Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Sweet, Timely...and Pink Surprise :)

As the pace continues during this season, we all feel the increasing pressures and our family is certainly no exception. Our daughter is wrapping up the university's fall semester this week with her final exams. Our son is anticipating one more week of high school before a much deserved break. My husband is working hard at his job and trying to help me get projects completed. I am trying to keep the household running while running everywhere except at home...and feeling a bit overwhelmed. So it's a busy time but the blessings continue...and my, how they appear at just the right moment!

Yesterday I took a little break and had lunch with my friend, Judy. She is so supportive of our journey to our baby girl and she's one of those people that you just can't be around without smiling! This week had been a bit stressful and our lunch was such good medicine! What I had not shared with anyone at that point was that we received word just yesterday that some of the adoption expenses in China will greatly increase at the beginning of 2009 so our "walk of faith" has become more of an enormous "leap of faith" when I read that news. I had been holding this information inside until I could tell Tim and my heart was quite heavy about it. Like everyone else, we are experiencing the economy's effects and hearing about even more expenses just put a knot in my throat when I needed it the least.

At just the right time, though, a blessing was shared and I was reminded that we are not alone in this journey of stress...etc. As soon as Judy and I met, she handed me a beautiful pink gift bag and her smile illuminated the entire town! No kidding! :) I opened up the gift and there was the most adorable outfit for our little JennaBeth! It is an OshKosh pink "bib overall" set with a beautiful white shirt and I just hugged her...and it! For in that moment, I was reminded that we are not alone in the journey's challenges, mountains and valleys as we travel toward our baby girl/s. There are dear, dear people who are loving, praying, caring and encouraging us just when we need it most. Oh how my heart aches daily for our little girl/s. Oh how we miss her/them. Oh how we wish we could spend Christmas with our sweeties. But oh what a joy to know that as we wait, work, wonder and wish...we are given such dear blessings of true friends/family who love and pray us through! Thank you, Judy! I know that you don't do the things you do so that I will mention it on our blog. I know that your heart is one who praises God and glorifies Him in all that you do! Bless you, our dear friend! But I just had to share this perfect example of how God works things in His perfect timing, plan and people to help us keep moving toward our sweet baby girl/s!

I always strive to write positive thoughts and words on our blog. Yet at the same time, I must be realistic and share the concerns and challenges because the journeys of life, family and adoption are not always easy. But it is my deepest desire to share with you that in the middle of the struggles, concerns, frustrations or is still a blessing! Holding on to those joys and blessings make all the difference as we continue our journey! So please understand that this is not about problems...but about praises we want to share with others along the way. We are so very thankful for all of you walking beside us, praying for our sweet baby girl/s, loving our family through this adventure...and cheering for us as we continue. It is our earnest desire to encourage you as wonderfully as you encourage us! Life is so much more meaningful as we walk together, isn't it?

So hang on, sweet baby girl/s! We have another adorable gift to share with you when we see you. It's going to be worth every step we take to finally meet you, hold you and bring you home. What amazing friends and family you will meet! What a gift you are to us already. What gifts these dear people are to us as we walk toward you! I miss you so much. Last night as I held the beautiful little outfit in my arms, your big brother, Micah, asked me what I was thinking. I asked him why? He quickly replied..."Mom, you had the biggest smile on your face when you were holding that!" Yes...I have some amazing reasons to smile...and life is blessed.

We thank God for each of you. We pray that we all remember that even when life isn't easy, it is always blessed! Thank you for blessing our journey!
Cherishing the blessings,
Terri & family

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Almost Here...

Yes, it's almost here! The pace has begun. Yesterday we attended our town's annual Christmas parade in freezing cold and snowy white weather conditions. But that didn't seem to interfere with the season! (Of course, there was this most amazing young man in the high school marching band that we believe is the greatest trumpet player in the universe!) it was our son but we are not one bit biased. :)

It's almost here! Just a few days ago, we traveled ninety miles one way to watch our alma mater's annual "Feast of Christmas" Dinner Theater/Music program. And there was a beautiful young lady who had to be the most amazing soprano on the entire planet! (Again, we are not biased but she just happens to be our daughter!) :) It didn't matter that it was cold outside and we didn't get home until way after midnight. The season has begun.

It's almost here. Today we're gathering the tree, ornaments, decorations and details to prepare for the Christmas season. The shopping has begun, (and we have more to do, for sure), and the plans are underway. The season has definitely begun to show all around us as homes, businesses and towns display their festive greetings.

Yet we are fully aware that as the season progresses, there are many folks struggling in multiple ways. The economy is affecting families severely. Friends have lost loved ones recently. Families are not always peaceful. Life is not always as we wish it would be. It seems the season simply magnifies the blessings...and yet the concerns...of life all around us.

Some would say that we must simply think positively and all will be ok. Others would resign to focusing on concerns alone. Some think of themselves only. Others ache for a hurting world and try to make a difference. Regardless of where we fit in those categories, the season is upon us and we must decide what this season means to us and how we will respond to it.

Oh, how I long for a perfect world. How I long for others to not hurt physically, emotionally, etc. How I wish that there was no disease, death, disappointment or despair in our world. How I long for everyone to get along and enjoy the gifts of life and love. How wonderful it would be if this world was one of peace.

And then I think...and wonder...and wish...and pray...and hope. For we are always "in a season" in our lives. We certainly don't have to wait until the end of the year to promote joy, hope, love and peace. We don't have to limit "good will" to others to a week or two in December. For how we live each moment, each day, each season is so very important. Yes...there will be seasons of pain, loss, sadness, confusion, discouragement and concern. But there are also reasons to hope, endure, share and love no matter what is going on within or around us.

As our family awaits the wonderful, amazing and incredible journey of our baby girl/s in the future, I am reminded of another precious baby who made His way to this earth many years ago. His life was not an easy one. He hurt. He had concerns. He was disappointed. He lost loved ones. He saw others who faced pain and disease. But His purpose continued and He made a difference! He still does. He was here for a season then. He is with us today. He will return later. Life is not just what surrounds us. It is Who lives within us!

Yes, there is an aching in my heart for our baby girl to be with us during this Christmas season. It's certainly not the same without her. But the time will come and it will be worth the wait and all that was involved until she joins our family. Likewise, there is an aching in my heart for our world as we see the cares and concerns of life obviously escaping no one. But we cannot forget that Baby born long ago. And He gives us hope in every season.

It's almost here. It IS here. There is hope for every season. May you and yours be blessed with peace, joy, hope and love during this Christmas season...and every season of your lives. You are never alone!
Blessings to you all with love,
Tim, Terri, Rachel & Micah

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Missing Her...Missing Them

This post is a little harder to write but there's a very dear reason I want to share a few thoughts today. It is always my intention to write from a positive perspective because we truly believe that life is a journey of blessings. Yet as we all know, life is indeed blessed but sometimes not easy. Today is one of those days...but the blessings involved far outweigh the challenges.

Seven years ago today, my precious Grandmother left this earth for her eternal home. It has not been easy missing her during these years. From my earliest memories, "Grandma Jenny" was a very important part of my life. She never owned a car. She never had a computer. She lived a modest and quiet life. She resided in a small town in the mountains of Virginia. She never went to college. She never held public office. But she is one of the most influential people I have ever known and only on the other side of heaven will we know how many lives she touched in her ninety-one years!

Grandma had a heart that knew no boundaries. She loved everyone she could and tried to treat everyone fairly and respectfully...even those who mistreated her. She had a way of making each individual feel loved, valued, cherished and important. She had a contagious laugh and it was easy to forget that she was decades older than her grandchildren. She was so "young at heart" that she brought life, joy, laughter and enthusiasm to everyone around her. Her memory was amazing. She could describe someone's words, clothes, actions and appearance decades later. She could repeat a conversation verbatum...from many years ago. She would tell me how to cook something without ever looking in a cookbook while I busily wrote down the instructions so I wouldn't forget her words five minutes later! :) (And oh, how she could cook!) Grandma knew what was important. She lived a life of unconditional love, fairness, forgiveness, encouragement, faith, kindness, peace, patience, commitment, family, courage and confidentiality. She never forgot a birthday, anniversary or the birth of her grandchildren...or even the weather that accompanied an eventful day! She told me about living through the Great Depression, hearing about the Titanic as a young child, working hard to provide for her children and assisting a doctor who made house calls to deliver babies! She sang. She played piano. She saw so much in her lifetime. She learned much. She loved much. She taught much. She is missed very much.

I miss visiting her on my lunch hours when I worked at the bank in her town. I miss talking to her on the phone as a child, student...and wife. I miss our slumber parties! I miss the letters we wrote while I was in college! I miss seeing her at Christmas time and wishing her a Happy Birthday in February. I miss the secrets we shared, the laughter we enjoyed, the dreams we had and those late night chats. But she will always have a special place in my heart...and in our family. For when our baby girl is placed into our arms, she will be named "Jenna Elizabeth" and called "JennaBeth"...and one of Grandma Jenny's dreams will finally come true. A short time before she passed away, Grandma commented that of all the grandchildren she had, she had always hoped that one would have her name. I promised her that if another baby girl ever joined our family, she would indeed bear Grandma's name. Little did I realize how soon Grandma would leave this world...and little did we realize that our journey to our baby girl/s would take us halfway around the world years later.

We miss you, Grandma Jenny. We love you so much. Someday we will hold our new baby girl and whisper for the very first time to our Jenna Elizabeth that she is loved dearly and is named after you!! Whenever we speak or hear JennaBeth's name already, I immediately think of your precious life. Oh, how we miss you! Oh, how we miss our baby girl/s! Oh how we long for the day when we will all be together. I can hardly wait for you to meet your namesake, Grandma!

