Why is it that the days seem to pass so quickly before I write another entry on this blogsite...yet our journey to our baby girl/s seems so slow? Although I am a few days overdue in writing, as of February 13, we have been logged-in China's adoption system Forty-Six Months! So we are taking more steps toward our little one/s and we rejoice that we are getting closer each day. Of course, we wish we were awaiting a Referral at any moment...but we continue to trust God in this very long journey. We have been so blessed by the encouragement of friends who have learned of the longer than expected delay...again. As disappointed as we all are, we know that God is working it all together and it will be wonderful when we are ready to see her/their Referral picture...and prepare to fly to China. Until then, we wait, pray, hope and trust. It's certainly not easy to wait...but it will definitely be worth it all.
A couple days ago, I saw a friend who told me about being in the Lexington airport just one day before. While waiting for his relative, he noticed lots of people standing around with balloons, welcome home posters, etc.. Then he saw a family coming toward them with a little Asian daughter...and a younger Asian son. The little girl had obviously been adopted a few years earlier..but the little boy was coming home for the first time. My friend said he immediately thought of my family and how it will be when we arrive home with our little one/s. That made my day. The next day, as I watched the news from Lexington, they showed another family who had just arrived from Africa with three little ones to add to their growing family. They already had a couple biological children...but now they were blessed with three more precious children. The news anchors talked about how very long the journey had been because they had waited over three years! My heart was leaping for joy for both of these families. I wanted to call the tv station and tell them that we are going into our fifth year of this process! But I felt a peaceful nudging within me. Just as the perfect time came for the family with the little Asian daughter and new little Asian son....and then for the family who added more children from Africa to their precious family...so our time will come, as well. God knows which child or children He has created and designed to be with us. And although His timing is obviously very different from ours, we must trust the One who led us to this journey to bring us all together in just the right season of life for our daughter/s...and us. I admit it is difficult to wait longer...but it isn't about what we feel or want. It is about what is best for our little one/s in China. God knows what is best for them and so we wait, trust, pray, love, hope and prepare for what He is doing now and in the days ahead.
I also want to take a moment to wish my dear Grandmother a wonderful ♫ Happy Birthday ♫ tomorrow...February 22. If she were still with us, she would turn 101. Instead, she is celebrating in an incredible place where she is surrounded with love, joy, peace and no pain, illness or sorrow. However, she lives on within our hearts, our memories, our lives and our family each day. I vividly recall one of our last phone conversations before she went Home. She mentioned how she always wished that she could have had a granddaughter named after her but it never happened. The interesting thing is that without hesitation, I immediately and genuinely promised her that if my husband and I ever had another daughter, we would name the little one after her. I had no immediate plans of having another child...and certainly held no certainty of specifically having another daughter. But I felt such peace and joy as I heard myself make that promise to her. Grandma Jenny laughed and said..."you would really do that, wouldn't you, honey?" "Of course I would, Grandma! It would be an honor," I replied. "You can count on it. If God ever blesses us with another little girl, she will be named after you!" I was surprised to hear myself say that but I meant every word. She and I both knew it was a promise sealed in love. Not long after that conversation, Grandma went Home...and it wasn't until several years later that my husband and I were called to adopt a little girl or two from China. I wish Grandma Jenny could hold JennaBeth in her arms here on earth. But JennaBeth will always know about her dear Grandma Jenny who now lives in the presence of the God who made our little one/s and brought them into our lives. Meanwhile, we remember my dear Grandma who loved unconditionally, shared unselfishly, lived faithfully and honored God with her words, actions, heart and life no matter where she was or who she met. I miss you, Grandma Jenny...more than words can ever say. But I am thrilled that you are in a place where you are healed and surrounded with eternal love, light and dear loved ones. I love you, Grandma. Sometimes I find myself still reaching for the phone to call you...or seeing something I want to buy for you and send to you. But then I remember that you may not be with us on earth...but you are always with us in our hearts. Thank you for touching my life forever.
Now we are forty-six months closer to JennaBeth/EmmaKate and we celebrate Grandma Jenny's 101st birthday. There are many seasons in our lives...but each one is a true gift from God and I cherish the blessing of all the loved ones and moments in each season. This journey we now walk is no exception. I am extremely thankful.
Cherishing memories from before and memories to be made...
Terri & Family
1 comment:
We're patiently waiting for this/these sweet little girl/s and it is getting harder and harder. But, God knows best and we will wait some more but in the meantime we are praying that this/these sweet one/s will be safe from harm, happy and anxious to come home to America. Can't wait.
We love you JennaBeth/EmmaKate.
Ommie and PaPa
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