable to consider this a Journey of Thankfulness instead of a journey of frustration. It's all about perspective and that makes all the difference.

Whether you are on a journey of adoption, (like we are), or the journey of life, (as we all are), I pray that you will find joy, peace and thankfulness along your journey. Our journeys are not always easy...but they are definitely worth it. As I close today's post, I want to wish all of you a Blessed Thanksgiving...and a wonderful lifetime of gratitude. Thank you for being such faithful friends, family and professionals as you richly bless our journey to our baby girl/s...and our hearts and lives along life's way. May you be richly blessed...and may you be a continuous blessing to all those you meet.
Thankful for our Journey of Blessings,
Terri & family

Friday, November 13, 2009

Thirty-One Months Since Log-In!

Thirty-one months ago today, our Dossier was logged into China's adoption system! Thirty-one months later, we rejoice that we are getting closer and closer to our baby girl/s. It's not easy to wait, as usual. It's not easy to remember that when we were logged in thirty-one months ago, the wait was only eighteen months until Referral. Now the wait is over twice that amount of time. It literally hurts my heart to miss our little daughter/s so much. But...we are closer to her/them than ever before...and we are very grateful.

We realize that we only see a part of the plan God has in store for our family. We realize that He sees the entire picture and He knows what is best for our little one/s. We realize that the wait is all part of His plan, His timing, His design and His provision. We realize that He already knows how everything will work together for the best. And we trust Him.

We trust Him to take care of our little JennaBeth and possibly EmmaKate. We trust Him to know what is best for them in their precious little lives and the time involved for their journey home with us. We trust Him to know what is best for our family here as we prepare for the arrival of our baby girl/s. We trust Him to provide her/their/our every need before we fly to China to bring them home. We trust and we wait. We pray and we love. We count our blessings along this journey.

Our dear, sweet Jenna Elizabeth (and Emma Katherine?), if I could say anything to you right now, I would tell you that you are loved so very much. You have been in our hearts for over three years. You are in our thoughts, prayers and lives every day. We long for the day we will see your face, hold you in our hearts and bring you home. We long to know more about you. We long to share life with you and we are thrilled to know God has asked us to bring you, our precious little daughter/s, into our lives in this very special and amazing way. Hold on, sweetie/s...we're hugging you in our hearts for now. But some wonderful day, we will hug you in our arms and we will share the rest of our lives together as your Forever Family. Rest, grow and always know we love you. We always have. We always will. Hold us in your heart as we are holding you in ours. I love you so much...and I thank God for you as I carry you in my heart. ~Mom

Thirty-one months...and still cherishing this amazing journey,
Terri & Family

Sunday, November 1, 2009

'Just Enjoying the Journey!

It's been a couple weeks since I last wrote...and so much is on my heart. I never cease to be amazed at the wonder of this journey! As with any journey, there are days when it seems we are making major progress...and days when it seems time is standing still. There are uphill climbs, twists and turns...mountains and breezes and warm sunlight. There are nights, days, storms and rainbows. It's never the same from one day to the next...but each step leads us closer to that precious moment when God allows our daughter/s to be placed in our arms and lives forever. I keep trying to imagine that day...that moment...that sense of actually holding our new little daughter and bringing her home. I can't imagine the fullness of joy that will be in our hearts, our lives and our family.

As exciting as the anticipation is for the future with our little one/s...I could never imagine the amazing joy, kindness and blessings we have enjoyed along this journey so far. Friends from far and near have been supportive, excited, prayerful and encouraging way beyond "the call of duty." Just when it seems our journey is "non-progressive" and time is standing still...someone reminds us how much they are praying...or someone asks about our "baby girls" or someone mentions their excitement. Just when it seems that we will wait "forever"...we are reminded of someone else's progress in their journeys. Just when I realize that I may not be a "spring chick" as we raise our little daughter/s, someone "just happens" to mention how young we will stay as we see the world through the eyes of our little "JennaBeth" (maybe "EmmaKate"). Just when I'm wondering how it is all going to work out...someone reminds me of the BIG PICTURE.

Yes.. the big picture is the absolute joy of this journey. We are simple people. We are passionate about serving God, loving our family....and answering the call God placed before us to bring a precious child (or two) home in our Forever Family. We are humbled...thrilled...and amazed at the opportunity He has placed before us. But the big picture is not about us...not at all! Only GOD could create this journey. Only GOD could make this possible in multiple ways. Only GOD...could have prepared our hearts, minds and lives for this precious calling. Only He could design a plan to bring a sweet little girl from China who needs a family into the arms of a family who loves God and children. Only in the days ahead...knew.

Romans 8: 22>25 says "We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."

God, Himself, created the love and action of adoption! How marvelous! The wait, the heartache as we miss our sweetie/s, the concerns, the "days of standing still" are so small compared to the glorious journey of hope God has placed before us. It will be an incredible day when we hold her/them in our arms! We're looking so forward to it! But for today...we're enjoying the journey...a blessed, unexpected, undeserved and yet incredible journey of hope! Thank you, God! And thank you, friends and family!
Cherishing the journey...Terri and family

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thirty Months Since Log-In!

It's official. As of today, we have been logged-in thirty months and we're still moving closer to our baby girl/s in China! How exciting! Two and a half years have passed since our Dossier arrived half-way around the world and was entered in China's adoption system! Of course, our wait continues...probably for another year or more. But we rejoice that we are this much farther along in our journey.

Meanwhile, life has been it always is in our home. Tim has been working hard, as usual. Rach was nominated to the homecoming court at the university and became Homecoming Queen last Saturday. Her brother, Micah, escorted her...and it was a great day! Micah had oral surgery yesterday for removal of four wisdom teeth and is doing great. I stay very busy. Life is good.

In the middle of so many cares of life, we pause and count our blessings. Our family remains close and we love one another dearly. We have precious friends all over this country and some in other parts of the world. We love our extended families in Ohio and Virginia. And we continue to anticipate the arrival of our dear "JennaBeth" ("EmmaKate"?) in our arms someday in China. We are thankful.

As much as we miss our little daughter/s, we know that the day will come when we will bring her home to join our "Forever Family." It will be an incredible time of rejoicing. Until then, we continue in our love, prayer, gratitude and joyful anticipation. Until then, we trust her in the hands of our God and the wonderful caregivers in her homeland. Until then, we cherish each day, each moment and each step we share together. Thank you for walking beside us in this journey!
Thirty months closer and cherishing every blessing,
Terri & family

Monday, October 5, 2009

One Daughter's Birthday...And Another Daughter On The Way!

It's an exciting time in our home right now. Tomorrow is our daughter, Rachel's 21st birthday! It doesn't seem possible that it's been that long ago since her Dad and I traveled to the hospital to give birth to our firstborn. But since then, she has graduated from high school, enjoyed a mission trip to Haiti, traveled to many states here in the USA to sing with high school and college choirs...and is presently a junior in college majoring in nursing. Wow!

The past twenty-one years have been a blessing beyond words. But there have been realistic moments of uncertainty, patience-building, concerns and sadness. Yet as we observe our family now, we know that nothing will ever change the love for our children and there are no regrets in this journey called parenthood. Life is a gift. Children are a gift. Family is a gift. And that surpasses all other twists and turns along life's road.

Likewise...our journey to our baby girl/s in China is also a tremendous blessing. The paperwork has been overwhelming...repeatedly. The concerns, the wait, the uncertainty and the challenges in patience have not been easy. But we know that our love for our little daughter/s in China is worth every moment, every tear, every concern and every challenge. Bringing JennaBeth (EmmaKate?) into our family will be an amazing blessing that makes this journey absolutely worthwhile.

I never imagined that we would wait so long. We knew the waiting time could fluctuate, of course. But when we logged-in, the wait was 18 months. We will soon be logged-in thirty months with no end in sight. It's hard to miss our baby girl/s so deeply for so long! However, every adoptive parent I know has told us that when we hold our baby daughter/s in our arms, we will understand why it worked out this way. God has allowed this wait in order for His plan, His timing, His glory and His honor to be known. He knew before we ever began this journey what child He planned for us to bring home from China. He knows her name, her birthdate, her everything! So we continue to trust in Him...and His design for our little daughter/s...and for our family.

We never anticipated the long wait but along with it comes unexpected surprises. We thought that our baby girl/s would arrive home before our older children finished high school or college. However, it now seems that our oldest daughter will be out of college and our son will be in college by the time our baby girl/s arrive. Along with that realization comes the possibility that our little daughter/s may easily grow up with any grandchildren that we may someday have. Now that would be exciting! I've seen this happen in several families and it is a blast! So, we're already seeing wonderful possibilities in this design and timeframe. It may not be the way we expected it to be...but it will be awesome in its own way! What a sight to see as our little one/s play with their niece/nephew at similar ages. Awesome!