Until then, our hearts ache for our precious Grandma Jenny, (and all our dear Grandparents.) And our hearts ache for our sweet little baby girl/s. But what a joy it is to have known those who came before us in this journey, to enjoy those who walk beside us now and to look forward to those we will soon welcome into our family. Life is indeed a journey of blessings past, present and future. We love, we miss, we cherish and we hope. We are indeed grateful...and blessed.
Cherishing each loved one in our journey,
Terri & Family

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Nineteen Months...and Still Moving Forward!

It was nineteen months ago today since we were "Logged In" China's system...and it seems like a very long time. But I am convinced that it is very worth the wait! Of course it would be incredibly wonderful if we could have our little darling/s here with us as the Holidays approach. But we know that isn't going to happen this year...and probably not next year, either. Yet each moment...each day...each week...each month...and each step brings us closer to our sweet baby girl/s. Even when it seems we're sitting still and simply waiting, we are reminded that we are still moving forward!!

Yesterday was a little more challenging for me for some reason. I guess seeing the temperatures fall along with the leaves...and already feeling the pressure of the holiday preparations upon us, I was beginning to get that overwhelmed feeling. Even more so, I just longed to see a picture or even better, HOLD our little girl/s, and see progress "in action." Well, the temperatures still fell along with the leaves. There was no miraculous timing of a referral letter...and we didn't see any pictures of our baby girl/s. But...we were blessed in a surprising way.

While in college, I met a sweet, sweet gal named Yolanda. We sang in concert choir together and shared lots of laughs and life. Who knew that someday she would be blessed with several children, including a precious daughter from China! And who knew that we would be blessed with our children...and while one is in college and the other in high school...we would be waiting for one, (or two, if twins are available), sweet daughter/s from China? Yolanda has been enjoying her sweet baby girl for a while now and "out of the clear blue" she decided to email some pictures to me...yesterday!!! While I "oooohed and ahhhhed" over the pictures, I couldn't help but acknowledge that we were blessed so abundantly again!!! Thank you sooooo much, Yolanda! You touched my heart, my family...and our "Journey of Blessings" in perfect timing. Yolanda also commented "He will bless you, too--in His perfect time." Wow!!!! Perfect words and perfect reminders at the perfect time! How can I ever doubt that God's plan, provision, guidance and timing will be just as incredible in bringing our sweet daughter/s home, as well? Absolutely...positively...we are still moving forward!!!

Thank you for all the prayers, reminders, encouragement and love so many of you share with us along this journey. Thank you for the wonderful ways you touch our we wait...yet move forward...toward our baby girl/s. Thank you for mentioning our little girls to us. That helps more than you may realize. Thank you for continuing to hope, love, pray and walk beside us every moment. Thank you for "somehow" knowing just when to say the right words when we are missing our sweet little daughter/s so much. And thank you to my precious husband, daughter and son for keeping little "JennaBeth" (and "EmmaKate"?) close in our hearts and home as we wait. It's so neat when we see little Asian girls on tv and we all say "ahhhhhhhh" in unison with tears in our eyes!!! What a joy that is as we wait for our little sweetie/s to join our "forever family!"

The holidays are almost here...and I miss our sweetie/s so much. Nineteen months have now officially passed since "Log In"...and twenty-eight months have passed since we first began this journey! We are definitely still moving forward...and we're closer than ever before! We're never alone. Neither are you. Let's keep moving forward...together!
Cherishing the journey...past, present and future,
Terri and Family

Monday, November 3, 2008

In the middle of life...

Life has been busy for our family, as usual. But in the middle of it all...we are blessed, grateful, and enjoying each moment in this journey. Our home sometimes seems like "Grand Central Station" but we wouldn't want to miss one moment of this amazing time in our lives.

This weekend was no exception. Our son left Friday morning on a high school band trip. Our daughter came home from college Friday evening. On Saturday morning, Tim and I left for Louisville to attend the band competition while our daughter went to work at the pharmacy. Saturday evening, Tim and I arrived home just before our daughter returned home from work. Meanwhile, our son remained in Louisville with the band. Yesterday began with more trips and errands. During the afternoon, our son arrived back in town with the band. I spent time in the kitchen preparing food for our family and neighbors who are ill....while Tim ran to the store to pick up a few things. We finally had a few hours together as a family...and then our daughter left to return to the university. It was a busy time but we cherished every opportunity we had to be together. It's not always this hectic...but in the middle of the trips, laundry, cooking, packing, unpacking and preparing for this week....we realized we had been given so many blessings.

Not one day passes in the middle of the work, school, home and errands that we don't think about our baby girl/s. Is she, (or they), born yet? How are her birth parents doing during this time in their lives? How are the caregivers who work so diligently to meet the needs of these precious babies? How are all those involved in government offices and adoption agencies doing as they continue to work to bring the children together with their "Forever Families?" How are the other waiting families doing as they continue with paperwork, preparations and "patience-building" during this journey to their babies? What does our little girl look like? What did her day involve? Does she have any idea how very, very loved she is on both sides of the planet? Does she suck her thumb or twist her hair? Does she like music? Is she learning to talk already? Does she realize how many people are praying for her? Even though we have never seen her picture and don't even know her date of birth, we thank God for her every day and our hearts are overflowing with joy and love for her. In the middle of life, our family and our hearts....she is truly with us every moment!

We were indeed reminded recently that the same God who holds our Jenna Elizabeth, ("JennaBeth"), (and maybe our Emma Katherine--"EmmaKate"), in His hands continues to bring us all closer together in His loving and perfect plan. Last Friday our mailman began frantically blowing his horn in front of our house. I was a bit puzzled for we had not ordered anything recently and I couldn't imagine what package would be coming to our home. But I walked out to his car on our street and he handed me a package from a dear friend of ours in Indiana. Once I got inside, I quickly opened the package and found a precious, precious book entitled "On The Night You Were Born." As I sat down and read it, the tears began to fall. Our sweet friend, Joyce, found this book and chose to send it to us for our baby girl/s. The book is adorable and I would highly recommend it to any of you who have children or grandchildren...or just want to read it for yourselves! (And that comes from my personal Mom, counselor and teacher perspectives!) Thank you, Joyce, for allowing God to work through you to remind us that the birth of our little daughter/s is still being witnessed, orchestrated and blessed by our wonderful Heavenly Father. Although we are not present for her birth, our baby is still in the most loving and capable hands we could ever imagine! I can hardly wait to read it to our little sweetie/s. Our 20 year old daughter read it aloud this weekend and we were both teary-eyed when she finished! I think I'll even read it to our almost 17 year old son soon, too! It touches us all as we remember that we are created and brought into this world with an incredible design and purpose! Wow!!

So in the middle of life's busy schedules, demands, noises and concerns, please remember that life is indeed a precious gift. You are not alone, dear ones. Our baby girl/s are not alone. Our family is not alone. You have been given this gift of life for an incredible purpose and you are special! You are special to Him...and you are special to us! Our thoughts and prayers continue for each of you as we walk together in this journey of blessings!
Cherishing life,
Terri & Family

Monday, October 20, 2008

As the Seasons Change...

The year is passing so very quickly in many ways...except for the journey to our baby girl/s, that is. :) But we continue to count our blessings and remember that each day brings us a step closer to bringing our sweetie/s home. So we wait...and soak in the blessings along the way.

Last week, Tim and I took a couple trips to visit our daughter in college. As parents, it only takes one call to hear "Mom, I need..." and we're figuring out a way to get there. It was so worth it in many ways. One unexpected joy in those trips was driving on the country and interstate roads and seeing the fall colors lavishly dancing along the way. The gold, orange, red and even taupe hues were abundant as we made our journey. It was breathtaking to see how perfectly placed these colors, hillsides, foliage and woodlands were presented to remind us that another season has arrived.

Quite honestly, autumn is not my most favorite time of year. I love spring and summer's warm and colorful palettes even more. But fall is a beautiful time of year...especially after the weeds have retreated! :) Autumn is a great time of year for me, though. Our firstborn child arrived in the fall. I love the sound of bands playing and football crowds roaring in the stands. I enjoy the crisp air teasing us and inviting us to new menus of soup, pumpkin pie and hot tea or apple cider. I enjoy watching folks come and go as the nip of fall brings natural blushes to their faces. I suppose my greatest concern about fall, though, is that winter soon follows. And as beautiful and exciting as winter can be, I am always concerned about loved ones dealing with slick roads, ice storms and cold, cold temperatures.

Yet our scenic drives last week reminded me once more of the beauty of changing seasons. Each one has its own beauty. Each one has a purpose. Each one prepares for the next season, as well. And even when we can't see it all happening before us, it is a constant cycle of change to be enjoyed and appreciated. That's a bit like life, isn't it? As Tim and I strolled along our alma mater's campus, it was hard to believe that we had been students there decades ago! It sure doesn't seem that long but that was an earlier season in our life. Then we had the season of parenting little ones and we believed that the next eighteen years were going to be a much longer time frame. Yet we turned around all too soon to realize that our children are no longer little ones. Both are driving. She is in college and is a young adult. He is in high school and is a teenager. How quickly it has gone! The seasons have been purposeful and passed more quickly than we ever anticipated. Yet we wouldn't trade one single day of those seasons for anything. Each season was an incredible blessing in its own way as it led to another wonderful and blessed season in the journey of life as a family.

