Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Journey of Thankfulness

It's almost here...or isn't it always here? Yes, the calendar shows that this is Thanksgiving week and it is an exciting time. Many of us are thawing out turkeys to be prepared for a Thanksgiving meal very soon. I've organized my list so I know exactly when to prepare each side dish, casserole, dessert, etc.. The new tablecloth is already placed "just so" on our table and the special centerpiece is in its place. Our daughter is home from college and our son's Thanksgiving break began when school dismissed this afternoon. My husband will come home from work Thursday morning...and we're excited about being together as a family...finally. I've even heard whispers around the house about putting up Christmas decorations this weekend. But when I slow down long enough to consider the reason for this holiday of Thanksgiving, another question comes to mind. (My Dad always said I asked too many questions during my childhood. No wonder I became a Counseling major!) :)

I certainly rejoice that this is a time for pausing to remember all of our blessings and thanking God for being so good to us. I believe it is very important that we have an "attitude of gratitude." It's a very special time for families to gather and enjoy one another while focusing on the many ways we are blessed. But my question is this: Wouldn't it be great if we remembered to be thankful every day of our lives? Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, and I truly enjoy it and respect it. But wouldn't it be interesting to see how lives could change if we spent time every day being grateful?

Occasionally, folks will ask us, "How in the world are you staying so positive when the adoption process is taking so very long?" I simply choose to believe that every day is a step closer to our baby girl/s. The choice we have is to either sit around worrying and complaining...or to be thankful for the blessings along the way. Of course, we are human and miss our sweetie/s very much already.'s much more enjoyable to consider this a Journey of Thankfulness instead of a journey of frustration. It's all about perspective and that makes all the difference.

Whether you are on a journey of adoption, (like we are), or the journey of life, (as we all are), I pray that you will find joy, peace and thankfulness along your journey. Our journeys are not always easy...but they are definitely worth it. As I close today's post, I want to wish all of you a Blessed Thanksgiving...and a wonderful lifetime of gratitude. Thank you for being such faithful friends, family and professionals as you richly bless our journey to our baby girl/s...and our hearts and lives along life's way. May you be richly blessed...and may you be a continuous blessing to all those you meet.
Thankful for our Journey of Blessings,
Terri & family

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