Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's Almost Here...

Yes, it's almost here! The pace has begun. Yesterday we attended our town's annual Christmas parade in freezing cold and snowy white weather conditions. But that didn't seem to interfere with the season! (Of course, there was this most amazing young man in the high school marching band that we believe is the greatest trumpet player in the universe!) it was our son but we are not one bit biased. :)

It's almost here! Just a few days ago, we traveled ninety miles one way to watch our alma mater's annual "Feast of Christmas" Dinner Theater/Music program. And there was a beautiful young lady who had to be the most amazing soprano on the entire planet! (Again, we are not biased but she just happens to be our daughter!) :) It didn't matter that it was cold outside and we didn't get home until way after midnight. The season has begun.

It's almost here. Today we're gathering the tree, ornaments, decorations and details to prepare for the Christmas season. The shopping has begun, (and we have more to do, for sure), and the plans are underway. The season has definitely begun to show all around us as homes, businesses and towns display their festive greetings.

Yet we are fully aware that as the season progresses, there are many folks struggling in multiple ways. The economy is affecting families severely. Friends have lost loved ones recently. Families are not always peaceful. Life is not always as we wish it would be. It seems the season simply magnifies the blessings...and yet the concerns...of life all around us.

Some would say that we must simply think positively and all will be ok. Others would resign to focusing on concerns alone. Some think of themselves only. Others ache for a hurting world and try to make a difference. Regardless of where we fit in those categories, the season is upon us and we must decide what this season means to us and how we will respond to it.

Oh, how I long for a perfect world. How I long for others to not hurt physically, emotionally, etc. How I wish that there was no disease, death, disappointment or despair in our world. How I long for everyone to get along and enjoy the gifts of life and love. How wonderful it would be if this world was one of peace.

And then I think...and wonder...and wish...and pray...and hope. For we are always "in a season" in our lives. We certainly don't have to wait until the end of the year to promote joy, hope, love and peace. We don't have to limit "good will" to others to a week or two in December. For how we live each moment, each day, each season is so very important. Yes...there will be seasons of pain, loss, sadness, confusion, discouragement and concern. But there are also reasons to hope, endure, share and love no matter what is going on within or around us.

As our family awaits the wonderful, amazing and incredible journey of our baby girl/s in the future, I am reminded of another precious baby who made His way to this earth many years ago. His life was not an easy one. He hurt. He had concerns. He was disappointed. He lost loved ones. He saw others who faced pain and disease. But His purpose continued and He made a difference! He still does. He was here for a season then. He is with us today. He will return later. Life is not just what surrounds us. It is Who lives within us!

Yes, there is an aching in my heart for our baby girl to be with us during this Christmas season. It's certainly not the same without her. But the time will come and it will be worth the wait and all that was involved until she joins our family. Likewise, there is an aching in my heart for our world as we see the cares and concerns of life obviously escaping no one. But we cannot forget that Baby born long ago. And He gives us hope in every season.

It's almost here. It IS here. There is hope for every season. May you and yours be blessed with peace, joy, hope and love during this Christmas season...and every season of your lives. You are never alone!
Blessings to you all with love,
Tim, Terri, Rachel & Micah

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