Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Forty-Nine Months, Graduation & Updating! has been a busy season recently. We have had so many celebrations in our family and I have been eager to share all of them with you. On May 7, our daughter, Rachel, graduated from Kentucky Christian University with her BSN...Bachelor of Science in Nursing. She is now home for a little while as she continues to work at the pharamacy and consider different job opportunities. Ironically, Rachel graduated exactly 29 years to the day after I graduated from the same school. So we are thrilled for her. But it doesn't seem possible that she has grown up so fast. Micah also completed his freshman year at the University of Kentucky. Where has the time gone?

Then we enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day on May 8, our 27th anniversary on the 12th, our 49 Months of Log-In on the 13th and Tim's birthday on the 15th. What an exciting time. is going to remain busy for awhile. Now we are beginning to update our paperwork for our adoption and that is always an interesting, exciting and demanding time. We would truly appreciate your prayers for God's continued protection of our little one/s...and provision for all that we must do in the coming months of updating. It is a challenging and expensive process...but we know it will be worth it all when we bring our little JennaBeth(EmmaKate) home with us.

So...our journey continues and we are thrilled that we are 49 months closer to our little girl/s. Meanwhile, life continually changes here at home with Rachel's graduation, Micah's progress at UK, Tim's work and my ever-growing to-do list at home and elsewhere. We thank God for each of you along this journey. Thank you for your thoughts, prayers, faith and understanding as we continue to move closer to our little sweetie/s in China. The journey may be long but it is definitely blessed.
Cherishing each step closer,
Terri & Family

1 comment:

Judy Gloy said...

Well, things are changing for you now with Rachel graduating and moving on to her new life. We hope and pray God will be with her and guide and direct her and give her peace through this change. We also pray that you - her family - will be granted peace and surety knowing she is a big girl now and can do the things other people do - even though it is scary at times. We just pray for her safe keeping and that she succeeds in whatever she chooses to do with her life. She will certainly do the right thing. We are proud of her and trust that she is "hand in hand" with God during this journey.

Love you all.
