Thirty-one months ago today, our Dossier was logged into China's adoption system! Thirty-one months later, we rejoice that we are getting closer and closer to our baby girl/s. It's not easy to wait, as usual. It's not easy to remember that when we were logged in thirty-one months ago, the wait was only eighteen months until Referral. Now the wait is over twice that amount of time. It literally hurts my heart to miss our little daughter/s so much. But...we are closer to her/them than ever before...and we are very grateful.
We realize that we only see a part of the plan God has in store for our family. We realize that He sees the entire picture and He knows what is best for our little one/s. We realize that the wait is all part of His plan, His timing, His design and His provision. We realize that He already knows how everything will work together for the best. And we trust Him.
We trust Him to take care of our little JennaBeth and possibly EmmaKate. We trust Him to know what is best for them in their precious little lives and the time involved for their journey home with us. We trust Him to know what is best for our family here as we prepare for the arrival of our baby girl/s. We trust Him to provide her/their/our every need before we fly to China to bring them home. We trust and we wait. We pray and we love. We count our blessings along this journey.
Our dear, sweet Jenna Elizabeth (and Emma Katherine?), if I could say anything to you right now, I would tell you that you are loved so very much. You have been in our hearts for over three years. You are in our thoughts, prayers and lives every day. We long for the day we will see your face, hold you in our hearts and bring you home. We long to know more about you. We long to share life with you and we are thrilled to know God has asked us to bring you, our precious little daughter/s, into our lives in this very special and amazing way. Hold on, sweetie/s...we're hugging you in our hearts for now. But some wonderful day, we will hug you in our arms and we will share the rest of our lives together as your Forever Family. Rest, grow and always know we love you. We always have. We always will. Hold us in your heart as we are holding you in ours. I love you so much...and I thank God for you as I carry you in my heart. ~Mom
Thirty-one months...and still cherishing this amazing journey,
Terri & Family
1 comment:
It will be almost 3 years since Dad and Mom started this beautiful journey to you, sweet Jennabeth! It's been such a long journey, although time itself seems to be flying by, the waiting for you seems endless. But, never fear. We expect that one of these days - and we pray, God willing, Mommy and Daddy will get the great news to come and get you, sweet little one - and bring you home to your family where you belong. A family who loves you dearly - beyond words. And, friends of your family have been waiting, too, because we love you and thank God for you everyday. We ask Him to watch over you and care for you while we all wait. You will be in the most loving family, sweet baby. And, if you have a sister, she, too, will be welcomed into this family - our family - the Family of God... oh, what a blessing you are and what a blessing that will be when we see you! When you are met at the airport after arriving in the beautiful United States of America, oh what a joyous time that will be. We, sweet one, we will have a lot of toys in addition to our love waiting for you. You'll have your beautiful, smart, talented, loving big sister awaiting and your loving, smart, talented big brother awaiting you as well as other family members and friends who will love you as their own. Won't it be great? Heaven will shout Hallelujah when you reach this land of ours and fall into your daddy and mommy's arms. We here, who will be patiently waiting your arrival, will be shouting praises to our Heavenly Father, thanking HIM for the privilege of getting to know you and to hold you closely as well as mommy and daddy, sissy and brother. Thank-You, God for this/these precious baby girl(s). We love you, JennaBeth (and EmmaKate)- anxiously awaiting... for YOU!
Auntie Judy and Uncle Ralphie.
P.S. He has your little Tyke Byke scrubbed and sanitized for you and we can't wait to see you scooting around on it!
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