Our 2012 has begun with a great start. We are very grateful for each blessing and I want to update you on the latest news.
Tim had surgery this past Monday and is recovering nicely at home. He is looking forward to feeling stronger and better each day. We are so grateful for the wonderful love, support and prayers from family and friends. It makes all the difference. Having friends who also worked at the hospital made our wait and experience much better, also. We were so blessed on many levels and appreciate each doctor, nurse and friend who walked beside us through this time.
Rachel began her new job as an RN at our local hospital. She loves it and feels so blessed to work in her hometown. We are thrilled to have her living closeby and to know this new chapter of her life is abundantly blessed already.
Micah began his spring semester this week at UK. He looks forward to new classes and a positive learning experience. He also continues to work at the pharmacy on weekends and breaks and is very grateful. We are thrilled for him and look forward to seeing his journey unfold, as well.
We continue to wait for the extension travel letter from China. We know God's timing is perfect and His plan is always for the best. We ask for your continued prayers for little Song and for God's leading as our family waits for the extension.
We have complete peace as we wait for our life journey to unfold on so many levels. We hope your new year is unfolding with many daily blessings. Please cherish each moment as a blessing and remember that you are never alone and always loved.
Hold on, precious JennaBeth Song! Daddy is feeling better each day. Mommy is working on designing your new room and preparing for your arrival. Your brother and sister are so excited to meet you and love you. We know God is holding you in His arms until we hold you in ours. We love you, sweetie. We hope to see you very soon.
Cherishing this blessed journey...
Terri & Family
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