Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Name or Two....

It has been an exciting and busy weekend but I could hardly wait to write on our blogsite today! The journey continues for our family in many ways and we always look forward to sharing it with friends and family!

First, congratulations to our son on the very impressive Marching Band State Finals Competition. The band won 4th place in their Class and we are so proud of all of the students, staff and parents involved! We are very proud of you, son...especially since you made it through with that knee injury! You did a wonderful job!

Also, our daughter was home to work this weekend and it's always good to have her home! Both she and our son have achieved great midterm grades so we are very thrilled for them. This journey of blessings constantly reminds us of just how much we have to be thankful for in our lives! Our daughter and son are certainly major blessings whom we thank God for each day!

Ok...the next part is news we've been very eager to share with you! We have named our little Sweetie, (or Sweeties if we are blessed with twins) and would love to ask you to continue to keep her/them in your hearts and prayers...and now with specific names in mind!

Our first little daughter from China will be named Jenna Elizabeth. Jenna will be named after my precious Grandma Jenny. Elizabeth is also a family name. It is a Grandmother's name on my Mom's side and it is also the name of my Dad's Aunt. By suggestion of our oldest daughter, Jenna Elizabeth will be affectionately called "JennaBeth." Jenna will also keep part of her original Chinese name as an additional middle name.

If we are given another daughter who would be Jenna's twin sister, her name will be Emma Katherine. Emma will be named after Tim's sweet Grandma Emma. Katherine is also a family name on both Tim's Mom and Dad's sides. Amazingly, he has two Aunts named Katherine. By suggestion of our son, Emma Katherine will be affectionately called "EmmaKate." Emma will also keep part of her original Chinese name as an additional middle name.

So, there you have it. Please continue to pray for JennaBeth as well as the possibility of EmmaKate and the journey to our family. It is such a blessing to know that not only will our daughter/s be given names that represent family members...but we can now pray by specific reference. We also hope and pray that our Grandma Jenny, Grandma Emma and other name-sake relatives will somehow know that we have selected names in their honor and memory!

Thank you for your continued presence in our Journey of Blessings. There are no words to describe how much it means to us to know that you care and you are praying. May we all continue to realize the blessings we are given with each breath of life!

Counting our blessings....
Terri and family

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Dearest Terri,

My eyes well up with tears every time I read a new entry in your "Journey of Blessings." You can be sure that ALL of your family is being thought about and prayed for as the day of JennaBeth, and possibly EmmaKate's, arrival approaches!! You have an amazing family. God bless you all.

So much love,