The journey to our baby girl/s is not that different. We've been walking along this road for over two years. We have been logged in now for eighteen months. And as challenging as it is to wait, each season of our journey to our sweetie/s is precious. Once again, I am reminded of the words of several friends who have encouraged us in this journey. One said "God's timing is always right." So we must trust that the waiting continues until the time God designed for us to meet our little one/s. Another said "God has a master plan." If He can plan the perfect and beautiful seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, I'm sure He's capable of planning our journey to our little daughter/s. Another friend said "When they place her in your arms, it all makes sense." We believe that is worth waiting for!! Some seasons are a bit more exciting and some seasons are a bit more challenging. But each one has its reason and its beauty in our journey.

So we continue to walk, pray, love, hope and enjoy each step...and each season. Whether we are in the season of paperwork, rest, dreaming, more paperwork, uncertainty or celebrating each milestone along the way...we are grateful. We are blessed. We are thrilled. And we are never alone. Thank you for walking beside us each moment. May you be blessed in each of your journeys...and seasons, as well!
Cherishing each season,
Terri and family

Sunday, October 5, 2008

In Our Hearts While We're Apart...

Being a parent is the highest calling in my life. It brings the greatest joys while also pulling on my heart in the deepest capacities I've ever known. To love my children more than life itself means that my entire world has changed with motherhood. Of course, I still have personal dreams, goals and some degree. :) But I would trade it all in a moment...for my children. Today is no exception.

Our daughter just drove off to return to the university campus. It was a special weekend for we celebrated her birthday a little early. Tomorrow will be the first official birthday we will spend "apart" and yet I knew it would someday happen. But my heart throbs for who knew that the years would pass so very quickly? Who knew that the little baby girl I held for the first time twenty years ago would grow up so rapidly and move on to college while we see less and less of her at home? We will wait by the phone until we know she is back on campus safely...and we'll miss her terribly every moment yet rejoice in her endeavors, her life and her purpose. And each phone call, text message, email or word from her will be held in our hearts as we love her yet watch her soar as a young adult.

Our son just drove away for a quick trip to the store. He will return in just a little while and I will breathe a sigh of relief that he is safely back home. Yet all too soon, he will also drive off to college in another year or two...and we'll once again adjust to the shocking reality that our babies have become adults and our parenting roles have changed dramatically. It seems like only yesterday they were both in car seats anticipating the newest kid's meal toys as we made our Friday night trips to the local burger drive-through. One night I specifically remember them telling me what they wanted to be "when they grow up" and we spent a few minutes dreaming of all their options. Our daughter eventually stopped and said "Mommy, what do you want to do when you grow up? What do you dream about doing?" Without any hesitation, I responded "I'm living my dream, sweetie. It just doesn't get any better than this! I'm living it right now."

Now as one drives back to the university and one drives to the store, I think about how we've given them roots...and are learning to give them wings. I realize that my heart never ceases to learn new depths of loving them. I'm learning to love them when they're near and love them in my heart when we're apart. It's not easy...but it's a new step in our journey of life.

We are also in a season of life where we love another precious child who has not quite yet made it home for the first time. Instead of loving her at home and then loving her from a distance, we have loved her from a distance originally and long to bring her home more each day. We know our little Jenna Elizabeth ("JennaBeth")...and possibly our Emma Katherine ("EmmaKate") far away in miles. But our hearts certainly hold a very deep love for our baby girl/s that cannot be shaken by time or distance. So we wait...and we love...and we pray...and we learn more and more about parenting whether our children are in our arms...or in our hearts while we're apart. Nothing can separate us from the love we hold for each of them!

So happy birthday, Rachel. And drive home safely, Micah. And hold on, baby girl/s, as we wait for the day we meet you for the very first time and bring you home. May all of you remember that you're never alone and you're never without our our arms...or in our hearts while we're apart! I love you always....Mom.
Cherishing the journey of parenthood,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Seventeen months...and waiting? That's ok!

There's nothing new to tell in our journey of waiting except that we have now been logged into the CCAA (China Center Adoption Affairs) for over seventeen months. Our journey actually began in July of 2006 when we first applied as adoptive parents with the adoption agency. But the "waiting ticket" becomes the Log-in Date (L.I.D.) and that's what we continue to do. We have been "officially updated" in the system with USCIS (Homeland Security) this summer and again, we wait. But that's ok.

All along, we knew that the road would be uncertain in many ways. We knew we would have no control over the timeframe involved. We knew it was totally out of our hands as to when we would hold our baby girl/s in our arms. In fact, when we first began, the wait was around 18 months. Now it's close to 30. But that's ok.

We have recently been informed that the referral rate has increased, which is good news. What this means is that recently, each month would only produce around 3 L.I.D. days of referrals. It has now increased to nine days. And that's very ok! :)

Does this mean that the wait is easy? Absolutely not. Does this mean that we dream any less of the moment the nanny hands us our daughter? No way. Does this mean that we sometimes wonder if we'll be in our 90s when we begin raising our daughter? :) Not really. (Think Abraham and Sarah!) Does this mean we are learning all about faith and trusting that it will all happen at just the right time and in just the right way with just the right baby girl/s? Definitely!

Of course we would love to have our baby girl home with us right now. But it's even more important to follow the plan of the One who initially brought us into this journey. He is in control. We are not. He knows what is best. We do not. He moved our hearts to this blessed opportunity and He will bring His baby girl/s into our family in His very special and selected moment. And that's incredibly ok!

So we wait, pray, love and learn about faith, God, dreams and the journey of blessings we travel. We learn about ourselves and what He has in store each new day. We learn about others, about life, about what's really important...and what's not. We learn about making choices that serve Him and not ourselves. We learn about placing our trust, our lives, our hopes, our dreams, our family and our baby girl/ His hands. After all, He's already holding them there!

Sometimes people ask us if we're ready to "start all over again" as parents. There's an easy answer to that question. We never finished! Being a Mom and Dad to our children has been the highest calling in our lives so far and that won't matter how old they are...or how long it takes to bring the youngest one/s home. So we live, love, laugh and learn today...and leave the tomorrows in His hands. Yes...we're still waiting...and that's ok!

Thank you for your continued prayers for our family, our journey and our baby girl/s!
Cherishing the journey and waiting on Him,
Terri and family

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Weekend With Family

We spent some time last weekend attending family reunions...two within twenty-four hours, actually! It kept us busy but it repeatedly reminded me of the importance of family. We traveled to Virginia on Saturday to enjoy our annual Labor Day weekend cookout. This involves my parents, my four brothers, their families and my family. There was an abundance of food, laughter and reminiscing...and of course, taking pictures to capture the moments.

On Sunday afternoon, we visited with my Dad's siblings and their families. How interesting it was to see aunts, uncles and cousins I had not seen for over twenty years. Yet when we were together, we immediately reconnected, reminisced guessed it...took pictures to capture the moments.

Family is a blessing in itself. We may not get to see one another often due to distance, schedules, etc.. We may even live different lives, have different tastes, make different choices and have different goals. Yet we're still family. As I observed the exciting ways my own family, my original family and my extended family have grown...I couldn't help but think about the exciting moments ahead with our baby girl/s. She wasn't in our physical presence last weekend but she was definitely in our hearts, thoughts and lives. She may or may not be born yet...but she lives in our hopes, dreams, prayers and journey. I look so forward to the day we hold her in our arms and welcome her to our "Forever Family." I think about her learning to say Daddy and Momma, Rachel and Micah. I dream about her learning all her Grandparents', uncles, aunts and cousins' names. (That may take awhile!) I imagine what it will be like for her to meet all our friends in our community, our church and our hometowns. I imagine sharing her with our adoption community as she learns how dreams do come true for so many children and parents. And I dream about her realizing how deeply she is loved on this earth and in Heaven. I want her to really understand what "Family" means for it influences our lives forever.

So to all of you walking along this journey with us, thank you for being a special part of our family, too. As my brother, Dana, shared with me last weekend that he checks our website regularly, I was reminded that we are indeed blessed by the family members and friends who consistently read and pray about our journey to our baby daughter/s. We thank God for all of you. Our family has been touched forever by so many kind people. I pray your lives are blessed as deeply as you have blessed our lives so far.

Our family loves you, JennaBeth (and EmmaKate?)! Come home soon, sweet baby girl/s.

Cherishing family, friends and the journey,
Terri and family

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Crocs and VT Socks!!!

What a marvelous day it has been. My dear friend, Judy, and I went out to eat...Chinese food, of course! And we had a blast, as usual. It was incredible. We laughed, we shared, we ate and we had a great time together. What a blessing she is to our family! And the story gets better.

A few weeks ago, we met for lunch, (another Chinese restaurant, of course), and she handed me a baby gift bag. When I reached in, I was thrilled to find several adorable pair of Virginia Tech socks for our baby girl/s!!! If any of you know know I'm a huge VT fan! Our entire family loves Virginia Tech, (my old stomping ground) well as Ohio State, (Tim's neck of the woods), and a couple other schools. So I was ecstatic! But Judy told me that more was to come...and she was right.

Today she handed me another baby gift bag. Enclosed were two pair of baby Croc the little decorative attachments to go on them...Donald Duck, Daffy Duck...and Virginia Tech!! They are adorable! Can you imagine me squealing with laughter? really happened. :) It was a wonderful moment. I wish I knew how to transfer (upload?) pictures on here and I'd show these precious items to you. Someday I'll learn. (Helpful hints are welcome!) Anyway, we had such a great time with those. I understand Judy's sister, Joyce---another precious friend---helped select these items during one of their famous shopping trips. Not only will we enjoy these wonderful items for our baby girl/s...but we'll always cherish the love, friendship and kindness that they represent. Thank you so much, Judy, Ralph and Joyce! I believe we'll be packing some VT items to take to China with us!