So...we celebrate now...and look forward to the future. We are blessed today. We were blessed 21 years ago. And we trust that God will bless us with our little one/s someday soon. It just doesn't get any better than this. Thank you, God, for the family we are today, the family we became years ago, and the family we anticipate in the years to come. Happy Birthday, Rachel! We love you. And hold on, little one/s in China. We can hardly wait until we are all home together. We love our family...and all the friends we've met along the way.
Cherishing our family and friends today, yesterday and tomorrow....
Terri & family

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Twenty-Nine Months Since Log-In!

Twenty-nine months ago today...twenty nine long but purposeful months have passed since our Dossier was logged in China's system! It's been almost two and a half years since our papers arrived in!! And it's been over three years since our journey first began to our baby girl. So how do we feel during this long wait? Peaceful. Purposeful. Patiently missing her...deeply missing her. But holding on to the hope that God knows every moment, every step, every facet of His design to bring our sweet daughter home. Our hearts ache for her...but our journey to her is completely in His hands and we know that He knows what is best. As I've said before...all the joy and love for her greatly surpasses all the waiting we must endure. It will be worth it all!

This weekend I wrote about our 29th month Log-In anniverary on my Facebook status. As usual, dear friends wrote very encouraging words which mean so much to us. One friend, an adoptive parent himself, wrote the following words that I must share with you:

"Ephesians 1: 3-5
"In the Message it partially reads- "Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son." Know, know know--He is taking great pleasure right now in planning the details!"

Thank you so much, Tim!! When we focus on the awesome wonder of God planning each detail of our journey to our JennaBeth (EmmaKate?), it makes our wait seem so much more purposeful and worthwhile. We're not simply waiting on major paperwork or a process. We are waiting for the hand of God to literally "Mastermind" this entire life-changing blessing in His own amazing, incredible, perfect and very best design. How could we want it any other way? To realize that God is bringing a precious little girl in a country halfway around the world...into our hearts, lives and home at just the right time, for all the right reasons, with every detail according to His personal an overwhelming blessing. We're not only waiting for our daughter...we're trusting God's timing, provision, pleasure and perfection! The Creator of the forming, leading and orchestrating our journey to another incredible gift of life for our family! That's definitely worth the wait!

Jenna Elizabeth * Lorenz...(Emma Katherine * Lorenz?), our hearts are full of love, joy, wonder, anticipation and peace as we wait for you. As much as we miss you and long for you to be home with us, we know that the Hand of God is creating you, caring for you and preparing you for your journey home with us. His love and care. Rest in your homeland which we will always remember. Rest in our love. And rest...knowing that someday soon...we will hold you, hug you, love you and introduce you to your life with us and our loved ones. For your life, and ours, will be changed forever...and we will never be the same. Until the day we travel to meet you and bring you home...always know that you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Until the details are complete and in order...we're holding you in our hearts. We're twenty-nine months closer to you, baby girl/s. Rest, baby girl/

Cherishing each detail in God's plan...
Terri and Family

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Great Friends...Great Blessings!

It continually amazes me how time passes so quickly in every area of our lives...except the wait for our precious baby girl/s. :) But I am even more amazed at the countless reminders and blessings we are shown along this journey. The past couple weeks have been no exception.

Last week I attended the Inauguration of Kentucky Christian University's fifth President. Tim and I went to school with Jeff and his wife, Debbie, so it was a joy to witness them become KCU's President and First Lady! Little did I know what other blessings that day would involve.

One of my newest friends who works there recently welcomed their baby girl home from China. Kim and her husband are incredible parents and are so proud of their beautiful daughter, Grace. I met Grace for the first time during my visit that day. My heart was so moved and encouraged as God once again reminded me that every moment we wait is indeed worthwhile! It is an amazing walk as we witness God's precise orchestration of placing wonderful adoptive parents and families in our paths to remind, encourage and strengthen us in our season of waiting. I pray that someday as we go through our lives with our JennaBeth (& EmmaKate?), we will be able to encourage other waiting parents. It is a blessing beyond words to witness others who have waited...and brought their sweet children home. All the paperwork, all the waiting, all the prayers, tears and even frustrations lead to being given the opportunity to bring home a precious, innocent miracle of life that God is placing in our hearts, our arms and our family! Wow! Seeing other families with these precious children reminds us that our family will welcome home our little girl/s someday too! And that's definitely worth the wait!

That same day, I reconnected with a college friend I had not seen for a very long time. Donna and I have shared on Facebook...but we finally got to visit face-to-face. It was great! As I later shared our adoption website address with her, Donna spoke words that I consider a true blessing. Discussing our wait, I commented that God's timing is perfect. Donna added to that by emphasizing..."God's timing isn't just's PERFECT!" She was so encouraging about our family and our journey and she touched my heart deeply. Of course, we believe that God's design and plan are perfect. But to hear someone remind us that it's "better than good"...blessed us tremendously. God indeed knows the specific child He will add to our family and His design, timing and plan are definitely perfect...and we will trust Him as we continue to wait!

New friends...old friends...adoptive parents...biological parents...doctors, nurses, dentists, dental and strangers...God has spoken through so many precious souls to encourage us as we wait for our baby girl/s. As much as it hurts to miss our sweetie/s, our joy will far exceed this wait. And we shall not forget all the incredible blessings along the way. May the blessings in our journey be used to help someone else in their journey. Whether your journey of life includes adoption or other goals and experiences, it is always a tremendous opportunity to thank God for unexpected blessings...and to reach out to others' lives as well. Life is truly an incredible journey of blessings. May you be blessed and be a blessing more than you ever imagined!
Cherishing each opportunity....
Terri & family

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Twenty-Eight Months...& More Loving Across the Miles!'s officially been twenty-eight months since we were logged in China's adoption system! As of August 13, we've been waiting that long, not to mention the beginning of the process over three years ago in July of 2006.'s definitely going to be worth it. Oh, how we miss our baby girl/s...but we must believe that the wait will lead us to the exact daughter/s God has orchestrated to join our family. So...we continue to love, pray, wait and trust. It's certainly not easy but we know our journey and our sweet little one/s are in His hands.

Meanwhile, this has been an exciting week for our family. Micah began his Senior year in high school. I can hardly believe he has grown up so fast. He has four AP classes so he's definitely going to be busy and studious. Plus he's planning to find a job in the near future and we're beginning the college path for him, as well. He has always been interested in Engineering but has recently become increasingly focused on the possibilty of becoming a Pharmacist. It's great that he inherited his Dad's math and science abilities! :) We are excited to see how God leads him presently and in the future.

Yesterday we moved our daughter back to the university. Rachel is thrilled to begin her Junior year of nursing school. She's going to be a great one, no doubt! It is also hard to believe that she is halfway through her college career. It seems like just yesterday she climbed up on that school bus step to enter kindergarten. But she's definitely headed for some amazing days in her life, as well. She has a challenging year of classes plus a job working for a professor and a job at the pharmacy. So she will stay busy, also. We know God has incredible plans for her life now and in the future, too.

As I spent most of last night alone here at home, I counted my blessings. Tim was at work. We are very thankful for his continued job, especially in this strained economy. Rachel was decorating her dorm room with her sweet roommate. Micah was studying with his classmate on the other side of town. And our baby girl/s are on the other side of the world waiting to come home. Not only does our love extend to the other side of town for our son, ninety miles away to our daughter in college, thirty miles away to my husband at work, out-of-state to our relatives and friends, but also halfway around the world to our sweet daughter/s in China. Yes...there's definitely some loving across the miles! Do I long to have us all together? Absolutely. But am I thankful that we have been blessed so richly in many areas of life? Most definitely!

Whether we are together in presence or in heart, we are so thankful for each blessing, each loved one, and each opportunity in their/our lives. We thank God for each of you along our journey. We send our thoughts, hearts and prayers to you, as well. May you be reminded of the love and blessings along your journey, too.
Counting our blessings,
Terri & Family

Saturday, August 1, 2009

"At Just the Right Time...More Blessings"

Where does the time go? It seems just a week or two ago, we were saying hello to summer and considering all the plans we hoped to accomplish during this time. Now, our son has less than two weeks left before he begins his senior year of high school while our daughter looks forward to her junior year in college a few days later. I'm excited to see what the new school year brings for our children...but I'm never glad to see the summer months end with them. I love having them home and cherish every moment so it's always a bit sad to see them return to school schedules. Yet, I know they always find their way back home at the end of the day or on weekends and breaks. We certainly have that to look forward to as we leave summer behind.

