Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Little Crocs and VT Socks!!!

What a marvelous day it has been. My dear friend, Judy, and I went out to eat...Chinese food, of course! And we had a blast, as usual. It was incredible. We laughed, we shared, we ate and we had a great time together. What a blessing she is to our family! And the story gets better.

A few weeks ago, we met for lunch, (another Chinese restaurant, of course), and she handed me a baby gift bag. When I reached in, I was thrilled to find several adorable pair of Virginia Tech socks for our baby girl/s!!! If any of you know know I'm a huge VT fan! Our entire family loves Virginia Tech, (my old stomping ground) well as Ohio State, (Tim's neck of the woods), and a couple other schools. So I was ecstatic! But Judy told me that more was to come...and she was right.

Today she handed me another baby gift bag. Enclosed were two pair of baby Croc the little decorative attachments to go on them...Donald Duck, Daffy Duck...and Virginia Tech!! They are adorable! Can you imagine me squealing with laughter? really happened. :) It was a wonderful moment. I wish I knew how to transfer (upload?) pictures on here and I'd show these precious items to you. Someday I'll learn. (Helpful hints are welcome!) Anyway, we had such a great time with those. I understand Judy's sister, Joyce---another precious friend---helped select these items during one of their famous shopping trips. Not only will we enjoy these wonderful items for our baby girl/s...but we'll always cherish the love, friendship and kindness that they represent. Thank you so much, Judy, Ralph and Joyce! I believe we'll be packing some VT items to take to China with us!

Although the wait remains long...we are continually blessed and enjoying every step of this journey. A friend reminded me this week, (thanks, Kenna!), that it is worth it...and as an adoptive Mom herself, she certainly understands. We truly believe that every step of this journey to our baby girl/s will be in God's perfect timing and master plan. We rejoice that as we long to embrace our little one/s in our arms someday, there are so many of you embracing us along this journey today. We love you all and we are thankful for each of you!
Cherishing the journey,
Terri and family

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