Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Floods, Spring and Trimming

What a weekend! This area of Kentucky has been through lots of flooding over the past week or so but thankfully, things are slowly returning to somewhat normal status. We are ok and our home and property are not damaged so we are very thankful. Yet in the middle of seeing many negative affects of the flooding in this area, we also see definite and beautiful signs of spring. The blossoms on our pear trees are beautiful. The grass is a rich shade of green and the neighborhood is bursting with color as various trees, shrubs and flowers are unveiling their glorious beauty.

Spring also brings another perspective to life. Our shrub bed desperately needs weeded. The grass requires an appointment with our lawnmower. My citrus trees, ferns and other plans are in dire need of trimming and some tender loving care. And when the spring storms appoach, we need to take precautions for safety and protection. Yet in order for growth to occur in a healthy manner, we must enjoy the beauty and utilize the measures to make sure everything is heading the right direction. Trimming what isn't needed. Enriching what is needed. It all has a valuable purpose. Spring is a time of reflection, direction and action!'s time to trim the trees and plants, nurture them with the necessary nutrients, and enjoy the beauty of this season. As our hearts prepare for yet another season of life now and in the months to come, we will likewise try to sharpen our focus on what is needed to become more ready for what lies ahead. We shall enjoy the beauty now and in the moments ahead. We will trim what isn't needed and enrich what is important. We will evaluate our direction and look forward to entering another season of life. As always, cherish the moments we all have. Enjoy the moments of laughter, love, joy and family. Trim what distracts us from our blessings. And nurture the gift of life we are given in this moment...and in the days to come. And realize that just as the various colors, hues and blooms proclaim such beauty in our world, each person likewise has beauty to share and cherish.

We cherish you, our family, friends, encouragers and each one walking along this journey with us to our precious daughter/s. May spring shower your life with many blessings, too. Take time to enjoy them!
Cherishing our blessings,
Terri & family

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