In the middle of preparing for a new school year, my heart also aches for our little one/s in China. As I've mentioned in other posts, it is ironic that while time passes quickly in some ways, this is one area that seems exempt from the fast pace of life. Yesterday was one of those days when I missed our little sweetie/s so much, that it truly hurt to be so far away from her. Those of you who have walked this path certainly understand. Although she is always in our hearts, some days are just more difficult to get through than others.

Yet, as always, there were blessings in store for yesterday that I did not anticipate. But God's perfect timing met my deepest longing with incredible, unexpected blessings. What a journey this is.

Yesterday morning, I met my dear friend, Judy, for breakfast. We had not seen one another for weeks and it was time to get together! As I parked our car beside hers, she met me with yet another wonderful package. Again, her smile was lighting up the entire town. As I opened the package, there was an adorable "Ohio State Buckeye" dress set for our JennaBeth! The top part has an official Buckeye logo on the front and the bottom part spells out the word "Buckeye" on the back. It is precious! You can just imagine how thrilled my Ohio husband was to see that! And our children were also very excited! I can hardly wait to put this on our baby girl! She's going to look precious! Of course, I'll share pictures, too! Thank you so much, Judy! You are such a dear friend whom God continually shines through and blesses us during our journey. I can hardly wait for our baby girl/s to meet their "Aunt Judy." What a moment that will be!

Last night I began reorganizing JennaBeth's (& EmmaKate?) things for awhile. It was just one of those times when if I couldn't hold her in my arms, I would stay busy working with her things. So I worked on her clothes, socks, shoes, sippy cups, bibs, etc. and found myself really enjoying the progress of preparing for her just a bit more. When I checked my Facebook account at the end of the evening, there was a message from my friend, Yolanda, who is also an adoptive Mom. She had sent a Chinese "flair" that showed the Chinese characters for "I Miss You." As I wrote to thank her on FB, I told her it had been a day I had really been missing our baby girl...and somehow Yolanda had already felt that. I asked her if I could quote her response to me and she agreed. When you read it, you will understand why it captured our hearts so deeply.

Yolanda shared this re: her own wait: "GOD had it all under control. He had picked out just the right child for us, even before she was born. He molded her in her birth mother's womb and fashioned her for our family. I know that sounds easy to say now, but just hang on to that fact. God is shaping your daughter/s even now for your family. Cherish the time that he is taking to make her/them a perfect fit. He loves you so much." Thank you, Yolanda! What a beautiful blessing you shared with us at just the right time! Maybe our little girls can play together someday! Wouldn't that be precious?

Once more, during another day when our hearts ache the deepest for our little one/s in China, God sent amazing blessings from Judy and Yolanda in His perfect timing. If He can do that in one day, I can hardly wait to see what He is doing as He prepares to bring our baby girl/s home to us after this season of waiting! It's going to be worth every moment! Thank you, God, for our friends, family and everyone involved along our journey. Thank you for Your perfect timing, your wonderful people and Your Master Design which is far greater than anything we could ever imagine. Thank you for so many just the right time. Please bless each life who continually blesses ours as well as those precious ones caring for our baby girl/s until we hold her/them in our arms. Please send a gentle breeze full of kisses and love upon her/their face so they will feel Your hand and love surrounding them each day. May everyone along this journey know Your presence and love. Amen.
Cherishing each moment of blessings...
Terri & Family

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Twenty-Seven Months Closer

In the flurry of getting away for a few days for family vacation, I didn't post the latest milestone in our wait. But it was not forgotten! As of July 13, our Dossier was logged in China's adoption system Twenty-Seven months ago! Yay! We are so much closer to our sweet little one/s than we were then. Each moment, each day, each week and each month bring us closer and closer to the day we finally hold her in our arms and we are thankful for each step toward her.

Yes...twenty-seven months sounds like a lonnnnnnnng time to wait, especially when the wait isn't over. Yes...that's quite a bit longer than the eighteen month wait that was present when we began this process. However, we firmly believe that God knows exactly what is best for our baby girl/s, for our family and for the time that He brings us together. Of course, we would love to have had our baby girl/s with us much sooner...but even more importantly, we trust that God's timing and plan are much better than our own. He knows exactly where JennaBeth (EmmaKate?) are right now. He knows our family even better than we know ourselves. He also knows what is best for all of us and if that means waiting a bit longer, then we have peace in doing just that.

We have often heard comments about the "empty-nest syndrome" in our lives and I would love to share our response to that. Our family has always longed for more children since we first became a family. We could never imagine our family without children...and often dreamed of having a large family. We have been tremendously blessed with a daughter and son so far. They, too, have always wished for more siblings. So our "timing" re: an empty-nest situation was never even considered! When folks ask us if we're ready to "start all over again," we quickly respond with "hey...we never stopped." For our hearts have always longed and held a place for more children in our family. Our lives will never be "empty nest" because they will always be filled with love for our children, whether at home, in college, school...or half-way around the world. And, just as God would have it, what a joy it will be to have adult children and little children at the same time! Who knows? Maybe someday, our grandchildren will also play with our youngest child/children! How awesome that would be! Whether our house is full of several children at once...or one or two at a time...we rejoice! Children are a gift from God and we are so very thankful for each one in our matter when or how they arrive!

During our family's recent vacation, we spent a day at a well-known amusement park. As we walked past the children's section, it was amazing to hear our teenage son and young-adult daughter mention how they will ride the "kiddie-rides" with their little sister/s someday soon. They even mentioned how awesome it will be to take their sister/s to Disney World. As we shopped around the outlets, our daughter and son both found darling little outfits which they thought their baby sister/s could wear! How cool is that? To have older children planning fun family times with their little sister/ a true joy! Yes...absolutely...God knows what He is doing in the timing of it all. We could never have planned it this way on our own. God's plan is far greater than ours could have ever been.

So Twenty-Seven Months later, we continue to love, anticipate and look forward to bringing our sweet baby girl/s home. We're closer than ever before. It's definitely worth the wait. Hold on, JennaBeth...(EmmaKate?)! For now, we hold you in our hearts. Soon we shall hold you in our arms. Each day is a day closer to you and each day, our heart deepens in love and joy for you as we trust you in God's care. We love you...and we rejoice that we're twenty-seven months closer to you!
Cherishing each blessing along the journey,
Terri & Family

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Blessings...and more blessings...

The past few weeks have been very busy, as usual, but summer often brings new opportunties to enjoy and experience. We are grateful for each blessing along the way and this summer has been no exception.

A few days after Father's Day, I was surprised with a precious birthday party with many dear friends around. What a memory to cherish! Friends came from far and near and I was thrilled to see each one who shared that special day with us. My husband and children worked so hard to make that day a wonderful one. It was amazing. I just wish our baby girl/s could have been here with us. But someday....

Earlier this week, I visited with some friends who were visiting their family nearby. It was great to see them again. Their family is so beautiful. They have three biological sons, two daughters from China...and are presently in the process of adopting a third daughter from China. Our time together was incredible. As I held the little ones' hands or held one in my lap, I continued to thank God for the reminder that He is also holding our sweet daughter/s in His arms. My friends and I talked about how wonderful it will be when our daughters meet one another and can play together...someday.

While at Church recently, we chatted with some friends who have also adopted twin girls from China. Of course, they wanted to know how our process continues. As we spoke, April said, "it's just not time...she's not ready yet" and we were encouraged to know that they completely understand. The time will God's perfect plan and design...He will bring our baby girl/s into our lives....someday.

I wish I could tell you that my heart is perfectly fine with waiting...but it's not. I am peaceful about this waiting season for I know God is in complete control and knows what is best for our daughter/s and for us. But my heart certainly aches for our baby girl/s. I want them to enjoy family birthday celebrations, family reunions, visits with friends and summer fun. I want to hold her, love her, teach her and share life with her on a daily basis. As my friends and I went out to lunch, I chatted with their girls in their carseats. I kept thinking how awesome it will be to travel together with our baby girl/s....and arrive at family and friends' homes...together...someday.

But we have today. We have this moment to hope, share, love and look forward to those somedays. We have many blessings along the way to remind us of today's blessings...and our hopes for tomorrow. May we not be so excited about tomorrows that we miss the joys, blessings and love of today. May we be thankful to God for all the reminders He gives us now that He is holding us all in His tomorrow. And may we rejoice that each day brings us closer to our sweet little daughter/s...while we rejoice in the amazing love of family, friends and our Heavenly Today...someday...blessings and more blessings...thank you, God!
Cherishing the blessings of today and someday,
Terri and family

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day Weekend

Another Father's Day weekend has come and gone and we were so glad to have both children home with us this year. For the past three years, Rachel was touring with a Choir through the university and we missed her so much. But this year, she was home with us. Yay! Several years before that, the teen music/drama ministry I directed with a local Church also left on Father's Day for our annual tours. So it was very nice to be home...together...finally.