Although the wait remains long...we are continually blessed and enjoying every step of this journey. A friend reminded me this week, (thanks, Kenna!), that it is worth it...and as an adoptive Mom herself, she certainly understands. We truly believe that every step of this journey to our baby girl/s will be in God's perfect timing and master plan. We rejoice that as we long to embrace our little one/s in our arms someday, there are so many of you embracing us along this journey today. We love you all and we are thankful for each of you!
Cherishing the journey,
Terri and family

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Another Blessed Day in our Journey

We were very surprised and delighted when we went to the mailbox today and found an envelope from USCIS, (Homeland Security). We received THE document that officially approves our updated status in the adoption process! Yay!!!! We thought it might take a little longer but thankfully, it didn't.'s official! We're entering a new "waiting season" for our little girl/s from China. Whether we will go through this updating process again remains to be seen. But one thing we do know...we are one step closer to our baby girl/s and we are thrilled. What a wonderful day and what an incredible blessing!

As always, thank you for your continue prayers and encouragement. This journey is long but amazing in the many ways we have been blessed. There will definitely be joy in the moment that we post the referral picture of our JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) on this website. But we are also very joyful to know there are such precious family and friends who are walking beside us in this exciting journey. It wouldn't be the same without you!
Cherishing the moment.
Tim, Terri and family

Monday, August 18, 2008

Miles Between....

It's not easy being separated from loved ones. Yet we seem to do that often in our lives, don't we? The past week has been a true example of that yet again. Last week, our son began another year in high school. It doesn't seem like his summer lasted more than a few weeks. So as wonderful as the opportunities are there, I wasn't ready for him to return to school. He has quite a schedule this year with pre-college and advanced courses, marching band, concert band, driving, etc.. I'm sure a job search is just around the corner for him, too. So life continues with great blessings and then some major adjustments, as well.

Yesterday we moved our daughter back to the university. That wasn't easy, either. She was very excited to return to her friends, classes, concert choir, a new dorm room, etc.. And she is working two jobs this year. So she's going to be a busy young lady. We're also excited for the opportunities that lie ahead for her. But again...there are miles between us and that's not always easy. As I told her last night, at least we're less than two hours away from her. It could be much worse. And we are very thankful for that. But the Mom's heart in me knows that life is very blessed yet always changing.

As we've watched the Olympics on tv, I can't help but wonder about another special part of our family. Viewing the scenes from China has been exciting, interesting and encouraging. Yet it also brings that ache in a Mom's heart for our precious baby girl/s we long to see...and hold...and love. We miss our baby girl/s so much. I don't travel as much as I used to but seeing the scenes from China gets me more excited about going there to meet our daughter/s. It will be the journey of a lifetime, no doubt. China is her home country and will always be a part of our family so that makes it special to us! And the miles between us seem great now...but will eventually bring us together.

So it's a sentimental time in our home for many reasons. It's much too quiet here...for now. :) Our children are back in school. Our baby girl/s are halfway around the world. And I long for us all to be together....again...and for the first time. But one thing I remember is that no matter how many miles separate us from loved doesn't change the love in our hearts except it makes it stronger.

Have a great new school year, Rachel and Micah. We're proud of you. Hold on, dear baby girl/s...we are moving closer to you each day. Someday soon, we'll all be together as the family we already cherish so dearly.
Loving across the miles,
Terri and family

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Truly Blessed Day! is a Monday...and it's been raining...but it's been an incredibly blessed day for our family in this journey! Today around noon, our social worker came to visit us for the Home Study update inspection and interview. What a precious, precious lady! We all sat around the kitchen table sharing from our hearts and laughed...and completed the necessary paperwork. We truly thank God for her and the gift she is to our family. We can hardly wait for JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) to meet her!

So...except for the updated Home Study, (which is in progress at this moment), we are pretty much officially "updated." Once we have the USCIS (Homeland Security) document in our hands, we're all set for awhile. Whew! It's been a pretty awesome process this time around. We thank each of you for your continued prayers and support. Knowing you're praying makes all the difference! The journey is long...and sometimes we find ourselves fighting impatience and discouragement. But it's pretty safe to say that today was a vast reminder that God STILL has this journey in His hands...and He's going to carry it through in His perfect timing and master plan. We were surprised to find out that one of our documents needed in this updating process usually takes a long time to return. But guess what? For "some reason"...our report came back in an impressively shorter time frame. Yay God!!! He indeed has it all in His hands!

Hold on, Jenna Elizabeth (and maybe Emma Katherine)! We're another step closer to you and we love you so very much! The same God who is leading our journey to you is also holding you in His mighty and loving hands! We love you and are praying for you, dear baby girl/s. We're holding you in our hearts and will someday hold you in our arms!
Love to all,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pausing for Prayers...

As our journey continues, we have made great progress in gathering updated documents. We continue to wait for one, though, which our social worker told us would take awhile. Our adoption agency advocate also told us this week to wait a little longer before contacting Homeland Security again. So that's one less document to send this week. But the majority of the paperwork has been handled, thankfully. Once our homestudy is updated, we will be in good shape for awhile.

As usual, though, when we are trusting, working and waiting, it is no surprise that satan tries to discourage and distract us. There are always rumors about the adoption wait going around and we deliberately ignore them. But there does seem to be some consistent concerns that the wait may be prolonged anywhere in the three to five year range!!!!! Wow! That's a huge "lump in the throat" to swallow. However, we continue to believe that God is in control and will bring our sweet little girl/s into our lives as He has planned all along. Please pray for our little girl/s..and for God's master timing and perfect plan to continue as He knows best.

Something else we have been considering for a long time is the possibility of special needs adoption. We've known all along that this is something to consider but we have not taken any formal steps to pursue it. We are still in the "seeking God's direction" stage. Considering our ages, we know we could not accomodate a major special needs case. But we could consider less intense ones. So please pray that we will listen and learn God's will for us in this journey and in this special consideration. Special needs waiting times are not as extensive as non-special needs. But we do not want to base our decision solely on waiting times. We want to bring into our family and home the child that God has called us to call our own and that is the most important part of our journey. We truly cherish your prayers for our daughter and for our family as we continue to step closer and closer to her.

I'll admit. Our hearts sink when we hear the words "three to five years' wait." It doesn't make sense. But distraction, discouragement and impatience do not mix well with faith so we need to remind ourselves that the same God who led us to this journey will see us through this journey and no one...except God Himself knows the answer to how long it will take. It's up to Him...and He knows best. Thank you for your kindness, prayers and encouragement as we continue in this journey of blessings. It will be worth every moment when we hold her in our arms!
Cherishing the moment,
Terri and family

Thursday, June 12, 2008


The process of updating our paperwork is in full gear now. We've already received reports back from a couple government offices and continue to wait for others. It's also been a joy to talk with those kind folks who previously wrote letters of reference/recommendation for us and are now renewing those letters for us. So the journey continues...and we are so thankful.

We heard from our adoption agency yesterday and it appears that there is some encouraging news, as well. At one time a year or two ago, referrals were made in month-by-month groupings. For example, the dossiers of that month usually received a month's worth of referrals. But as things progressively slowed down, only a few days of referrals were being matched during a month which meant that more waiting time extended for the adoptive parents. For the first time in a year, about eight days of referrals (instead of two or three days) were matched for the month of June! This is a wonderful step in the direction of possible reduced waiting time. So we rejoice in that slight but optimistic direction. We still have no idea when our baby girl/s will be with us but we are so thankful that there is good news in this area. It is already apparent to our family that the second year of this process is more challenging. The dossier has been sent and logged in...fourteen months ago tomorrow, to be exact!! We are updating paperwork this month and next. And then we wait...more.

Yet I can't help but remember what some wonderful friends continue to tell us. Some have said that "it's all in God's master timing and perfect plan." Another has said "God's timing is always right." And another has said "When you hold her in your arms, it all makes sense." So it is not for us to question the "whys" and "how much longer"...although that comes to mind every day. We'd rather focus on the fact that God indeed knows the specific baby girl/s He has in His plan for us...and He will bring us together when the time is right. So why? Because God isn't finished with this process yet. How much longer? As long as it takes to bring our baby girl/s into our family and home as God has planned! It is tough to wait, I'll admit. While walking through the mall today, I saw a precious little Asian girl and my heart jumped with joy and excitement. Then I realized that our little girl IS on the just the right moment and in just the right way. She may not even be born yet. But she is in God's mind...and in His plan...and in our hearts. As our dear friend also reminded me recently, "God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and His ways are higher than our ways." We will trust in Him.

Meanwhile, we'll continue the updating process...and my friend, Judy, and I may eventually give in and buy those precious little girls' shoes that we've been watching! I mean...a girl can never have too many shoes anyway, right? :] And we want to be ready when the time...and our baby girl/s...arrive! Being "paper pregnant" is not always easy and it is the longest pregnancy I've ever known...but it sure gives us more time for shopping and preparing!!!!! ;]

We are so thankful in our journey for your prayers, your love, your reminders, your encouragement...and for all those who are helping us as we update the paperwork! This is truly a journey of blessings every step of the way! Thank you so much! Blessings to you and yours!
Cherishing the moment,
Terri and family

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another Step Forward

Well, the updating process has officially begun! Yesterday we mailed several documents out for updating our status. Our social worker will visit our home next month so it's really happening! Of course when she comes, we know we're going to have a wonderful visit. She's amazing! So the journey continues and we are grateful for every blessing involved.

