Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Twenty-Nine Months Since Log-In!

Twenty-nine months ago today...twenty nine long but purposeful months have passed since our Dossier was logged in China's system! It's been almost two and a half years since our papers arrived in!! And it's been over three years since our journey first began to our baby girl. So how do we feel during this long wait? Peaceful. Purposeful. Patiently missing her...deeply missing her. But holding on to the hope that God knows every moment, every step, every facet of His design to bring our sweet daughter home. Our hearts ache for her...but our journey to her is completely in His hands and we know that He knows what is best. As I've said before...all the joy and love for her greatly surpasses all the waiting we must endure. It will be worth it all!

This weekend I wrote about our 29th month Log-In anniverary on my Facebook status. As usual, dear friends wrote very encouraging words which mean so much to us. One friend, an adoptive parent himself, wrote the following words that I must share with you:

"Ephesians 1: 3-5
"In the Message it partially reads- "Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son." Know, know know--He is taking great pleasure right now in planning the details!"

Thank you so much, Tim!! When we focus on the awesome wonder of God planning each detail of our journey to our JennaBeth (EmmaKate?), it makes our wait seem so much more purposeful and worthwhile. We're not simply waiting on major paperwork or a process. We are waiting for the hand of God to literally "Mastermind" this entire life-changing blessing in His own amazing, incredible, perfect and very best design. How could we want it any other way? To realize that God is bringing a precious little girl in a country halfway around the world...into our hearts, lives and home at just the right time, for all the right reasons, with every detail according to His personal an overwhelming blessing. We're not only waiting for our daughter...we're trusting God's timing, provision, pleasure and perfection! The Creator of the forming, leading and orchestrating our journey to another incredible gift of life for our family! That's definitely worth the wait!

Jenna Elizabeth * Lorenz...(Emma Katherine * Lorenz?), our hearts are full of love, joy, wonder, anticipation and peace as we wait for you. As much as we miss you and long for you to be home with us, we know that the Hand of God is creating you, caring for you and preparing you for your journey home with us. His love and care. Rest in your homeland which we will always remember. Rest in our love. And rest...knowing that someday soon...we will hold you, hug you, love you and introduce you to your life with us and our loved ones. For your life, and ours, will be changed forever...and we will never be the same. Until the day we travel to meet you and bring you home...always know that you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers. Until the details are complete and in order...we're holding you in our hearts. We're twenty-nine months closer to you, baby girl/s. Rest, baby girl/

Cherishing each detail in God's plan...
Terri and Family

1 comment:

Judy Gloy said...

Rest, we will. But, our hearts long for that/those baby girl/s. Then again, we know we have to be patient. All things good and perfect are worth waiting for. And, this one/these two will certainly be worth the wait because... our Heavenly Father is -as you say, planning the whole thing and making sure it is "just right". We love and thank Him for that! In the meantime, we'll just keep praying that our precious one(s) will be safe and sound and kept in His tender loving care during (and after) the wait is complete and mommy and daddy are on their way to get her and bring her home to her family and friends.

We're one day closer...

Love you, sweet child.

Auntie Judy