As Tim read his cards and opened gifts, I couldn't help but imagine what it will be like when little JennaBeth (EmmaKate?) will be a part of our Father's Day celebrations. What a wonderful blessing it will be to finally have our baby girl/s from China home. But for now...we hold her in our hearts and celebrate Fatherhood that truly reaches to the other side of the world.

I have been blessed with an incredible Dad in my life and thank God for him. Dad has taught me many lessons in this lifetime...and I am so grateful. He's taught me about love, laughter and life. He taught me to get back on the horse, (both literally and figuratively), when I am thrown off and land on the ground. He taught me to stand for what is important...and dismiss what doesn't matter. He's taught me about thinking through things before making decisions....while not hesitating to protect those I love. He taught me to sing...and how to adjust the clutch and check the oil on my VW beetle. He taught me to cherish family..present and those before us. And he's taught me to develop the gifts God gave me. Dad always encouraged my music and my education. He never stops caring...and he still wants to know when I arrive home from a long trip. He's taught me that we never stop being parents...and how to graciously give our children wings...without severing their roots. I've watched Dad raise five children...four sons...and me, right in the middle of those boys. But Dad always has a way of treating us with love, respect and kindness...equally yet individually. I can hardly wait to hand him his sixth (maybe seventh) grandchild someday soon. Many of the lessons I have learned about parenting, I learned from him.

So Happy Father's Day to my husband...You're a wonderful father, Tim. Happy Father's Day to my Dad...I love you and I will always be your little girl. Happy Father's Day to every man who touches lives as a Dad or as the son of one. Happy Father's Day to the Father who continues to orchestrate uniting us with our precious daughter/s in China. We count our blessings as we continue the journey.
Cherishing Dads...
Terri and Family

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Twenty-Six Months L.I.D.!!!

It's very late...or early...but I had to write a brief note to acknowledge that as of today, June 13, 2009, we have been Logged-In China's adoption system for twenty-six months! Wow! I've been a rather patient person all my life...but I'm definitely learning an entirely new level now. That's ok. Every day is one step closer...and every moment in this journey is very much worth the wait. I cannot comprehend just how wonderful it will be the moment we see her precious face or hold her in our arms for the first time. I cannot fathom how incredible it will be when we bring her home and we are all together...finally. I'm sure we will look back and reaffirm that this journey was definitely worth it all. Plus that will only be the beginning of our journey together with her. Yay!!

Our oldest daughter, Rachel, has been gone for over a week as she works in a mission in Haiti. After not hearing her voice, seeing her face, or being able to hug her for days, I am so excited to see her at the end of this weekend! Our son, Micah, was gone for quite awhile last night and I could hardly wait until he arrived home. So it will be quite an amazing experience when we finally reach the time we've longed for in the past three years...(so far)...and we are finally together with our sweet baby girl/s. It's going to be life-changing!

Twenty-six months...and counting. My heart continues to grow in love and joy for this precious one God is bringing into our lives. She's been in our hearts for so very long that it's hard to remember a time we weren't loving her, praying for her, thinking about her and moving forward in the journey toward her. Somehow, it just seems she has always been part of our family.

Hold on, precious one! Daddy, Mom, Rachel and Micah are holding you in our hearts every moment. But someday soon, we'll hold you in our arms...and we're moving closer to you each day. We love you, baby girl. What a blessing to know that God is holding you in His arms until He places you in ours!
Cherishing another step in the journey...
Terri and Family

Friday, June 5, 2009

Two Different Daughters In Two Different Countries! read the title right! As of today, we have two different daughters in two different countries! It's hard to imagine but it is a special time in our lives and we are so glad that love, prayers and thoughts extend beyond geographical boundaries!

Yesterday our oldest daughter, Rachel, boarded a plane and headed to Haiti where she will work with a mission for the next eight days. She plans to work in the health clinic, orphanage, perhaps the pharmacy and in other areas where the visiting group will assist. Yesterday's plane rides took her from the Cincy airport to Texas and then to Florida. This morning she boarded another plane and has now reached Haiti. Following a lengthy bus ride today, they will arrive at the mission and begin their work. I never imagined as I carried her inside my body twenty-one years ago that someday I would watch her fly into the skies to visit and work in another country. But it happened anyway and now we wait...and watch...and pray...and anticipate the day we are reunited with Rachel.

Three years ago, Tim and I turned in our application to adopt a daughter from China. Over 25 months ago, our Dossier was logged in China's adoption system. Now...we wait...and watch...and pray...and anticipate the day we are united with JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate). We can hardly wait to have our entire family together...finally.

It's not easy having our hearts in so many places at once. But it's an amazing time to watch precious friends, family...and even strangers bless our lives in only a way God could orchestrate! As Rachel met two other college friends at the airport she would travel with, Tim and I met their parents. It was so neat. We quickly learned that we had mutual friends and it seemed we had known our new friends for a very long time! We've already exchanged emails and cell phone numbers and there is no doubt that God provided such blessings for some parents who are missing their daughters a great deal! I must also mention that we recently learned of some friends we went to college with are involved in the mission trip group, as well. The husband already met Rachel this morning and his wife is keeping me updated as she hears from him on the trip. They have been so encouraging and we thank God for the amazing blessing they are as we experience having our daughter in Haiti during this time. The blessings have just been so abundant and our hearts are deeply touched.

Yesterday as we hugged our daughters goodbye before they walked away, we noticed a retired couple sitting closeby. They smiled and made some precious comments about our situation and we quickly learned they had just arrived from Dallas, Texas. The lady was crying with us as we told our children goodbye and the gentleman kept us laughing...and encouraged. Before our ways parted, this precious couple reminded us that "God is watching over them." I have no doubt that this couple was a blessing from God, as well. In general conversation with them later, they heard someone mention that Tim and I will fly to China in the future for our baby girl. It was amazing. This couple smiled enthusiastically and told us that someone in their church in Texas had just brought a little girl home from China! They were so excited for us. Again...another blessing along the way...even from strangers. I may never know their names but I shall not forget their kindness.

Today our son spent his last day as a high school junior. When August arrives, he will begin his senior year and I'm already wondering where the time went. It seems like just yesterday I held him in my arms for the first time and thanked God for our precious family...Tim, our daughter and now our son. quickly time passes and things change. Micah made a precious statement today that I didn't expect to come from a 17-year-old guy. He told me that as soon as we get the referral picture of our JennaBeth, he wants to put her picture in his wallet! Of course, I immediately responded by telling him how sweet he was for saying that. He looked at me and said..."why wouldn't I, Mom? She's my sister!" What an amazing family we have. I can hardly wait to see Micah and Rachel spoiling their little sister/s! It's going to be great. We are indeed so very blessed.

So life continues to be a wonderful journey. Sometimes it's difficult...but it's always blessed. It took our faith to an entirely new level to watch our daughter board a plane and then watch it soar into the sky taking her out of our reach...and our country. But we have learned so much already. On our way home last night, Tim and I passed a Church sign that said "Faith is not believing that God is knowing that He will!" I have certainly witnessed evidence of that recently! So many reminders through so many people have repeatedly confirmed that truth.

As our oldest daughter spends the next nine days away from us in Haiti (eight working there and one day traveling back home), as our youngest daughter/s remain in China until we bring her home, and as we are separate from loved ones far and near....I thank God for each of you. Thank you for the prayers, love, encouragement, laughter, tears and life you share with us. Thank you for caring. Thank you for sharing our journey. Thank you for being such blessings along the matter where we may be. May you be blessed as abundantly as you have been a blessing to us.
Cherishing love without boundaries...
Terri & family

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Precious Reminder

Time seems to pass so quickly in many areas of our lives...except one, of course. But we are so thankful for each day that brings us closer to our baby girl/s in China. We are also grateful for the precious family we already have anxiously waiting for our new addition/s. Life is certainly blessed. Yet each new day brings thoughts of our little one/s. Is she born yet? How is her birthmom doing? How did she make it to the orphanage? What does she look like? Does she love music? Does she have sweet dreams at night of a family in central Kentucky who loves her and is moving closer to the day when we will finally be together?

Much like the time when our adult daughter will be away from home on a mission trip starting next week, my heart always aches as I hold my children close "from a distance" with love and matter where they are in this world. I'm already counting the days until Rachel returns home...and she hasn't even left yet. I count the hours until our son returns home from school each day...or when my husband arrives home from work. So it's no surprise that my heart aches for the day we will unite with our baby girl and bring her home. It's a Mom's heart, I suppose. And there's a place for each loved one that can never be replaced by anyone or anything else. How amazing it will be when we are all together...finally.