It's been a long two years since our journey began with the application process. We've been logged in China's system for almost fourteen months now. But the wait ahead remains very long. It isn't easy...but we know each step takes us closer to our baby girl/s. This is a true faith-builder and an enormous patience-builder. But she is definitely worth every step we take toward her.

Thank you for your continued prayers. Thank your for caring. Thank you for your support during this exciting yet extended season in our lives. It would not be the same without you walking beside us. We'll keep you posted.

Have a great day and know you are always in our thoughts, hearts and prayers. We are so blessed in this journey and we love you all!
Terri & Family

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Touching Base This Weekend

It's a relaxed holiday weekend here and we've enjoyed our time together as a family. We even went to a movie today and we had not done that for a very long time! So it's been a great opportunity to rest and relax a little more than usual...and we cherish these moments greatly.

I don't have much news to tell re: our adoption journey presently. We have been informed that there are additional orphans in China now due to the tragic earthquake. No one knows how this will affect the adoption process for those of us already "logged in" but all we can do is continue to hope, pray, wait and trust that it will all work out in God's perfect timing. Of course, we continue to pray for everyone involved in China as they continue to recover and rebuild from the horrible earthquake.

The wait is hard...but we sincerely believe that it will be worth every moment. And when our little girl/s enters our arms, our family, our lives and our hearts forever, we will look back at this "patience building" process and know that it was time well-invested. Thank you for your continued prayers for our baby girl/s. It makes all the difference to know that we are not alone in this wait...or in our journey.

Meanwhile, Rachel has been home from college for two weeks now and is adjusting quite well. Micah has a few more days of school this week and then he'll be out for summer break. Tim is working hard. And I'm trying to keep everything going as smoothly as possible here at home. We have much to be grateful for and we truly cherish every moment we are together. Time does pass so quickly when we're together...yet so slowly as we wait for our baby girl/s. Funny how that works, isn't it? :)

Enjoy your holiday weekend and most of all, cherish each step of your journey in life. Each breath is a gift! We continue to cherish each of you as you walk beside us through our journey of blessings. May you each be blessed richly!
Cherishing our moments together,
Terri and family

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Praying for China!

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are certainly with the people in China following the recent tragic earthquake! To see the pictures of devastation, hear the statistics of lives lost and affected is nothing less than heartbreaking. We simply ask all of you to please pray for everyone in China as they try to recover and rebuild their lives.

Our adoption agency contacted us last week and shared that all of the adoptive families from our agency who are presently traveling in China are safe and we are very thankful for that. Yet we know that many, many lives have been affected in ways beyond comprehension. I wonder about all the precious babies in the orphanages...the caregivers...the people working so hard to help these babies find their Forever Families...and everyone in the country whose lives have been literally and figuratively shaken beyond our imagination.

Part of our journey of blessings is simply having the opportunity to pray for those situations that we have no control over in this life. This is one of those moments. We don't know how this will affect the adoption journey. We don't know how many people have lost lives, homes, jobs, etc. in China due to the earthquake. But we do know that we can pray for them and that they are not alone. I have already received word from ministries that are presently in China trying to assist during this very challenging time. What an example of kindness in a very confusing world. Even when things "don't make sense," there are people who immediately answer the call to help those in need.

So please pray for China during this time....and for those trying to assist in this time of great turmoil. In a world of pain, loss, instability and confusion, there are continuous examples of people who care and represent hope, kindness, love and unselfishness. May we all be a part of that goal! Please bless someone else's life today! It makes a difference.
Terri and family

Saturday, May 10, 2008


It's been a very busy week. Of course, it's always busy in our home. But this week was even more eventful. Last weekend was exciting. Rachel is in the university choir and their mini-tour included a concert in our town. So we attended that on Saturday night and it was incredible. On Sunday afternoon, our son's high school concert band held their spring concert and awards program so we attended that wonderful event.

This past Thursday, we headed to the university to pack up Rachel's belongings and we brought her home for the summer. That night also included an academic awards program for Micah at the high school and of course, we attended that as well. It's that time of year when schools are wrapping up their classes and presenting final programs, concerts, awards events, etc. and we are so proud of both of our children. They are already special to us...but to see how hard they have worked in their classes and music programs is wonderful.

So...for now...we're all together for the summer...almost! As Mother's Day arrives tomorrow, I am so very thankful for our Mothers, Grandmothers and all the women who are tremendous influences in the lives of people all over the world. Motherhood is an incredible honor and a life-long commitment...and there's no love like a Mom's love. Happy Mom's Day to our Ohio Mom, Virginia Mom...and all the Moms who have been a part of our family for generations.

I also remember another Mom who is touching our lives forever, as well. I know that her role as a Mom involves a sacrifice that most of us could not imagine. Obviously, our family is not quite all together just yet. For our little girl/s in China remain in our hearts but not yet in our arms. So I want to send our love, prayers and gratitude for the Birth Mom of our daughter/s in China. She will always be a part of our family and her sacrificial love will never be forgotten. I pray she will always know that her baby girl/s will be loved dearly...and they will be reminded of her very special place in our family...and in their lives. We ask you to please keep her in your prayers as well. Sharing her child with a family half-way around the world cannot be an easy decision, but one that involves so much love for her baby girl/s. we celebrate our family being together for the summer...we also remember our precious little one/s in China and we will continue to love, pray, wait and hope to see them soon. For now the wait from Log-In to Referral has risen to twenty-eight months and is expected to increase even more. But we continue to trust and remember that it will be worth the wait as God's perfect timing and master plan bring us together someday. Happy Mom's Day! May you enjoy being together with your loved ones whether in person...or in heart.
Cherishing this journey,
Terri and family

Friday, May 2, 2008

The Derby...and Our Journey

It's an exciting weekend in Kentucky. The Kentucky Derby will take place tomorrow and it's a beautiful time of year in this area for so many reasons. The Bluegrass state comes alive as spring boldly announces its presence and the horse world makes its mark once again! Although I absolutely love my homestate of Virginia and miss it terribly, I certainly enjoy this time of year in Kentucky. As a horse-lover, I am always thrilled to drive by the many horse farms and watch these fascinating animals in their daily, majestic life. But when it's Derby time, they are celebrated so elaborately and it's quite impressive. You know you live in Kentucky when the news involves basketball and horses! Ahhh...spring is all around us and it's an amazing time of year!

As I watch those horses stride in their famous race, I am reminded how life is often like that. Sometimes we are galloping through with our focus completely on the goal. But the journey sometimes requires pacing ourselves to endure the race as well as celebrating the place we're in at the moment. But most importantly, we must do what is necessary to complete that journey in the right manner, the right timing and in celebration. Of course, life doesn't have to be a "race" although it often feels that way. But keeping ourselves focused and on-track is so important.

We recently contacted our social worker and our adoption agency advocate about updating our paperwork over the next month or two and what a blessing! We were expecting to endure a much more intense process and yet we were told that the regulations have been modified considerably! So there is work to be done...but it will not be as overwhelming as we had expected! Wow!!! Of course, the Homestudy has to be updated, (Yay....we get to see our most favorite social worker in the entire world!), and we have paperwork to complete, but it is going to be a much smoother ride than anticipated! Yay!!!! The journey does require patience, endurance and focus, for sure! But the blessings continue to amaze us along the way and we are so very grateful!!!!

Meanwhile, it's a wonderful weekend of concerts. Our daughter's university choir will be in our town this weekend! So we can hardly wait to attend that glorious event. And our son's band concert and award program will also take place this weekend so we are thrilled to attend that very exciting time with him! What a weekend...both of our children are presenting concerts and it's Derby time! There are indeed blessings along this journey and we must enjoy and cherish each one! Meanwhile, our goal remains so very close to our hearts as we continue to love and dream of the day we bring our precious little girl/s home. Thank you for your continued prayers for them and those who touch her life now...her birth mom, caregivers, etc..

We hope you have an incredible weekend, too. Remember that life is a gift and that there is much to cherish along the way. We are thankful for each of you and the blessing you are in our lives! Take care...and enjoy the journey.
Cherishing this moment,
Terri and family

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beyond Our Reach, But In Our Prayers

It's a beautiful sunny, spring day and our journey continues, including learning many new lessons along the way. The lesson for right now seems to be learning to trust even more for the protection and provision of our loved ones. For they may sometimes be beyond our reach, but they certainly remain in our thoughts, prayers and hearts...yet in the hands of God continuously.

Our daughter, Rachel, is in New York City as I write this. The university choirs were invited to sing at Carnegie Hall and left last week to make the trip. She's already seen a Broadway musical, visited Times Square, Central Park and will witness Ground Zero and the Empire State building today. They have also been rehearsing for their concert tomorrow evening. After their concert, they will enjoy a cruise around New York Harbor and view the incredible Statue of Liberty. What an amazing experience this is for her and the other sixty-some choir members. What an amazing lesson it is for her parents! :) She has called home faithfully to let us know she's ok and we are always grateful when the phone rings and she's on the other end. We are indeed grateful for that call of assurance each day. We have even stated that of all weekends she is visiting NYC, we are so thankful that she is there the same weekend that the Pope is also visiting NYC. That would certainly mean more security in the area...and we breathe a sigh of relief for that. Of course, this isn't the first time she has been away from us. She has toured with other choirs as far west as Missouri and as far south as Florida. (We are so thankful for cell phones!) :) Yet for her to be in such a large city with limited supervision is a big step for her...and us.

