Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful for Questions!

While shopping today, I saw some adorable spring dresses for little girls and I just wanted to bring them home...but I guess it's too soon. Yet I know the day will come when we will be purchasing diapers, formula, dresses, socks, shoes, hair bows...and all the other little frilly things that a little girl needs. (Ok...I confess...I do have a "very small collection" started.) :)

It's been a little sad this week as I watch the news and see airplane problems and unrest between countries...and I wonder how those situations will influence the journey to our Sweetie Pie/s. Of course, we firmly believe that it is all in God's master timing and perfect plan and we will hold her in our arms at "just the right moment." Yet it's so easy to see all the bumps in the road and become a little concerned. As so many of you have reminded us, though, when we hold her in our arms," it will all make sense" and "God's timing is always right." So we need to keep our focus on the One who knows exactly how it's all going to work out...and not fret over things we cannot change or control.

In the middle of "missing our little one/s," we have been truly blessed by the questions of family and friends. My parents in Virginia ask how it is going frequently. Tim's Mom in Ohio called yesterday and asked about it, too. And several friends have asked this week, as well. It is such a JOY to be asked those questions for that means that you are still remembering, hoping and anticipating this wonderful journey...and somehow that makes our connection to our little girl even stronger. So thank you to everyone who cares enough to ask questions! We appreciate your concern, your prayers, your faithful companionship along the way...and your encouragement. We are indeed thankful for those questions! It would be a bit lonely if no one ever asked. But please know that our faces light up and our hearts leap when someone care enough to remember. Thank you!

It's been a busy week but a good one. We're looking forward to the weekend, of course. But there are many blessings, joys and celebrations each day as we cherish every moment we have, every step we take closer to our baby girl, and every breath that we take in this gift of life.

Enjoy your moments. Have a great weekend. Cherish every breath. And be thankful for the questions...because that means someone cares!
Cherishing the journey,
Terri and family

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Dearest Terri,

Whenever I see something on TV about families trying to adopt a baby from China, or when I see a family with a child that has been adopted from China, my thoughts immediately turn to the Lorenz family. You are in my prayers each day and the little bundle(s) of love in China, who will one day be yours to hold and cherish, is/are in my prayers each day. Here I am with goose bumps just thinking about all the excitement you will have when that blessed day arrives. I will be praying that the journey will continue and will take place in God's time, despite the airline crisis, etc. God be with you all and bless a beautiful family with a beautiful week!

So much love to all of you,