The latest news is that we received word this week that our Dossier has been reviewed by the CCAA. This is standard procedure for all Dossiers in China's system and to know that we finally reached that level in the process is very exciting. I'm wondering about the other families with Dossiers logged in during the same time frame and how we are all moving forward in the process moment by after day...month after month...year after year. It will be exciting to meet them when we finally reach the time to travel to China. My prayers are certainly with each of their journeys, as well. We have once again been reminded that the journey continues and progress has been made. Yessssss!

Today brought yet another precious reminder of our little one/s to come. My dear friend, Judy, and I met for lunch and as usual, had an absolute blast. Oh, the stories I could tell about how we can turn a simple lunch date into an adventure! She's such an amazing woman of God and a tremendously faithful friend! Before I returned home, Judy handed me another adorable little set of booties for our JennaBeth. They are precious!!! But that's not all. Remember how she gave us Virginia Tech socks before? Well, she's also a very fair person. Knowing that Tim is from Ohio and there are some Ohio State Buckeye fans in this family...let's just say that those new booties are proudly displaying the Ohio State logo! How thoughtful and kind is that? One of these days we'll post pictures of JennaBeth wearing her amazing wardrobe! :) I can hardly wait to share those pics with you. Again, thank you, my dear friend Judy...for being you...for being so kind, generous, faithful, prayerful, loving and joyful in our journey! We are continually amazed by the faithful gifts of friendship we have been given in this lifetime. And we love each of you dearly!

So it's been another day of reminders of our progress, our baby girl/s, our friends...and a journey we could never have imagined. I look forward to the day we can share with our sweetie/s from China...just how many people, prayers and blessings accompanied our journey to her. The journey won't stop there, either. And we're cherishing each step ahead. May God bless you in your journeys. You are in our constant thoughts and prayers.
Cherishing another day...
Terri & Family

Monday, May 18, 2009

Twenty-Five Months...And Still Going!

It has been a whirlwind in our lives recently...but the journey definitely continues for the Lorenz family! I planned to write much sooner but my plans were repeatedly delayed. So today I will write and try to update you on our Journey of Blessings.

In the past two weeks, we have moved our daughter home from college, celebrated Mother's Day, celebrated our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, celebrated Tim's birthday...and reached the twenty-five month point of our adoption Log-In-Date. Have I missed anything? Oh...our daughter is preparing for a mission trip to Haiti where she will spend almost two weeks working with a Christian Mission in medical services plus she is working at our local pharmacy for the rest of the summer. Our son is in the last several weeks of his junior year in high school so this is a busy time of year for him, as well. He is looking for a job so he can work toward his first car and prepare for his college years in the near future. (Did I mention he attended two proms this spring?) I'm sure there's more going on but for now, I think that's plenty of update information for all of us to process.

Yes, it's been a busy time but a blessed time. We are so thankful that we have a healthy family, a time to celebrate our Moms and the Mom of our baby girl/s in China. We are grateful for twenty-five years of life as our own little family. (How did those years pass so quickly?) We are blessed that our daughter is home and successfully completed her sophomore year of nursing school. She is also blessed to have the pharmacy job and work for a great professor at the university as she continues her education. Our son is growing into such a wonderful young man as he anticipates one more year of high school...and then a college education in architecture. As long as the wait seems, we are also thankful that we are twenty-five months closer to our sweet baby girl/s in China! Twenty-five months LID the day after our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary seemed like perfect timing, too!! My husband's birthday also gave us many reasons to celebrate a wonderful man's life who loves, cares and shares so faithfully! As full as life has been, there has been much to celebrate and anticipate along our journey!

We continue to also thank God for the blessings of precious friends and family who encourage and pray for us as we move closer and closer to our sweet baby girl/s. I can never find adequate words to express just how much you all mean to us as we move toward the time we will meet our JennaBeth (and EmmaKate?) and bring her home with us. Knowing so many of you care and share this journey makes all the difference. The journey is not always easy but it will always be worth it...and we can hardly wait to share the continued joy with you all.

I hope and pray that you are all being blessed in your journeys. Celebrate each moment of every day as a true gift. Be thankful for the blessings and help one another with the burdens. And please cherish the journey we all share together in this life. We're in this together...and we're still going!
Cherishing each step....
Terri and Family

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Derby Weekend...Lessons Learned

Yes, it's Derby weekend in Kentucky and it's been an exciting time! For several weeks, there have been many activities leading up to this thrilling event. You just can't live in Kentucky and not know about it. Tim, Micah and I even spent a wonderful Sunday afternoon last month at Keeneland watching the horse races and that was an incredible experience! (Thanks, Myron & Sue!) Although I still have so much to learn about the horse world, I am continually blessed to enjoy the beautiful scenery, pride, thrill and wonder surrounding us in this area. Of course, loving horses since I was a child has made this season in our lives even more exciting.

As always, my analytical mind has thought long and hard about the lessons we can learn from the thrill of Derby weekend...and all that is involved long before it arrives. I have heard folks comment in previous years that all the hoopla about a "two minute race" seems a bit extreme. But that really isn't a complete picture of all that's involved with the Derby...not by a long shot. (Sorry...I couldn't resist that pun!) There is so much involved long before those "two minutes." There are countless hours and people involved in the care, training, planning, support and behind the scenes activities which make Derby Day possible. There are many facets of selection, preparation and hard work which finally bring those specific horses to Churchill Downs for that wonderful day in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. The two minutes seen around the world are only a fraction...yet very cherished...part of a long and tedious process. But what an amazing two minutes they are! Because of all the effort of so many people and those majestic animals, it's a very special day for rejoicing and celebrating.

We can learn so many lessons about patience, consistent endeavors, discipline, focus and endurance from this, can't we? Whatever season we are experiencing in life, we can certainly benefit from holding on to the purpose and joy of the journey...and the goals ahead. This applies to life, faith, health, education, relationships and family. I believe that each life has been placed on this earth for a specific and valuable reason and that the journey of life is a constant process which prepares us for each step ahead. Sometimes it is hard to see. Other times we find ourselves acknowledging and celebrating specific seasons. But each moment is a valuable and necessary step forward.

The journey to our baby girl/s in China is also a process that requires focus, endurance, patience, hard work and efforts by many people on local, state, national and international levels. There are hours, days, weeks, months and even years involved in the journey of adoption. It is a process of patience, faith, hard work, cooperation and keeping our eyes on the goal of bringing our precious daughter/s home to our Forever Family. Sometimes it is difficult to wait. Sometimes it is frustrating to love someone so much but not have her home with us...yet. Sometimes there are various concerns as we wonder how it will all work out. Yet when we remind ourselves of our precious little girl/s waiting for us to travel to China, hold her in our arms for the first time, meet the wonderful people who have cared for her since birth, and bring her home to join us for the rest of our's soooooo worth it.

As we watched the beginning of the races recently, the track seemed long and the horses seemed far away. But the anticipation steadily grew as they rounded each turn closer to the prize. I won't forget hearing the growing excitement of the crowd as the horses drew nearer. And seemed the ground literally shook as the thunderous roar of those horses became closer and stronger...and in full sight of the finish line. What a thrill as they crossed the line and realized how worthwhile every step of the journey had been that brought them to this joyful, amazing, breath-taking and exciting moment!

Hold on...whatever your season of life is and wherever you are in the journey! Each step is purposeful. Each moment is valuable. Each turn is significant. Hold one another and to the One who has a perfect plan and design for your life. Hold a journey that is blessed and beautiful along the way. Hold on, JennaBeth (EmmaKate?)! We're coming around another turn to hold you in our arms...and bring you home. Our journey is so worth it!
Cherishing each moment of holding on....
Terri & Family

Saturday, April 25, 2009

USCIS Extension Approved....Again!

We're another step and another day closer to our baby girl/s! We received the official form this week from USCIS (Homeland Security) that confirmed our application to adopt has been extended once more! Yay!! This is what the refingerprinting process was for and we are so thankful for yet another major milestone in this journey to our sweetie pie/s. The journey definitely continues, dear friends and family...and the excitement continues to grow! As a friend recently wrote to us, we're "on the downhill side" of the journey now and it's wonderful to realize that we're closer than ever. The majority of the wait should be behind us at this point. Wow!

When will we see our Jenna Elizabeth (JennaBeth)....and maybe our Emma Katherine (EmmaKate)? Only God knows and that's ok with us. For it's all in His hands, His plan and His timing...and we know He will bring our family together at the very best moment He has designed.

So...our dear little sweetheart/s...hold on a wee bit longer. Your Daddy, Mommy, Sister, Brother, family and friends are getting closer to you each day. You remain in our hearts every moment and you are loved soooooooo much! As we close our eyes each night, we think of you. As we sleep each night, we dream of you. As we open our eyes to a new day, we think of you. And as we live each day, we love you more and more. Until we hold you in our arms, we're holding you in our hearts. May you know the love, prayers, hope, excitement and joy we have for you and our life together as a Forever Family.