As we considered all the "what ifs," I had to remind myself that just because our loved ones are out of our reach in the physical sense, that doesn't mean that our love and prayers cannot surround them. In one way, this is very similar to what we are experiencing in our journey to our little girl/s in China. We are unable to hold, protect and provide for our little one/s in a literal sense right now. But we have the peace in knowing that although we are limited by physical distance, we are not limited in the love and prayers that we can offer. So, I guess you could say that with our oldest daughter in NYC right now....and our baby girl/s in China, we are learning much more about trusting God to protect and provide for each of them as only He can. There are dear people in this world in other cities and countries whom God can certainly work through to take care of our loved ones while we're apart. And we must trust Him to do that and release them into His care knowing that He loves them and is a very capable parent, Himself!

We are grateful for all of your thoughts, prayers and love that you extend to our family along this journey. We cherish your kindness, hope and faith that you encourage us with as we wait...and learn...and grow along the way. We also pray that God will protect and provide for each of you in your journeys, as well. For even when we cannot see you on a daily basis, we must also remind ourselves that He's holding you in His hands, as well. God must certainly have wonderful and amazing hands as He holds all of us in His love and care. And if we're all in His hands, I guess we're not so far away from one another as it sometimes seems.

Cherish the gifts of life and today. Hug your loved ones nearby. And hold those "out of reach" in your hearts, thoughts and prayers...for then they really aren't so out of reach after all.
Cherishing our loved ones,
Terri and family

Monday, April 14, 2008

One Year And Counting....

As of yesterday...April 13, 2008...we have been "logged in" China's adoption system for one year! At the present time, that's around one half of the wait time until referral...but one year into this journey is a significant step forward! Actually, it was two years ago, (March, 2006), that we began talking to the adoption agency and then we handed in our application in the summer of 2006. So our journey has been moving forward for two years. But the "LID" (Log In Date) is the "waiting ticket number" in the adoption process so we're thankful that we've come this far! I know this is a very frustrating and discouraging time during the adoption process for so many families waiting for their babies. And we certainly understand! But we must keep our eyes on the goal and know that in just the right timing, the child meant to come home with us will be in our arms. And that's worth waiting for!

When we handed in our application, the wait was around eighteen months, but that's not the case anymore! Yet as we look at our precious children already in our family, I am reminded that they came at just the right time as well...and if it had been a different scenario, they wouldn't be who they are. I can't imagine Rachel and Micah being any other way! It will be the same with our little JennaBeth, (and maybe EmmaKate). There's a perfect plan...a master design...and if that means we wait for another year or more to hold the child in our arms that is meant to be ours, then we will wait...patiently...expectantly...and trustingly. Yes, this is the hard part. But when we think about two or three years of working and waiting to bring her/them home compared to having her in our family for the rest of our lives...then we will wait peacefully. Of course, the wait times can fluctuate and can either increase or decrease at any moment. But that's ok. We'll hold her in our arms when we're supposed to do so!

But one year of being logged in is a huge step forward. And we are thankful!! Of course we don't know the exact schedule, but we're guessing we're somewhere around half-way there! That's better than it has been and each day is another step toward her. Meanwhile, we wait, we work, we pray, we love, we live, we celebrate, we trust...and we learn great lessons in patience, faith, joy, hope and gratitude.

It's one year...and counting the blessings along the way! As we remind ourselves daily, we have a great day ahead when we will hold our precious new daughter/s in our arms and that's an incredible blessing to anticipate. But each day we have now is also an incredible gift to cherish, celebrate and appreciate. Thank you for your continued friendship, prayers, encouragement, questions, concern and excitement on this journey. And for today, thank you for living life to the fullest in this gift we have called "today." Live, love, laugh...and cherish this moment. We have been given this day. What a blessing today...and counting!
Love to all,
Terri and family

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful for Questions!

While shopping today, I saw some adorable spring dresses for little girls and I just wanted to bring them home...but I guess it's too soon. Yet I know the day will come when we will be purchasing diapers, formula, dresses, socks, shoes, hair bows...and all the other little frilly things that a little girl needs. (Ok...I confess...I do have a "very small collection" started.) :)

It's been a little sad this week as I watch the news and see airplane problems and unrest between countries...and I wonder how those situations will influence the journey to our Sweetie Pie/s. Of course, we firmly believe that it is all in God's master timing and perfect plan and we will hold her in our arms at "just the right moment." Yet it's so easy to see all the bumps in the road and become a little concerned. As so many of you have reminded us, though, when we hold her in our arms," it will all make sense" and "God's timing is always right." So we need to keep our focus on the One who knows exactly how it's all going to work out...and not fret over things we cannot change or control.

In the middle of "missing our little one/s," we have been truly blessed by the questions of family and friends. My parents in Virginia ask how it is going frequently. Tim's Mom in Ohio called yesterday and asked about it, too. And several friends have asked this week, as well. It is such a JOY to be asked those questions for that means that you are still remembering, hoping and anticipating this wonderful journey...and somehow that makes our connection to our little girl even stronger. So thank you to everyone who cares enough to ask questions! We appreciate your concern, your prayers, your faithful companionship along the way...and your encouragement. We are indeed thankful for those questions! It would be a bit lonely if no one ever asked. But please know that our faces light up and our hearts leap when someone care enough to remember. Thank you!

It's been a busy week but a good one. We're looking forward to the weekend, of course. But there are many blessings, joys and celebrations each day as we cherish every moment we have, every step we take closer to our baby girl, and every breath that we take in this gift of life.

Enjoy your moments. Have a great weekend. Cherish every breath. And be thankful for the questions...because that means someone cares!
Cherishing the journey,
Terri and family

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Floods, Spring and Trimming

What a weekend! This area of Kentucky has been through lots of flooding over the past week or so but thankfully, things are slowly returning to somewhat normal status. We are ok and our home and property are not damaged so we are very thankful. Yet in the middle of seeing many negative affects of the flooding in this area, we also see definite and beautiful signs of spring. The blossoms on our pear trees are beautiful. The grass is a rich shade of green and the neighborhood is bursting with color as various trees, shrubs and flowers are unveiling their glorious beauty.

Spring also brings another perspective to life. Our shrub bed desperately needs weeded. The grass requires an appointment with our lawnmower. My citrus trees, ferns and other plans are in dire need of trimming and some tender loving care. And when the spring storms appoach, we need to take precautions for safety and protection. Yet in order for growth to occur in a healthy manner, we must enjoy the beauty and utilize the measures to make sure everything is heading the right direction. Trimming what isn't needed. Enriching what is needed. It all has a valuable purpose. Spring is a time of reflection, direction and action!'s time to trim the trees and plants, nurture them with the necessary nutrients, and enjoy the beauty of this season. As our hearts prepare for yet another season of life now and in the months to come, we will likewise try to sharpen our focus on what is needed to become more ready for what lies ahead. We shall enjoy the beauty now and in the moments ahead. We will trim what isn't needed and enrich what is important. We will evaluate our direction and look forward to entering another season of life. As always, cherish the moments we all have. Enjoy the moments of laughter, love, joy and family. Trim what distracts us from our blessings. And nurture the gift of life we are given in this moment...and in the days to come. And realize that just as the various colors, hues and blooms proclaim such beauty in our world, each person likewise has beauty to share and cherish.

We cherish you, our family, friends, encouragers and each one walking along this journey with us to our precious daughter/s. May spring shower your life with many blessings, too. Take time to enjoy them!
Cherishing our blessings,
Terri & family

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

'Just A Thought

The weekend went way too fast. Our daughter returned to college. Our son went back to school. Tim is back at work. It's even a bit sad that the laundry pile has slowed down just a bit, too! :) But it was a wonderful weekend and memories were made, moments were cherished and we were together. We had a candlelight Easter dinner with plenty of food. (I cooked Friday night and Saturday and loved it!) I even used our best dishes. It was worth every moment of preparation, participation and clean-up!

I've been thinking about the weekend from a little different perspective. The joy didn't just come from sitting at the table and eating. The joy came from every moment involved. I loved planning the menu and asking each person for their request. I enjoyed shopping for them. It was fun to plan what to prepare when and how to make sure the rolls were hot at just the right moment while other dishes were kept cool or warm. Making the table look just right was a pleasure. When Rachel walked in after work and commented on how everything looked and how the aroma of food filled the house, I was thrilled. Then sitting down together was a tremendous blessing. But it wasn't just one moment that made it special. It was witnessing each special moment woven into the tapestry of a special time...a celebration...being family...and recognizing our blessings along the way.

Many times our hearts ache for our little one/s in China. When I read or hear about other parents much farther along in their journeys and realize how very long they have waited, my heart feels heavy. Then I have to remind myself that it will be such a wonderful moment when we hold our little JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) in our arms. But the joy of that moment would not be the same without all the joys of the moments we have now...getting to know other adoptive parents, learning about faith in a whole new way, watching our children grow in their love and excitement for their little sister/s, meeting people along the way in the offices, doing life with family and friends, and counting our blessings day by day, moment by moment, step by step. If we are so consumed by the blessings ahead, we're missing the blessings we're given today...and the journey of blessings would not be as rich and full as it was intended to be.

The same can be said of life. If we're too busy to cherish each breath and each moment we're given today, we're missing out on so many blessings by focusing solely on the moments ahead. Yet every moment, every breath, every friend, every step is indeed a gift! Sometimes it's so easy to miss what we have as we anticipate what we're striving for. Although life isn't perfect and every moment isn't easy, we are blessed and need to count each blessing in our lives.

