Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Praying for China!

Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are certainly with the people in China following the recent tragic earthquake! To see the pictures of devastation, hear the statistics of lives lost and affected is nothing less than heartbreaking. We simply ask all of you to please pray for everyone in China as they try to recover and rebuild their lives.

Our adoption agency contacted us last week and shared that all of the adoptive families from our agency who are presently traveling in China are safe and we are very thankful for that. Yet we know that many, many lives have been affected in ways beyond comprehension. I wonder about all the precious babies in the orphanages...the caregivers...the people working so hard to help these babies find their Forever Families...and everyone in the country whose lives have been literally and figuratively shaken beyond our imagination.

Part of our journey of blessings is simply having the opportunity to pray for those situations that we have no control over in this life. This is one of those moments. We don't know how this will affect the adoption journey. We don't know how many people have lost lives, homes, jobs, etc. in China due to the earthquake. But we do know that we can pray for them and that they are not alone. I have already received word from ministries that are presently in China trying to assist during this very challenging time. What an example of kindness in a very confusing world. Even when things "don't make sense," there are people who immediately answer the call to help those in need.

So please pray for China during this time....and for those trying to assist in this time of great turmoil. In a world of pain, loss, instability and confusion, there are continuous examples of people who care and represent hope, kindness, love and unselfishness. May we all be a part of that goal! Please bless someone else's life today! It makes a difference.
Terri and family

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