We thank God for all of you praying us through this journey, too. May you always know how dear you are to us as we walk together in this lifetime Journey of Blessings.
Cherishing another step....
Terri and family

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Trip #3 to USCIS...Accomplished!

We have already been to downtown Cincinnati and back...and it's still Tuesday morning! But we rejoice in the completion of our third trip to the USCIS office to be refingerprinted! Yay!!!

Our trip began very early this morning. I was awake before 4 am with Tim and Rachel rising a few minutes later. We left home around 5:30 am and went through rain and fog for awhile. But we got into Cincinnati with no trouble, parked in the nice garage right across from the Federal Building and met more kind people who made our trip enjoyable. Even the cuts on Tim, Rachel and my hands were healed enough to satisfy the computer scanning and that's a sigh of relief, too! Now...I would like to tell you that our journey out of Cincinnati was "surprise free"...but let's just say that we took the "scenic route." :) One turn in a different direction can definitely do that! But we found our way back to Kentucky quite easily and are safely back home. Micah got off to school with no problems, (except for lots of texting back and forth to Cincy), and it's certainly been another day of blessings.

Many thanks to all of you for your continued prayers, thoughts, love, support and excitement as we continue this amazing journey!

Yes...we are definitely one step closer to our sweet baby girl/s and we are truly thankful. Hold on, sweet baby girl/'s only Tuesday and we're 24 months past LID...and refingerprinted for the third time. Ohhhhhh, we're getting so very close to holding you in our arms and bringing you home. Hold on, sweetie/ are so much a part of our lives and it's only the beginning!
Grateful for another step in our journey of blessings....
Terri & Family

Monday, April 13, 2009

Two Years Closer Since Log-In!

Today is a very exciting day in our family's journey to our baby girl (or two) in China!! Two years ago today, our Dossier was logged into China's adoption system. Yes....that sounds like a long, long road to travel...and it has been lengthy, for sure. (Especially when the wait then was "only" 18 months!) But we believe that since God knows His perfect plan and master timing much better than we do, then we are exactly where we should be!! So two years is a wonderful milestone in our journey! We are sooooo much closer than we've ever been to our precious Jenna Elizabeth ("JennaBeth") and maybe Emma Katherine ("EmmaKate").

It's been an exciting week already! Yesterday while we were at Church celebrating Resurrection Sunday, we noticed a young lady carrying a beautiful baby girl...from China! That baby was absolutely precious beyond words. As our family watched her, our hearts were pounding with anticipation for our baby girl. Knowing the 24 month anniversary would be today, we were so blessed with the obvious reminder that the wait is definitely worth it! While we watched the baby in Church, I asked both of our children if they were ready to enjoy their baby sister and their faces said it all! Tim and I were quite teary-eyed, to say the least. Just when we needed it, God assured us once more that He has it all in His hands!!

This week also brings another fingerprinting appointment for Tim, Rachel and me. I am happy to report that my injured hand has healed nicely. Let's hope I keep it that way for just a little while longer. :) Tim and Rachel have also cut their fingers, (wouldn't you know it?), but we continue to pray for quick healing as we head to Cincy very soon. Please, please keep this in your well as safe travels...and successful directions. :)

The journey has been long but the longer it gets, the more excited we become. We know we are not alone. We know that the same God who led us to this wonderful opportunity in our lives will also lead us to our baby daughter/s at just the right time. We know that His every provision will continue as we meet every challenge ahead. We also know that we have precious family and friends who are praying us through every step of the way. Thank you for your love, prayers, encouragement, kindness and excitement as we move closer to our baby girl/s.

Thank you, God, for taking such good care of our sweet little girl/s and our family until we meet in person. Thank you for directing us toward our new family additions in so many precious ways. Thank you, family and friends, for walking beside us. Thank you, JennaBeth (maybe EmmaKate?), for holding on until we arrive in China to bring you home. Although we haven't held you in our arms or seen you with our eyes, we love you sooooo very much in our hearts. I hope you realize the love, prayers, excitement and support we have in our journey to you, sweet girl/s. Always know that your Daddy, Mommy, Sis and Brother love you and are holding you in our hearts every moment! Oh, how we miss you so much already!!! We're getting closer each day, sweeties! Hopefully it won't be much longer.

Cherishing twenty-four months of the journey...and counting.....
Terri and family

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Prayer Concerns Before USCIS Trip

Wouldn't you know it? It doesn't usually happen...until we have USCIS refingerprinting appointments. One of the specific details on our appointment papers mentions no cuts on our fingers. Well...that shouldn't be a problem...until now. :) Since yesterday brought snow into KY, I decided to make potato soup....which meant cutting potatoes, ham, cheese, onion, etc. with a rather large (and sharp) knife. Guess what else I cut in the process? Yes...I cut my hand...again. Something very similar happened before our fingerprinting appointment last time. I healed enough "just in time" last year and it is my prayer that healing will take place before we go to the USCIS office next week. Although this sounds minor, it is a definite concern and I would really appreciate your prayers for my hand to recover quickly.

Rachel also told me that she is scheduled for two tests at the university the day of our appointments. So I would also ask that you pray for her professors to understand and work with her to make up those tests as soon as she returns to school. It shouldn't be a problem but we would really appreciate your prayers. Please also pray for Rachel as she adjusts her school schedule to accomodate this necessary step in our journey, as well.

Yet...we know God has brought us this far and He can certainly handle college tests and an injured hand. While on this journey with us, though, we know you are willing to pray for specific concerns and I knew I could share them with you. As a friend recently reminded me, "Prayer makes the difference" so we're asking for you to pray as we anticipate another step toward our baby girl/s. Thank you for continuing to pray for our journey, for our new daughter/s in China...and for these specific concerns in the next several days.

We'll keep you posted as we continue to move forward...together.
Cherishing the journey and those praying us through....
Terri and family

Saturday, April 4, 2009

USCIS, Here We Come...Again! :)

Before today is over, I had to write to let you know that we heard from USCIS (Homeland Security) this afternoon and our appointments for fingerprinting arrived. We will go to Cincinnati a little over a week from now and it's on a day when Rach will miss classes...but it won't be on her toughest day or during finals. So our prayers were certainly answered in those specific ways. I'll write more before we go.

Thank you for your continued prayers and faithful companionship as we continue taking steps to our baby girl/ day at a time. USCIS, here we come...again! :)
Cherishing another step forward,
Terri & Family

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another Wee Step :)

It's a small, wee step but it is a valuable one. Less than a week after sending our papers and fees to USCIS, we received a single envelope back with their return address in the corner. I thought that was odd and perhaps concerning. Whenever we request a fingerprinting appointment, we each receive separate letters about the appointment details. So I curiously opened the single envelope and read confirmation that the USCIS office had received our papers and fees and were enclosing a receipt for the fees. They assured us that we would receive our appointment letters in the near future. Whew! That was a relief...and encouraging. So it's a small step, yet a definite step forward in the right direction. Our papers are where they should be. Our fees have been paid. Now we await the third fingerprinting appointments at the USCIS office.

Please continue to pray that we will be directed to the Cincinnati office since that is the one we are familiar with and "partially" understand the directions. Please pray that the appointment date will not interfere with Rachel's school schedule, especially her clinicals. Please pray that all will go smoothly in this process as we journey forward to our little girl/s.

There has been some mention that the wait for referrals may possibly speed up a little bit in the near future. We are so excited to hear this. Yet we truly believe that whatever happens, our God knows the special daughter/s He plans to place in our family. He also knows the specific time, provision, method and design for that wonderful moment when we hold her in our arms after holding her in our hearts for so very long. Of course, we hope for that to happen sooner than later. But we trust God in this journey in every way...and that includes "the wait." Until we see her sweet face and hold her close while we process all the required travel, paperwork, appointments and journey back to the USA, we know she is always in His arms of love and care. Please continue to pray for our sweet JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) as we take each step toward her.

We cherish each day, each step, each prayer and each precious individual along this journey. May God bless you all!
Cherishing the wee steps, too!
Terri & Family

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another Step toward Her...

Today brought another step in the journey to our sweet baby girl/s. It's time to update our fingerprinting with USCIS (Homeland Security) so we mailed the official written request and the required fees to the government office. In approximately three to four weeks, we will make another trip to be refingerprinted. Yes, it is yet another expense but we choose to look at it as another step toward our precious daughter/s in China.

We thank God for His provision as we faced this step in the process. Somehow, He always provides at just the right time in just the right way. Wow! We thank each of you for your continued prayers and concern, as well. It is a tremendous blessing to know we are never alone!

