Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Urgent Prayers Needed Immediately!!

Hi everyone! All documents are complete...except THE ONE we mentioned last weekend. And the deadline is...THIS FRIDAY. However, that ONE document has not arrived yet. Tim called the out-of-state office today that needs to send that document...and it has not even been mailed yet!!!! (****silent scream****)

We were told that it would be mailed tomorrow, (Wednesday), and should arrive in Lexington by Friday! Have I mentioned how extremely important it is that we need that document by Friday at the latest????? (***sound of inhalers being used due to stress robbing my breath****)

We are praying and trusting God, who created the entire well as all of us....and our precious baby girl/s in see us through this ONE LAST DOCUMENT's arrival at our agency. However, we would deeply appreciate your fervent prayers over the next few days!!!! We realize God has it all in His hands...but we also realize that some people do not work as efficiently as God does! :) The document has been processed and printed. It simply needs signed and sent!!!! (***silent screams continue***) Soooooo, we really, really need some extremely efficient work by that office and the USPS. Would you be so kind to pray that it all work together and that every document we have diligently worked on for the last six weeks, including this ONE LAST DOCUMENT, will be ready and sent to Homeland Security this Friday...ON TIME? It's extremely vital!!

Please pardon my stress. We have worked extremely long and hard to complete all of these documents recently. We have labored night and day to compile such important paperwork. It has required lots of help and patience from family, friends, medical professionals, office workers, etc....and it has been an incredibly expensive effort in multiple ways. We know it is all worth it. But to watch all this effort and expense be halted due to ONE DOCUMENT's late arrival is quite disheartening, to say the least. IF WE HAVE EVER NEEDED YOUR PRAYERS MORE THAN EVER, IT IS NOW!!!!! Please pray individually, with your family and friends, your Church well as with anyone who will share this urgent prayer request. We're not simply concerned about the paperwork, expense, etc.. We are concerned about our little girl/s in China and making sure that we are doing everything possible to do what is required of us with the USA, PRC, Virginia, Ohio and Kentucky. Every moment counts...and every prayer is extremely important.

I will keep you posted as we continue this last segment of this race in our update. To be very honest, we are stressed beyond belief, weary beyond words and feeling enormous pressure to see this through. What a difference it makes to know that you are praying us through. God bless you all!!
Continuing the journey...under pressure! :)
Terri & Family

1 comment:

Judy Gloy said...

We are praying, dear ones. We have been praying. I know that God hears our prayers and will see to it that this document arrives very shortly - late, but "on time". It's so totally unbelievable that this is happening. I just don't understand it. But, God will prevail and He will see to it that it all gets done - in time, every time. And again, we're one day closer... so soon - very soon she/they will be here with all of us to love and enjoy. Just keep hanging in there... keep your chin up and it will soon be over and you will FINALLY have that/those precious little girl(s) in your arms... Won't it be GREAT?
Love you,
Ralph and Judy