Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Walking Through "The Wait"...

There's not much news to share today, but I thought I would let you know that we tracked our package to Homeland Security and it was delivered right on schedule! Now we wait...but we're not sitting through it. Instead, we choose to call it "walking through it." For each day of waiting still brings us one day closer to our little one/ the journey doesn't actually stop. It simply "walks through" the time and moves forward. For what we don't see is just as important as what we do see at this point. There are so many people behind the scenes working hard to place precious children with their "forever families" in the adoption agencies, the USA and PRC government offices, medical offices, employment and financial offices and with those dear friends who write letters of recommendation. It will all come together some day as God orchestrates the specific child He desires in each family. Athough we don't "see" tangible progress at times, we know there is a great plan coming together.

Many of you have been encouraging us with reminders such as "God's timing is always right" and "It all makes sense when you hold her in your arms" and "our prayers are with your family and your precious little girl/s in China." Our sincere thanks to each of you who continues to walk beside us so faithfully in our journey. You are true blessings that we shall never forget. As we walk through the wait today, we thank you for caring in the amazing ways you do. Your friendship, love, prayers and encouragement are priceless blessings to all of us. It is no secret that we have incredible friends and we love you!
Walking forward...
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Dearest Terri,

How happy :) we all are as each day brings you closer to your sweet baby girl(s). I have no doubt that God is smiling because of your desire and commitment to take this little one, or little ones, into your family ... also knowing how she will be showered with love and how she will be brought up in a family who so faithfully serves Him. Praying all the paper work, etc. will continue to move along smoothly!

So much love to all of you,