Please pray specifically that we will be able to return to the USCIS office in Cincinnati. We have gone to that office the last two times we were fingerprinted. Some prospective adoptive parents are sent to Louisville. But we really like the Cincy office and have learned (somewhat) how to travel there a bit easier now. So, if you will, please pray that we will once more be able to return to the Cincy office and enjoy the familiarity we have learned along the way. Please also pray that our appointment date will work easily with Rachel's school schedule since she will be nearing the end of her spring semester around the time we travel to the USCIS office.

We thank God for each of you and we hope and pray that your week is going well. May you be blessed in your journey each day...and each step along the way.
Grateful for another step toward our little daughter/s,
Terri and family

Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's a cool, crisp Saturday afternoon and the first weekend of spring, 2009. Even though the temperatures do not reflect the spring season, we know that we are headed that direction. Winter is officially over, (yay!), and we have every reason to believe that the spring and summer seasons will bring long, warm, sunny, breath-taking beauty we've always enjoyed this time of year.

Of course, with my analytical mind, I consider that in other areas of our lives. We are creatures of habit, aren't we? We automatically think that we'll experience warmth in spring and summer and brisk, cool temps in the fall and winter. We pack away the clothes from the cooler seasons to prepare for the warmer ones. We plan our flower and vegetable gardens in anticipation of the proper weather conditions that will later yield that which we have planted. We anticipate the accomplishment of summer projects outside and winter projects inside. It doesn't surprise us when things go according to plans by the design of the seasons, does it? Why is that?

Well, I definitely believe that it involves two perspectives. The first perspective is experience. In all my years of life, there has never been any other order of seasons than spring, summer, fall and winter. It always happened and I have no reason to believe it will change. The second perspective is expectation. What I believe and hope for certainly seems to affect what I expect to happen. Of course, experience affects expectations. But sometimes, our expectations also influence our experiences...and how we view them.

I've noticed many things along life's journey. I've noticed there are different personalities, perspectives, temperaments, attitudes, life experiences, histories, resources, etc.. I've also noticed that some groups of people may have lived in very similar surroundings yet express vastly different perspectives. And then there are individuals from vastly different surroundings who share very similar attitudes, etc.. (Can you tell one of my college degree majors included psychology/counseling?) :)

What does this have to do with our journey of blessings? Quite simply...everything. I believe we all learn from our experiences. But I also believe that we choose how we learn from life and how we will apply that to our present and future opportunities. Let's face it. Life is not an easy journey sometimes. Life isn't always fair. Life isn't always fun. But life is a gift and how we choose to live it makes a huge difference. I'm not trying to oversimplify the difficulties and challenges. I'm simply saying that our perspectives influence our experiences. How we view this gift of life can certainly have a profound affect on our choices and our journeys.

We are often asked about our adoption journey with great interest, support, enthusiasm and kindness. Other times, we are met with skepticism, pessimism and shock. We have often been asked "Are you sure you're ready to start all over again?" Then they look dazed and confused when we simply reply "We never finished!" You see, the "unusual" prospect of having a young adult daughter, a teenage son...while raising a little girl or two from China...while we experience our middle years of life...does not bother us at all. Why? Because we knew in our hearts that this was the journey we were called to pursue. While other friends our age are enjoying grandchildren, we are preparing for another nursery for our youngest addition. Who knows? Our own daughter and son may eventually have their own families with children not so different in age than our youngest addition/s. :) Wouldn't that be wonderful? But we know that our journey has been guided in this direction and we are so excited...and blessed. If our journey is different than others....that's perfectly fine. We're all called to live our lives in His plan and design. And if He can create each snowflake differently than the rest...well, He can certainly create us..and call us differently, too. does this apply to life's journey in general? Lately I have noticed that many precious lives are struggling. It's heartbreaking to hear and see the story of so many aching souls. Of course, this is nothing new for in this world, people experience hurt every day. Yet, it seems to have reached epidemic proportions and that concerns me. Do we simply accept that since they experience it, we should just "expect" it...and therefore, accept it? I hope not. Life should not just be a blessing "to" us...but it should be a blessing "through" us. Just as we see the promises of the seasons around us, may we be living promises in life's seasons for others. Promises of genuine hope, love, faith, kindness, joy and peace can touch lives deeply. Who knows? Maybe an unexpected blessing could vastly change someone's experience and entire journey! Go ahead. Enjoy the blessings and enjoy being blessings!
Thanking God for the journey,
Terri and family

Friday, March 13, 2009

Twenty-three Months Closer!

Today marks another milestone in our blessed journey to our baby girl/s! Twenty-three months ago today, our Dossier was logged into China's adoption system. We've been waiting almost two years and although that sounds (and seems) like a very long time, it's closer than we've ever been so far. So we celebrate...and anticipate...and are indeed grateful for each step that brings us closer to our Jenna Elizabeth (+ Chinese name), aka "JennaBeth." (and maybe our Emma Katherine (+ Chinese name), aka "EmmaKate.") We realize there are some folks who have been waiting over thirty months but we keep reminding ourselves that each day is one day closer to our precious little ones and we are so thankful.

As God would have it, yesterday brought another "unexpected reminder" of His hand in this journey. My dear friend, Judy, and I took a little day trip to a nearby town and had a great time, as always. (Actually, we wound up in a different state, but that's another story.) :) When she got out of her vehicle, she handed me a storage bin and that smile of hers lit up the neighborhood! (It was a cloudy, cold day but that smile of hers sure made it seem much warmer!) When I opened up the bin, I was soooo excited. Inside were multiple dresses (and hats) for our baby girl/s! They are adorable! Judy and her sweet daughter, Jen, decided to share them with us since their daughter/granddaughter could no longer wear them. They are beautiful!! I'm telling you...if you want to see a fashion show on a daily basis, this will be the place! :) What adorable dresses...and hats...and even a little pair of shoes! We kept imagining what our sweet little girl will look like in them and it was a wonderful moment I'll always cherish. Thank you, Judy and Jen...for thinking of us, sharing with us and loving us on this journey!

Just as the grass begins to turn green, or the trees begin to bud, or the flowers begin to emerge from the ground before winter's grip finally loosens...there are signs of hope, promise, provision and joy continuing to flow into our lives. We are humbled. We are thankful. We are blessed. We are overjoyed. We know God's hand has been in this journey long before it ever began and certainly all along the way since then. Yet seeing Him work so faithfully, even when we have concerns and instabilities of life all around us...renews our walk along this path. Every journey has mountains, valleys, turns, storms, wind and then those glorious sunny days. But we have been consistently reminded that we are never alone. We thank Him for His faithfulness and we thank you who have allowed Him to work through your lives to touch ours.

So, we are now 23 months along in our "Log In Date" (aka "LID.") and we are almost three years into the process. In fact, our first meeting with our adoption agency was in March of 2006, three years ago this month, before we officially turned in our application in July of 06. It's been quite a journey already. And it's far from over. Has it been easy? No. Has it been blessed? Absolutely. Has it been worth it? Oh yes!

We appreciate each and every prayer, hug, encouraging word, inquiry and blessing along the way as God faithfully reminds us that He has this all in His hands. We're not alone because of Him and because of you. It is our hope and prayer that you realize you are never alone in your journey, either. Let's continue to walk along our journeys together...gratefully.
Cherishing each step,
Terri & Family

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Unexpected Reminders

The last few days have been quite interesting and I just had to share the joy with you. Of course, we're seeing more signs of spring. (Yay!!) I went outside to "play" basketball with our son yesterday afternoon and although I missed more baskets than I made, it was wonderful to enjoy the warmth of the sun, the fresh breeze...and the grass that is gradually becoming green again! The trees are beginning to bud, there is new growth slowly emerging around us...and the hope of spring is tangibly displaying its promise. The winter seemed especially long and now the changing of seasons is definitely upon us. What a blessing.

As I shared in my last post, the waiting time in our journey to our little girl/s in China has seemed quite lengthy lately. But we continue to trust that God's plan remains and in His perfect timing, design and leading, we will definitely see the "winter of waiting" turn into "spring of promise." Later this week, we will reach the twenty-three month anniversary of our Log-In-Date and as long as that sounds, we know we are that much closer to seeing our sweetie/s and bringing JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) home with us. But there is never a moment we don't miss her/them. There is never a moment we don't love them. There is never a moment we cannot pray for our sweet baby girl/s and all the care that others are so unselfishingly providing for her/them. Although we've yet to hold her in our arms, our hearts have held a very special place for her for a long, long time. And we miss her. He so perfectly orchestrates, God knows what is on our hearts and He sends just the right reminder into our lives. We are then encouraged to keep holding on and cherishing each step in our journey. The past several days, we have been blessed with the love, prayers and interests of many friends at Church and in our community as they ask about our journey. Oh, how that touches our hearts! Thanks to all of you for caring and continuing to walk beside us.

