Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Friday, February 22, 2008

Another Special Day!

After yesterday's awesome trip to Cincinnati and last night's vicious ice storm, I must write about this very special day. Ninety-eight years ago today, my precious Grandma Jenny was born and what a life she lived for ninety-one years! Although she went Home in 2001, her life and love continue to touch the lives of many people so it is a tremendous joy to name our daughter in China after her. During one of our last conversations before Grandma Jenny left, I promised her that if we were ever blessed to bring another daughter into our family, we would name the baby after her. Jenna Elizabeth will not meet her Great-Grandma Jenny on earth but she will certainly learn all about her and the way her love influenced lives for generations. It's also special that my Mom's middle name is Jean, my maiden middle name was derived from my Mom's name, and now Jenna will also share some connection of names to four generations...Grandma, Mom, my middle name and then Jenna. I wonder what Grandma Jenny would think about that. She was thrilled when I promised her that our next daughter would be named in honor of her. She immediately encouraged me to not give up on our dream. :) Little did we realize that seven years later, my family and I would be on a journey to a little girl or two in China! So this is indeed a special day as we say, "Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny! I remember my promise to you...and it looks like in God's perfect timing and plan, you're going to have a little great-granddaughter named after you! I pray Jenna will learn the love and joy that you shared with your children, (my Mom and her siblings), your grandchildren (me and many others), your great-grandchildren, (Rachel, Micah, etc.), and your great-great-grandchildren back in Virginia."

Speaking of grandmothers and mothers, I've been saving a thought for this very special day. Interesting enough, I heard from another friend/adoptive Mom last night who also mentioned this prayer in her heart. (Thanks, Yolanda!) As we continue to walk closer to the day of holding our little girl/s in our arms, I often think about her Birthmom. I will never forget the moments of carrying and giving birth to Rachel and Micah. Oh how I loved them before I even saw them! Every moment I carried each of them during those months was deeply cherished. So I often wonder about the Birthmom of our baby and how she feels as she knows that the greatest act of love she will give her baby is entrusting her little life to the care of people the Birthmom will never see. My heart aches for her. Our family will always be extremely grateful to her. Our prayers continue diligently for her now and in the years to come. It will always be very important that our Jenna knows the loving gift her Birthmom gave to her...and the generations that follow. JennaBeth will be reminded that she was blessed richly by her loving Birthmom and it is our prayer that her Birthmom will have peace knowing how much we love and cherish Jenna. Jenna will carry part of her Chinese name and we hope that everytime she hears it, she will be reminded of her special heritage and her precious Birthmom who loved her so much.

It's so easy to forget in this very busy world that the simplest gifts are often the ones that last for a lifetime. The love of my Grandma Jenny continues for almost one hundred years now and I can only imagine how many years the love of our baby's Birthmom will also touch lives. So please cherish each moment, one another and life itself. These priceless gifts are life-changing not only to us, but to countless others as well. As always, we thank God for each of you...and we thank Him for this amazing journey of blessings. If we really think about it, life itself is a journey of blessings that will not end with our trip to China or that glorious moment when we hold our baby in our arms for the first time or share her with our family and friends. Life is a continuous gift to us, and through us, if we just take the time to cherish each blessing along the way. Happy 98th Birthday, Grandma Jenny! We love you and miss you.
Cherishing the journey,
Terri and family

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Dearest Terri,

Oh, how I enjoy reading your entries. I get goose bumps every single time! Reading about how much you already love your Baby Girl(s), and also reading about how God is in every step, definitely is a blessing to hear/read. Thanks so much for sharing all of this with us. Prayers continue for all of you -- including the Baby's Birthmom. Looking forward to your next post on your "Journey of Blessings."

Much love to you and your family,