Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's a cool, crisp Saturday afternoon and the first weekend of spring, 2009. Even though the temperatures do not reflect the spring season, we know that we are headed that direction. Winter is officially over, (yay!), and we have every reason to believe that the spring and summer seasons will bring long, warm, sunny, breath-taking beauty we've always enjoyed this time of year.

Of course, with my analytical mind, I consider that in other areas of our lives. We are creatures of habit, aren't we? We automatically think that we'll experience warmth in spring and summer and brisk, cool temps in the fall and winter. We pack away the clothes from the cooler seasons to prepare for the warmer ones. We plan our flower and vegetable gardens in anticipation of the proper weather conditions that will later yield that which we have planted. We anticipate the accomplishment of summer projects outside and winter projects inside. It doesn't surprise us when things go according to plans by the design of the seasons, does it? Why is that?

Well, I definitely believe that it involves two perspectives. The first perspective is experience. In all my years of life, there has never been any other order of seasons than spring, summer, fall and winter. It always happened and I have no reason to believe it will change. The second perspective is expectation. What I believe and hope for certainly seems to affect what I expect to happen. Of course, experience affects expectations. But sometimes, our expectations also influence our experiences...and how we view them.

I've noticed many things along life's journey. I've noticed there are different personalities, perspectives, temperaments, attitudes, life experiences, histories, resources, etc.. I've also noticed that some groups of people may have lived in very similar surroundings yet express vastly different perspectives. And then there are individuals from vastly different surroundings who share very similar attitudes, etc.. (Can you tell one of my college degree majors included psychology/counseling?) :)

What does this have to do with our journey of blessings? Quite simply...everything. I believe we all learn from our experiences. But I also believe that we choose how we learn from life and how we will apply that to our present and future opportunities. Let's face it. Life is not an easy journey sometimes. Life isn't always fair. Life isn't always fun. But life is a gift and how we choose to live it makes a huge difference. I'm not trying to oversimplify the difficulties and challenges. I'm simply saying that our perspectives influence our experiences. How we view this gift of life can certainly have a profound affect on our choices and our journeys.

We are often asked about our adoption journey with great interest, support, enthusiasm and kindness. Other times, we are met with skepticism, pessimism and shock. We have often been asked "Are you sure you're ready to start all over again?" Then they look dazed and confused when we simply reply "We never finished!" You see, the "unusual" prospect of having a young adult daughter, a teenage son...while raising a little girl or two from China...while we experience our middle years of life...does not bother us at all. Why? Because we knew in our hearts that this was the journey we were called to pursue. While other friends our age are enjoying grandchildren, we are preparing for another nursery for our youngest addition. Who knows? Our own daughter and son may eventually have their own families with children not so different in age than our youngest addition/s. :) Wouldn't that be wonderful? But we know that our journey has been guided in this direction and we are so excited...and blessed. If our journey is different than others....that's perfectly fine. We're all called to live our lives in His plan and design. And if He can create each snowflake differently than the rest...well, He can certainly create us..and call us differently, too. does this apply to life's journey in general? Lately I have noticed that many precious lives are struggling. It's heartbreaking to hear and see the story of so many aching souls. Of course, this is nothing new for in this world, people experience hurt every day. Yet, it seems to have reached epidemic proportions and that concerns me. Do we simply accept that since they experience it, we should just "expect" it...and therefore, accept it? I hope not. Life should not just be a blessing "to" us...but it should be a blessing "through" us. Just as we see the promises of the seasons around us, may we be living promises in life's seasons for others. Promises of genuine hope, love, faith, kindness, joy and peace can touch lives deeply. Who knows? Maybe an unexpected blessing could vastly change someone's experience and entire journey! Go ahead. Enjoy the blessings and enjoy being blessings!
Thanking God for the journey,
Terri and family


Unknown said...

Hi Terri: I'm going to try this one more time. I'll tell you about my latest "excursion" in the gmail/email department! Yikes! Ha. I think I've gotten it figured out, now. Anyway, you ARE a blessing to me. And, you are totally correct! We not only are we thankful for the blessings we RECEIVE, BUT WE have a responsibility to BE A BLESSING FOR God! And that, you are. So, hang in there! Here it is, Saturday, March 21st... and, "we're 1 day closer!"
Love you.

Judy Gloy said...

Good morning! Just checking in. Just think... we're ONE DAY CLOSER! YaY! I hope all is well. I'm crazy-nuts busy with my various jobs. I'm on a down-hill roller coaster. But, we're okay. Just a lot going on. I'll talk to you later. Love to you all.