There are even other friends we stay in contact with by email and Facebook who continue to encourage us. Each word spoken, each prayer lifted up and each thought extended touches us beyond words!! Thanks to each of you. Another dear friend of mine has been so thoughtful lately. She has reached out so graciously several times in the past few days to remind me that we are never alone. Thank you, Kim, for all you are doing to walk this journey with us, too. Just when our hearts ache the most, we are blessed abundantly. Truly, we are never alone...and neither is our baby girl in China. The very same God who holds us together in friendship is also holding our baby girl/s in His arms as well. How incredible is that!

Thank all of you...for caring, praying, smiling, hugging, loving, walking, sharing and encouraging our journey. Always, always know that there is joy in the journey because of the blessings along the way...and that includes each of you who are so near and dear to our hearts. Thank you, God, for the unexpected reminders. May our dear friends, family members...and our baby girl/s in China....always know that we love them and are praying for their journeys each day.
Cherishing each one beside us,
Terri & family

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Signs of Spring

It just keeps happening. No matter how much snow, ice, cold or windy weather arrives, we continue to see signs of spring. The days are getting longer. Warmer days surprise us a little more frequently. Birds seem to be singing a song of excitement and anticipation. Ahhhh, spring is just around the corner.

Anyone who knows me realizes that I welcome warm weather. I really look forward to spring and I absolutely love summer. So it's not uncommon for me to begin the "countdown to spring" around sixty days before the official calendar spring season. It gives me focus, hope and a reminder that the brutally cold winter season will pass and the warmer days are just ahead. Of course, fall and winter have their purpose and beauty. I would never deny that. But my personal favorites are spring and summer. It's been an especially long winter so every little sign of spring is welcomed with tremendous enthusiasm in our home.

Likewise, the long, long wait for our little girl/s seems to take forever sometimes. We will soon reach the twenty-three month LID anniversary. But just when I feel the "winter" season chilling my journey as we miss our little girl/s even more, I am equally reminded that the "spring and summer" seasons will come, as well.

Recently, two friends have touched our hearts...and we are so thankful for their reminders which I consider "signs of spring"in our adoption journey. Not long ago, Yolanda sent more pictures of her precious daughter from China and an incredible note that encouraged us beyond words. I remember reading her blog as she waited to bring her sweetie home. Now she is encouraging me with beautiful pictures, encouraging words and heartfelt prayers in our journey. Likewise, we recently reconnected with another friend from college who recently adopted a little boy from China. Thank you, Tim, for your words of encouragement, hope and understanding. It amazes us how God works through so many wonderful friends to convey the message that it may be "winter" now in the journey...but spring is coming! :) To all of our adoptive parent friends in VA, NC, MS and KY, we thank God for you and the joy you have shared. You have walked this journey. You are now holding your little ones in your arms and praying us through this time in our lives. Thank you.

I am gradually learning that each season we experience in life prepares us for the next season ahead. I am sure there is much to learn in our present season. I cannot rush it. I cannot ignore it. I must embrace it and be thankful for it. Each step has its purpose and place along this path of our lives. anxious as we are for spring and summer to arrive, I must accept the cold winter days for the blessings they are, as well. Not every season is easy...but it's definitely worth it.

May you all be blessed in your journeys. May your seasons in life bless you, too. May you always know how much we appreciate your prayers, support and companionship along the way. There is truly joy in our journey.
Cherishing the blessings,
Terri and family

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny!

The day is almost over but my thoughts certainly never stop thinking about a very dear lady in my life. Today is my very precious Grandma Jenny's birthday! Had she not left several years ago, she would have celebrated her ninty-ninth birthday today. I'm sure she's still celebrating but now she's in a place where years aren't so definitive anymore. :) But I had to share a birthday greeting to her anyway. She will always have a very special place in my heart and days like today make me miss her even more and love her even deeper.

She may not have stayed on this earth long enough to see one of her dreams come true but we're still working on it. And some day soon, Lord willing, we will bring home our sweet baby girl from China and tell her all about her namesake. Yes....Jenna Elizabeth (+ Chinese name) Lorenz, aka "JennaBeth" will hear all about her Great Grandmother Jenny and how the love of one precious, humble, gentle and genuine soul...touched countless lives for generations.

I miss you so much, Grandma. I miss sitting at your table and laughing like two school girls. I miss the letters we wrote to one another when I was in college. I miss the phone calls from Kentucky to Virginia late at night when we shared life...and love...and secrets...and dreams. I miss surprising you with unexpected visits to your house when you still thought I was in KY that day. I miss our trips in my little VW. We had some great ones. I miss calling you to ask how you made a special recipe...and you talked me through it. And I still use those recipes for my family! I miss your laughter, your music, your joy and your faith. I miss your smiles and your strength...your love and your hope. I miss hearing your voice and walking into your home where love abounded every moment. I miss hearing the exciting stories from your life and how you remember historical events I've only read about. I miss hugging you...and kissing your cheek...and knowing there would always be a bond between us. I miss you, my precious Grandma Jenny.

But I also remember some of the last words we spoke to one another...and we knew that even though they might be the final words we shared on this earth...we would see one another again someday...forever. I remember the promises we made to one another on this earth and for eternity. I remember you. I remember your love. I remember your incredible influence on my life. And I remember a place in my heart that will always be yours...and only yours. You were...and of a kind. It has been, and will always be, a joy to call you my Grandmother.

Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny. You are one of the greatest blessings in my life. I love you so much and I can hardly wait to hold your namesake in my arms. Then I will tell her for the very first time that her name is Jenna...because of a dear, precious, selfless and loving, faithful woman who had a heart full of love and who changed my life forever. It seems only fitting to name your great-granddaughter after you...when our JennaBeth will also enter our lives with lots of love and will change our lives forever, too.

From all of us here to all the love, glory and hope where you are, Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny. I can only imagine how wonderful the celebration is there for an amazing lady like you. I can hardly wait to hug you once more..for eternity.
Cherishing your life and love always,
Terri and Family

Friday, February 13, 2009

Twenty- Two Months Closer!!

What an exciting day as we celebrate twenty-two months since our Dossier was "Logged In" China's system. Of course, we wish we were holding our baby girl in our arms right now and I can't deny that our hearts ache to have her home with us. But it is wonderful to realize that we are twenty-months closer to her than when we first began this journey. It may be another year or more before we see her picture for the first time. It may be a year and a half before we board a plane to fly to her homeland to meet her, hold her in our arms for the first time and bring her home. As a Mom, I struggle with waiting that long. (I thought nine months were hard during my previous pregnancies!) Yet at the same time, we know that it will all come together at just the right time...with the exact child God has chosen for us...and we cannot rush His plan. Meanwhile, our love continues to grow deeper and deeper for our sweetie pie. We have never seen her. We don't know the day of her birth. Yet she is so loved so very much! All we know is that we have been called by God to open our hearts, lives, family and home to this wonderful, special and precious child...and she is with us every day in our thoughts, prayers and heart. It's hard to explain how much we love this child who lives on the other side of the world yet lives in our hearts. But she is definitely a part of our lives already. Love can't always be explained easily...but there is no question that our baby daughter is loved and a very present part of our family. I can't imagine what it will be like to finally see her...hold her and share life with her. Stay's going to be a great journey!

Meanwhile, as the economy around us brings many adjustments, sacrifices and concerns, please pray for all the adoptive parents in this process. None of us know what tomorrow may bring. It is very concerning, to say the least. So if I could ask you to pray fervently for some specifics right now, it would be two-fold. First, please pray for our sweet JennaBeth...and possibly EmmaKate. Maybe the birth has occurred. Maybe not. Maybe her birth mom still carries her and awaits her arrival. We don't know. But please pray for our baby girl and all those who are caring for her in various ways. Second. please pray for adoptive parents who are dealing with uncertainties, concerns, adjustments, etc.. So much depends on the financial aspect of our journeys. We honestly cherish every prayer you offer on behalf of every family already making selfless sacrifices so that children can be brought home. Our hearts ache for our babies and the concerns grow stronger as the economy grows weaker. We know we must trust in the God who led each of us to this journey. We know He is more than capable of bringing these precious children home to their Forever Families. For that, we are incredibly thankful. And it means so much to know you are all praying, as well. As the old song used to say..."He didn't bring us this far to leave us."

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and although I definitely believe we should express our love to others every day of the year, I ask you to please remember to do so during this special time as well as in every opportunity. Happy Valentines Day to all of you. Without your presence beside us in this journey, it would not be the same. Be blessed....and be a blessing. We are so thankful for each of you!
Cherishing the twenty-two months closer,
Terri & Family