Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Touching Base This Weekend

It's a relaxed holiday weekend here and we've enjoyed our time together as a family. We even went to a movie today and we had not done that for a very long time! So it's been a great opportunity to rest and relax a little more than usual...and we cherish these moments greatly.

I don't have much news to tell re: our adoption journey presently. We have been informed that there are additional orphans in China now due to the tragic earthquake. No one knows how this will affect the adoption process for those of us already "logged in" but all we can do is continue to hope, pray, wait and trust that it will all work out in God's perfect timing. Of course, we continue to pray for everyone involved in China as they continue to recover and rebuild from the horrible earthquake.

The wait is hard...but we sincerely believe that it will be worth every moment. And when our little girl/s enters our arms, our family, our lives and our hearts forever, we will look back at this "patience building" process and know that it was time well-invested. Thank you for your continued prayers for our baby girl/s. It makes all the difference to know that we are not alone in this wait...or in our journey.

Meanwhile, Rachel has been home from college for two weeks now and is adjusting quite well. Micah has a few more days of school this week and then he'll be out for summer break. Tim is working hard. And I'm trying to keep everything going as smoothly as possible here at home. We have much to be grateful for and we truly cherish every moment we are together. Time does pass so quickly when we're together...yet so slowly as we wait for our baby girl/s. Funny how that works, isn't it? :)

Enjoy your holiday weekend and most of all, cherish each step of your journey in life. Each breath is a gift! We continue to cherish each of you as you walk beside us through our journey of blessings. May you each be blessed richly!
Cherishing our moments together,
Terri and family

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