Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Friday, January 8, 2010

Still in Motion!!!

Christmas has come and gone. New's Year's also came and went. Micah's 18th birthday, (New Year's Eve), came and went way too fast. Rachel returned to school last weekend and Micah went back this past Monday. Our 2010 is off to a fast and furious start. One thing is for sure....there is never a dull moment in our home or lives!

Meanwhile, Micah has been a bit ill. Rachel changed rooms in the dorm, (and yes, we drove up there and helped her move.) We've had a pretty decent snowstorm this week. And...Tim's Dad had open heart surgery this morning. Thankfully, everyone seems to be doing ok and we are very grateful for that. As I told Tim earlier this week, it's a bit like those commercials on tv when the dog is barking, the children are yelling, the doorbell is ringing, the phone is also ringing, dinner is boiling over on the stove...and someone wishes "Calgon" would take them away.

But we don't want to go away...except to China! :) So we continue doing what has to be done in order to complete our 36-Month Homestudy in the next couple of weeks. And life is definitely still in motion! Are we stressed? Sure. Are we exhausted? Absolutely. Are we going in several directions at one time? Seems like it. But are we grateful for all the blessings? That's a definite YES!

As I type this entry, our dear friends are in China receiving their third daughter. Forrest was a friend in college and his wife, Robin, was my roommate. They are an incredible family. They have three biological sons who are wonderful young men. And their three daughters from China are precious, as well. As I read their blog each day, I am reminded so vividly just how worth it this journey is when we look at "the big picture." Although the last few weeks have been hectic, tiring and full of a mountain of documents, appointments and continuous running, it doesn't take long to realize that the reason behind all of our indeed worth every moment...and every step to our little sweetie/s in China.

Before Forrest and Robin left to receive their youngest daughter, I asked them to "blow a kiss" to our little one/s while there. I believe that Forrest and Robin planned to blow that kiss to our baby girl/s from the Great Wall of China. How amazing to know that our friends are now in our daughter/s' homeland...and have even thought of her during their very busy schedule. Somehow, it just makes our recent "mad rush" so worthwhile. For now we see papers, bills, to-do lists, etc.. But someday...we will see our little girl/s...and we will put our arms around her and bring her home to be a part of our family...forever!!! Now THAT'S worth it all!!

Please continue to pray for our sweet daughter/s in China, for our dear friends who are there right now, and for all that needs to be done in the coming weeks. We have had some documents coming in right on schedule while others have not. We have more appointments, meetings, interviews, expenses, a home tour with our social worker next weekend and more forms to prepare...just to name a "few" steps ahead. Would you please keep all of these in your thoughts and prayers? It is so overwhelming but possible with His help and your prayers!

We truly thank you for your prayers as our "marathon" continues. We are grateful for all the wonderful folks who are helping us along our journey: our doctors, nurses, notary people, social worker, agency advocate, bank employees, government office folks in OH, VA and KY, sheriff's office, attorney, Tim's employer and office workers there. There are also our friends, ministers, family members and other adoptive parents who keep encouraging us. Hearing your words of hope, kindness, understanding and support are priceless! From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so very, very much. Honestly, we are extremely tired and the road is not always easy...or inexpensive...or smooth..or quick. But it is always worth it! You are such a blessing to us along this journey and we thank God for shining through each of you. You share light along this path and as we see your smiling faces and hear your loving kindness...we know we aren't alone. Neither is our precious JennaBeth (EmmaKate?). May God bless you all as you touch many lives, including ours. May you be blessed as you continue being a blessing in this world.
Cherishing those lighting our journey,
Terri & Family

1 comment:

Judy Gloy said...

The time is quickly passing, but yet, waiting for little Jennabeth seems forever. I can't even imagine how it feels for you all. I look at her little toys, her shoes, etc., and it just absolutely makes my heart want to burst with joy. And, I was so thankful to read the posts/journal of the friends of yours - it helped me see exactly what takes place when the adoption comes to fruition. Bless those sweet babies' hearts! Absolutely no words to describe how precious they are. But, as I always say... "we're just one more day closer" and I pray that God will say to you in the VERY NEAR FUTURE... "okay now Lorenz family, it's TIME". Oh what a happy day that will be.
Our prayers will remain with you all and for you all until that day arrives - and after. We have been praying that Tim's father will be just fine after his surgery and the illnesses will cease so that you all can "carry on".
Just know we love you all and are anxiously awaiting the GOOD NEWS!
Love you,
Ralph and Judy