Sure, I can hardly wait to see our little girl/s wearing an Easter hat and adorable dress with frilly socks and shiny shoes. But I'm enjoying the hugs, laughter, friendships, joy, love, prayers and life we're sharing along the journey, too. I'm loving the moments around the table as the candlelight flickers on the faces of those I love and have been blessed with in life today. I even enjoy watching the laundry piles rapidly grow for that means my precious family is closeby. And when the dishwasher is humming and the pans are soaking in the sink, that's a blessing, too. For we have been together. As I read your emails, hear your voices and share life with you, I am thankful for the joy in this journey. It may be long...but we're never alone! What blessings you all are to us. What a journey full of blessings...every step of the way!
Cherishing the moments,
Terri and family

Friday, March 21, 2008


The excitement seems to build as the weekend arrives. Even at the grocery store today, the employees in various departments were friendly and wishing customers a Happy Easter and a great weekend. I enjoyed the enthusiasm and kindness they showed. It is my wish that we continue to be a blessing to others every day of the year...and not just during springtime or Easter.

At the same time, my heart has been heavy on this "Good Friday." Our son came home from school last night quite ill and insisted on going to school this morning while we assured him that we would schedule a doctor's appointment today as soon as possible. He took his math test and then went to the doctor this afternoon. Micah isn't one to become ill very often but when he does, he is miserable. So we were relieved when he was prescribed medicine for the next ten days to help him recover. As a Mom, I am always very sad when our children are sick. I would much rather be ill than have them experience it. But I know he'll feel better soon and I'm so grateful for a great doctor, effective medicine and the joy of watching our son return to normal.

I can't help but think about another Mom many years ago who watched her Son suffer so terribly. She couldn't rescue Him. She couldn't get him to a doctor or give Him medicine to help Him feel better...or survive. She wasn't even clear that He would miraculously return in three days. But she was with Him in those final moments. I cannot imagine her heartache, her despair, her sense of loss as "her little boy" paid such a price for those He loves. Love endured it all as He did what He came to do...and as she loved Him through it. It seems kind of silly that we can't be more kind, thoughtful, respectful, loving and helpful to one another every day when others went through so much more in the name of love.

Sometimes folks comment that our journey to our little girl/s must be very difficult and challenging. I admit that it isn't always easy as we try to remain patient, hopeful and peaceful in the middle of waiting. But we always say "it's worth the wait"...not because we're lacking the human tendencies to miss our baby girl/s...and not because we have an unending amount of patience. We miss her so much every day! IS worth the wait...and we will gladly walk this long journey...because that's what love does! And that's all that matters. We are enormously blessed to have this opportunity to welcome another precious child (or two) in our hearts and family. We are incredibly blessed to have wonderful friends who are so loving and supportive along this journey. We are indeed blessed to know that every step of this process moves us closer to bringing her home with us. Considering the price Someone paid for us, our journey seems quite simple for her. That's what love does!

Cherish this exciting weekend. Cherish your health, your loved ones, your hope and your joy. Cherish every moment of life and the opportunities to love one another. Be kind and compassionate to everyone in your daily journey. That's what love does!
Cherishing our journey of blessings and love,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Promise of Spring

As I glanced out the kitchen window today, I noticed that our Bradford Pear trees in the front yard are showing the promise of spring! Those little tiny buds are forming in determination for future blooms which will progress into full coverage on each limb. Then I realized the yard is transforming from multiple shades of taupe and brown into various hues of green. Yes....spring is almost here! My favorite season is upon us and it is a wonderful sign of new life, new adventures and more opportunities to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings. I can hardly wait to plant new flowers in the baskets on the lawn or in flower boxes on the deck. My citrus trees and ferns are quite anxious to return outside and as much as I'd love to move them, I know we must wait until the time is "just right" for their protection and progress.

As I considered all the promises of spring, I couldn't help but think about our journey to our precious little girl/s. The excitement builds and we continue to walk toward our little Sweetie Pie/s. Although the wait is long and it often seems that we only face mountains of paperwork and projects during this process, we must remember that when winter seems silent and unprogressive, the promise of spring continues and there is indeed progress, even when we cannot see it. As the timing must be "just right" for the trees to bud, the grass to turn green and plants to grow, we must trust that God's timing will direct this journey to our little daughter/s in China. So we continue to count our blessings, enjoy the journey and trust that the promise of spring will remind us of even more joys to come! As we've been told so often, God's timing is always right...and when we hold our baby in our arms, it will all make sense. So we wait. We pray. We trust. We work. We grow. And we enjoy the blessings of each season along the way!

Our thanks to all of you who so faithfully pray, love and encourage us along this journey. When you share your hearts, prayers and hopes about our sweetie/s, it warms our hearts and increases our excitement! For spring will come...and our little one/s will be placed in our arms, and our joy will always include the kindness shown to us along the way by each life involved.

Our daughter is now home from college for spring break. Our son is outside shooting basketball. My precious husband is determined to complete projects around the house. My mind is racing with new ideas for spring cleaning and transforming our home into a season of celebration and excitement. How wonderful that Easter is only one week away. It is truly a journey of blessings for which we are very grateful. Have a wonderful spring, everyone. And Happy Easter, too!

Cherishing this season,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Together In Our Hearts

It's very early on Saturday morning...actually just past midnight Friday night...and we're experiencing a major winter storm. The meteorologists say this is the worst winter storm we've faced in a decade. So it's hard for me to rest when our family is together in our hearts, but not at home. As I'm writing, we're having thunder, sleet, snow and a very cold wind chill temperature of eight degrees. As the sleet hits the windows and pounds on the roof, I am reminded just how much my heart aches when our family and friends are not together.

Tim is working tonight and it will be very challenging for him to get home safely. Rachel was supposed to come home from college to work this weekend but we urged her to stay on campus for her own safety. Our son is in bed sound asleep. Our baby girl/s are half way around the world. Our family and many friends live in different states while other friends live locally or an hour or two away. During times like this, I must remember that our hearts may not be in one physical location...but we remain very connected in other precious and meaningful ways.

Although this major winter storm is supposed to affect us through the entire weekend, I continue to remember that better, (and warmer), days are ahead. Eventually the storm will move away. The temperatures will rise. The sun will shine again. We will find opportunities to be together with our family, our friends and relatives. And...on another wonderful day, we will also rejoice when we are holding our precious baby girl/s in our arms...and we will bring them home.

There's a well-known statement that says "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming." Now I must say "It's winter, but spring is coming." Hold on dear ones, we may be going through the storm and separation momentarily...but we are looking forward to those moments when we are together in hearts...and hugs. :)

Take care, everyone, and cherish one another!
Terri and family

Friday, February 29, 2008

A Leap Day Thought

Dear Daughter/s in China~
It's another important day in our journey! I was reminded of this when your big brother, Micah, commented tonight that when the next Leap Day arrives, he'll be in college! So I started thinking about his college career ahead and how his big sister will be out of college by Feb. 29, 2012. Then I thought of you. Four years from today, you will be be home with us and learning how much you are loved! Hopefully, we will have had you for quite some time by then....but it's great to dream about all we will be doing together in four years. We'll already have great memories of our first days together...and we'll be making many more memories in the moments ahead.

But I just have to say that although you are not in our arms on this Leap Day of 2008, you are certainly in our hearts, lives and prayers. We are together. We just have to bring you home. So Happy Leap Day, Dear Daughter/s! It's another step to you and the love that we already share! We send our love and we're holding you in our hearts until we can hold you in our arms!
Mom, Dad, Rachel and Micah

Friday, February 22, 2008

Another Special Day!

After yesterday's awesome trip to Cincinnati and last night's vicious ice storm, I must write about this very special day. Ninety-eight years ago today, my precious Grandma Jenny was born and what a life she lived for ninety-one years! Although she went Home in 2001, her life and love continue to touch the lives of many people so it is a tremendous joy to name our daughter in China after her. During one of our last conversations before Grandma Jenny left, I promised her that if we were ever blessed to bring another daughter into our family, we would name the baby after her. Jenna Elizabeth will not meet her Great-Grandma Jenny on earth but she will certainly learn all about her and the way her love influenced lives for generations. It's also special that my Mom's middle name is Jean, my maiden middle name was derived from my Mom's name, and now Jenna will also share some connection of names to four generations...Grandma, Mom, my middle name and then Jenna. I wonder what Grandma Jenny would think about that. She was thrilled when I promised her that our next daughter would be named in honor of her. She immediately encouraged me to not give up on our dream. :) Little did we realize that seven years later, my family and I would be on a journey to a little girl or two in China! So this is indeed a special day as we say, "Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny! I remember my promise to you...and it looks like in God's perfect timing and plan, you're going to have a little great-granddaughter named after you! I pray Jenna will learn the love and joy that you shared with your children, (my Mom and her siblings), your grandchildren (me and many others), your great-grandchildren, (Rachel, Micah, etc.), and your great-great-grandchildren back in Virginia."

