Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, May 10, 2008


It's been a very busy week. Of course, it's always busy in our home. But this week was even more eventful. Last weekend was exciting. Rachel is in the university choir and their mini-tour included a concert in our town. So we attended that on Saturday night and it was incredible. On Sunday afternoon, our son's high school concert band held their spring concert and awards program so we attended that wonderful event.

This past Thursday, we headed to the university to pack up Rachel's belongings and we brought her home for the summer. That night also included an academic awards program for Micah at the high school and of course, we attended that as well. It's that time of year when schools are wrapping up their classes and presenting final programs, concerts, awards events, etc. and we are so proud of both of our children. They are already special to us...but to see how hard they have worked in their classes and music programs is wonderful.

So...for now...we're all together for the summer...almost! As Mother's Day arrives tomorrow, I am so very thankful for our Mothers, Grandmothers and all the women who are tremendous influences in the lives of people all over the world. Motherhood is an incredible honor and a life-long commitment...and there's no love like a Mom's love. Happy Mom's Day to our Ohio Mom, Virginia Mom...and all the Moms who have been a part of our family for generations.

I also remember another Mom who is touching our lives forever, as well. I know that her role as a Mom involves a sacrifice that most of us could not imagine. Obviously, our family is not quite all together just yet. For our little girl/s in China remain in our hearts but not yet in our arms. So I want to send our love, prayers and gratitude for the Birth Mom of our daughter/s in China. She will always be a part of our family and her sacrificial love will never be forgotten. I pray she will always know that her baby girl/s will be loved dearly...and they will be reminded of her very special place in our family...and in their lives. We ask you to please keep her in your prayers as well. Sharing her child with a family half-way around the world cannot be an easy decision, but one that involves so much love for her baby girl/s. we celebrate our family being together for the summer...we also remember our precious little one/s in China and we will continue to love, pray, wait and hope to see them soon. For now the wait from Log-In to Referral has risen to twenty-eight months and is expected to increase even more. But we continue to trust and remember that it will be worth the wait as God's perfect timing and master plan bring us together someday. Happy Mom's Day! May you enjoy being together with your loved ones whether in person...or in heart.
Cherishing this journey,
Terri and family

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