Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thirty-Five Months Since L.I.D.!

Although time seems to pass so quickly in every other area of life, our adoption journey continues to enrich our patience...and trust...and we are thankful. Thirty-five months ago last Saturday, our Dossier was logged-in China's system...and we are almost at the three-year mark of waiting since Log-In. We realize that the wait when we were logged-in was only eighteen months. So much has changed. But we also knew when we began this journey that the timeframe could fluctuate...and that has been the case. We also know that it's all in God's hands and we must trust that He knows what is best for our baby girl/s...and for our family. So we wait...and we celebrate that we are one day thirty-five months meeting our little one/s in China.

Sure, it's tough to wait this long. It's not easy to have a precious daughter (or two) half-way across the world and not know what she looks like, what her Chinese name is, where she lives, what she likes, etc.. But it's also amazing to know that the same God who holds us in His hands here also holds her in His hands there. So we wait...and we pray...and we love...and we are thankful for the hope we have today...and tomorrow.

Life remains busy in our home. Tim continues to work hard. Rachel is finishing up her spring semester of her junior year at the university. Micah is finishing up his senior year in high school. And I'm staying busier than ever with home, family, goals, etc.. We realize that each day is a reason to celebrate and we cherish the blessings of each day.

One week from today, we will take Micah to the USCIS office in Cincinnati for his fingerprinting with USCIS. After that, we should receive official word on the 36-Month-Update approval. Whew! What an adventure it has been this time!

We will keep you posted. We thank you for being a part of this long but very worthwhile journey. Thank you for your prayers for JennaBeth...(EmmaKate?)...and our well as everyone who helps us along the way. It's a true joy to know we are not alone in this journey of blessings. Be a blessing...and be blessed.
Cherishing the blessings of each day,
Terri & family

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