Speaking of grandmothers and mothers, I've been saving a thought for this very special day. Interesting enough, I heard from another friend/adoptive Mom last night who also mentioned this prayer in her heart. (Thanks, Yolanda!) As we continue to walk closer to the day of holding our little girl/s in our arms, I often think about her Birthmom. I will never forget the moments of carrying and giving birth to Rachel and Micah. Oh how I loved them before I even saw them! Every moment I carried each of them during those months was deeply cherished. So I often wonder about the Birthmom of our baby and how she feels as she knows that the greatest act of love she will give her baby is entrusting her little life to the care of people the Birthmom will never see. My heart aches for her. Our family will always be extremely grateful to her. Our prayers continue diligently for her now and in the years to come. It will always be very important that our Jenna knows the loving gift her Birthmom gave to her...and the generations that follow. JennaBeth will be reminded that she was blessed richly by her loving Birthmom and it is our prayer that her Birthmom will have peace knowing how much we love and cherish Jenna. Jenna will carry part of her Chinese name and we hope that everytime she hears it, she will be reminded of her special heritage and her precious Birthmom who loved her so much.

It's so easy to forget in this very busy world that the simplest gifts are often the ones that last for a lifetime. The love of my Grandma Jenny continues for almost one hundred years now and I can only imagine how many years the love of our baby's Birthmom will also touch lives. So please cherish each moment, one another and life itself. These priceless gifts are life-changing not only to us, but to countless others as well. As always, we thank God for each of you...and we thank Him for this amazing journey of blessings. If we really think about it, life itself is a journey of blessings that will not end with our trip to China or that glorious moment when we hold our baby in our arms for the first time or share her with our family and friends. Life is a continuous gift to us, and through us, if we just take the time to cherish each blessing along the way. Happy 98th Birthday, Grandma Jenny! We love you and miss you.
Cherishing the journey,
Terri and family

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Blessings in Cincinnati!

What an amazing trip it was to Cincinnati this morning! We were up at 4 am and on the road at 5:30 am, (yawn!), and were parked near Main Street a few minutes after 7. It was quite evident that prayers were being lifted up for us!

Our entire experience was nothing less than consistent blessings! Our directions were fabulous thanks to a friend who lives in the Cincy area! (Thanks, Jason!) We immediately found an underground parking garage closeby. While on the elevator, a very nice man asked if we were going to the Federal Building, (how did he know that?), and told us he would show us how to get there! Tim thinks he was an angel! Wings or not, he sure seemed that way to us! He showed us the escalator that took us to the street that literally almost faced the front doors of the Fed. building! When we got into the building, the guards were very helpful and kind. Everyone that saw us asked if we were being fingerprinted, (how did they know that?), and gave us directions to the USCIS office and the cafeteria. Once the office opened, we were treated so kindly and even met other adoptive parents. Our appointment was at 8 and we were walking out the door at 8:45 am...all done! Just as we walked out the door, we met a Chinese mom and her precious little daughter! That brought smiles to our faces and reminders to our hearts...perfect timing again! We then had to find our way out of Cincy. Our directions took us right out with no problem. We were home before 10:30 am.. Oh...did I mention that I tried to be so very careful the last week or so to not burn, cut or injure my hands while cooking, cleaning, etc.? Yet...two nights ago, I tore my finger while on the computer? (Don't ask...I haven't figured it out yet, either.) So, I've been concerned that this would interfere with the fingerprinting process. It wasn't a problem! We were blessed on this journey in so many ways today and we thank each of you who prayed fervently for our safety, sense of direction and successful goals. As Tim said, it was nothing less than a perfect orchestration of God's provision and the prayers of others. Thank you!!!!

You can just imagine someone like me who was raised in the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia walking along the streets of Cincinnati, OH! Some of their buildings are almost mountains themselves. I'm not a "city girl" by any means and I don't know much about the Cincinnati area. But I will say this. We could not have asked for more helpful, friendly, kind and cooperative people than those we met there today. Thank you, Cincinnati, for the blessings we experienced in your city. We can hardly wait to tell our little daughter/s about all the kind folks in many areas of the world who have blessed our lives along our journey to her.

Just as we arrived home, Micah came in the door. Schools were dismissed early for a pending ice storm. Rachel just arrived home for winter break last night, (perfect timing again since she didn't have to miss classes!) and is now at work. Tim is also home for now. Our trip to Cincy was in perfect timing weather-wise, as well. We have so many reasons to be thankful. We have such dear friends who have prayed us through each moment. We are indeed blessed. A special thanks to Joyce and Judy for their wonderful friendship and prayers along the way. You all are amazing.

We'll keep you posted as the journey continues.
Cherishing this day,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Special Valentine "Invitation"

What a wonderful day it has been! My sweet husband took me out to lunch for (what else?) Chinese food! He worked very hard to make this a special day. Thanks, honey, for all that you did! I am so blessed to have such a sweet husband of almost twenty-four years!

As if that wasn't enough, I went to the mailbox this afternoon and there were three "special invitations" for Tim, Rachel and me from USCIS, (aka "Homeland Security"), for our refingerprinting appointments! It has only been about two weeks since we sent our request and forms to them. Cincinnati, here we come! We would really appreciate your prayers as we head to Cincy next Thursday, February 21! Please pray for safe traveling, cooperative weather, and clear directions to the office there. It's in the heart of Cincy and we are not familiar with that area at all! We are thankful that this will work out well since Rachel will be on winter break at that time. Here we go again! This will be yet another step to our sweet little baby girl in China! It's not every day that we get a "Valentine" from Homeland Security! :)

I promised to keep you informed and I'm thrilled that today brought joy in many ways. Happy Valentine's Day to our dear little China baby, to our precious family and to our dear friends who walk beside us in this journey. Hold on, little Sweetie Pie/s, we are still working hard to bring you home and we took another step toward you today. What a special Valentine's Day it has been.

Thanks to everyone for your continued friendship, prayers and encouragement! Celebrate life and love today and every day!
Cherishing this moment,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

It's almost Valentine's Day and we automatically think about those of you who so faithfully share this Journey of Blessings with us. You continue to display such kindness to our family as we move closer to our little Sweetie-Pie/s in China. You encourage, pray, hope, dream, care, love and befriend us in such special ways. From our hearts to yours, thank you for your wonderful companionship during this long but worthwhile journey. It is our sincere prayer that you will be blessed along your journeys in life as beautifully as you bless us!

For just a moment, I will share my dream of future Valentine's Days with our little one/s. I'm imagining pink outfits and pink hair accessories...along with Valentine surprises in little pink or red packages. I think of making Valentine's Day cookies with pink or red frosting and lots of sprinkles all over the cookies...and us! I think about how we'll make homemade cards for loved ones with hearts and smiley faces...and "I love you" written so carefully. I think about the hugs, laughter, joy and hope that our Sweetie Pie/s will enjoy on this day...and every day. I think about taking pictures and posting them on this website so that you can see frosting on her face, bows in her hair, light in her eyes and love in her heart. And I think about all the precious folks who are holding our family in their hearts right now as we move closer and closer to our little one/s. Although there is no pink frosting smeared on the countertops tonight and there are no little pink hair bows and outfits ready for tomorrow's celebration, it remains a joy to love...and to hold our baby girl/s in our hearts every day. I saw a quote today that reminded me of this journey and all that's involved. It said something like this..."In our hearts, she is already ours; we simply have to bring her home." We love you, Jenna Elizabeth, (and Emma Katherine?)...and you have been in our hearts for a very long time. Now we're simply working diligently to bring you home. Hold on, sweetie...and know that we are already together in our love and in God's plan. Each day, each moment, each breath, and each heartbeat bring us closer to you. The day will come when we'll hold you in our arms but until then, we're holding you in our hearts and we're not letting go! We love you!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone. Remember that every day of the year is a day to show someone you really care...not just on the 14th of February. Every day is a gift and every person is a creation of God. Please...cherish life, love, laughter...and one another.
Cherishing the Journey with you,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Walking Through "The Wait"...

There's not much news to share today, but I thought I would let you know that we tracked our package to Homeland Security and it was delivered right on schedule! Now we wait...but we're not sitting through it. Instead, we choose to call it "walking through it." For each day of waiting still brings us one day closer to our little one/ the journey doesn't actually stop. It simply "walks through" the time and moves forward. For what we don't see is just as important as what we do see at this point. There are so many people behind the scenes working hard to place precious children with their "forever families" in the adoption agencies, the USA and PRC government offices, medical offices, employment and financial offices and with those dear friends who write letters of recommendation. It will all come together some day as God orchestrates the specific child He desires in each family. Athough we don't "see" tangible progress at times, we know there is a great plan coming together.

Many of you have been encouraging us with reminders such as "God's timing is always right" and "It all makes sense when you hold her in your arms" and "our prayers are with your family and your precious little girl/s in China." Our sincere thanks to each of you who continues to walk beside us so faithfully in our journey. You are true blessings that we shall never forget. As we walk through the wait today, we thank you for caring in the amazing ways you do. Your friendship, love, prayers and encouragement are priceless blessings to all of us. It is no secret that we have incredible friends and we love you!
Walking forward...
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another Step Taken

We took another step today. It may seem trivial to someone who hasn't taken this journey but to those of you who have "been there, done that" definitely understand. We realized Sunday night that we needed to secure and copy yet another document before mailing our package to Homeland Security. So we spent yesterday getting everything finalized and today the package was mailed. Hopefully we should hear something soon about the appointment date for Tim, Rachel and me to be refingerprinted. It's one step forward in this long, long journey and that makes it quite special to us! I'll keep you posted when we hear from USCIS-Homeland Security. Last time we had to go to Cincinnati. This time, we may either return to Cincinnati's office or go to the one in Louisville. We'll do whatever it takes to walk closer to our little Sweetie/s! Please continue to pray for this step to go smoothly, timely, safely and peacefully. We appreciate those of you who remain so faithful in our journey. Thank you for being such blessings to us.
Still moving forward,
Terri and family