Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas & "JennaBear" ♥

The stockings are hung. Candles glow in the windows. Wreaths are on the doors. The tree stands tall with Baby Jesus placed front and center. Cards are arriving daily from loved ones far and near. Manger scenes remind us of the true reason for this celebration. It's definitely Christmas in our Kentucky home. Both children are home from college and Tim will soon be on vacation from work. The list of last minute details remains in constant view. My heart holds joy, gratitude and love as I sense this time of being together with dear family and friends.

Sitting in the high chair beside the softly illuminated China cabinet is a beautiful, plush white Bear wearing festive red and white Christmas clothing. She reminds us that a part of our family strongly lives in our hearts but resides in a country half-way around the world. "JennaBear" came home a few days ago when our daughter, Rachel, saw her in a store and brought her home for our baby girl/s in China. We are daily reminded as we see JennaBear sitting in the high chair that someday soon, our baby girl/s will be home with us. Yet until that wonderful time, our hearts, love, prayers and thoughts always carry our JennaBeth/EmmaKate with us. We were so touched by Rachel's thoughtful and kind deed. I so enjoyed watching Rachel place JennaBear in the high chair with such love, anticipation, joy and hope. Now we celebrate the arrival of a long-awaited Baby Boy around two thousand years ago...while we anticipate the arrival of a long-awaited baby girl or two in our family. What a difference love, joy, hope and excitement bring into life!

There are no words to adequately express the love we have for the amazing Baby who came to this earth thousands of years ago to change the world. As the song says, "a Baby changes everything." He certainly did...and that we may be Home with Him some day. It's also challenging to find words to describe how the love we have for this baby girl or two whom we have never met..but will travel around the world to bring home with us someday soon. She will definitely change our lives completely! Yet there are also other people in our lives whom we love dearly who continue to walk this journey of blessings with us as we wait, pray, love and hope along each step of the way. You...our faithful and dear friends, family members, agency workers, doctors, nurses, office workers and prayer warriors. We obviously could not endure this long journey toward our baby girl/s without you. You are appreciated immensely.

It is hard to imagine how a husband and wife felt years ago as they traveled a long distance before they held the Son of God in their arms. But He was and is life-changing for all the world. It is difficult to imagine the joy we will feel when we finally travel to China and hold our baby girl/s in our arms for the first time. But our lives are changed forever already by that little girl. Our journey is not alone as we sense the prayers and presence of each of you walking beside us. Thank you for another year of walking together. It is my sincere prayer that your Christmas and New Year will be blessed with unending love, amazing joy, indescribable hope and tremendous peace.
Cherishing Christmas with Love,
Terri & Family

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