The weekend went way too fast. Our daughter returned to college. Our son went back to school. Tim is back at work. It's even a bit sad that the laundry pile has slowed down just a bit, too! :) But it was a wonderful weekend and memories were made, moments were cherished and we were together. We had a candlelight Easter dinner with plenty of food. (I cooked Friday night and Saturday and loved it!) I even used our best dishes. It was worth every moment of preparation, participation and clean-up!
I've been thinking about the weekend from a little different perspective. The joy didn't just come from sitting at the table and eating. The joy came from every moment involved. I loved planning the menu and asking each person for their request. I enjoyed shopping for them. It was fun to plan what to prepare when and how to make sure the rolls were hot at just the right moment while other dishes were kept cool or warm. Making the table look just right was a pleasure. When Rachel walked in after work and commented on how everything looked and how the aroma of food filled the house, I was thrilled. Then sitting down together was a tremendous blessing. But it wasn't just one moment that made it special. It was witnessing each special moment woven into the tapestry of a special time...a celebration...being family...and recognizing our blessings along the way.
Many times our hearts ache for our little one/s in China. When I read or hear about other parents much farther along in their journeys and realize how very long they have waited, my heart feels heavy. Then I have to remind myself that it will be such a wonderful moment when we hold our little JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) in our arms. But the joy of that moment would not be the same without all the joys of the moments we have now...getting to know other adoptive parents, learning about faith in a whole new way, watching our children grow in their love and excitement for their little sister/s, meeting people along the way in the offices, doing life with family and friends, and counting our blessings day by day, moment by moment, step by step. If we are so consumed by the blessings ahead, we're missing the blessings we're given today...and the journey of blessings would not be as rich and full as it was intended to be.
The same can be said of life. If we're too busy to cherish each breath and each moment we're given today, we're missing out on so many blessings by focusing solely on the moments ahead. Yet every moment, every breath, every friend, every step is indeed a gift! Sometimes it's so easy to miss what we have as we anticipate what we're striving for. Although life isn't perfect and every moment isn't easy, we are blessed and need to count each blessing in our lives.
Sure, I can hardly wait to see our little girl/s wearing an Easter hat and adorable dress with frilly socks and shiny shoes. But I'm enjoying the hugs, laughter, friendships, joy, love, prayers and life we're sharing along the journey, too. I'm loving the moments around the table as the candlelight flickers on the faces of those I love and have been blessed with in life today. I even enjoy watching the laundry piles rapidly grow for that means my precious family is closeby. And when the dishwasher is humming and the pans are soaking in the sink, that's a blessing, too. For we have been together. As I read your emails, hear your voices and share life with you, I am thankful for the joy in this journey. It may be long...but we're never alone! What blessings you all are to us. What a journey full of blessings...every step of the way!
Cherishing the moments,
Terri and family
This website has been created to share our wonderful Journey of Blessings with family and friends as we walk by faith toward our precious daughter in China. Not only will she be a wonderful gift from God, but every step taken and every individual involved along our journey are also considered blessings for which we are very thankful. Thank you for joining us in this Journey of Blessings.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
The excitement seems to build as the weekend arrives. Even at the grocery store today, the employees in various departments were friendly and wishing customers a Happy Easter and a great weekend. I enjoyed the enthusiasm and kindness they showed. It is my wish that we continue to be a blessing to others every day of the year...and not just during springtime or Easter.
At the same time, my heart has been heavy on this "Good Friday." Our son came home from school last night quite ill and insisted on going to school this morning while we assured him that we would schedule a doctor's appointment today as soon as possible. He took his math test and then went to the doctor this afternoon. Micah isn't one to become ill very often but when he does, he is miserable. So we were relieved when he was prescribed medicine for the next ten days to help him recover. As a Mom, I am always very sad when our children are sick. I would much rather be ill than have them experience it. But I know he'll feel better soon and I'm so grateful for a great doctor, effective medicine and the joy of watching our son return to normal.
I can't help but think about another Mom many years ago who watched her Son suffer so terribly. She couldn't rescue Him. She couldn't get him to a doctor or give Him medicine to help Him feel better...or survive. She wasn't even clear that He would miraculously return in three days. But she was with Him in those final moments. I cannot imagine her heartache, her despair, her sense of loss as "her little boy" paid such a price for those He loves. Love endured it all as He did what He came to do...and as she loved Him through it. It seems kind of silly that we can't be more kind, thoughtful, respectful, loving and helpful to one another every day when others went through so much more in the name of love.
Sometimes folks comment that our journey to our little girl/s must be very difficult and challenging. I admit that it isn't always easy as we try to remain patient, hopeful and peaceful in the middle of waiting. But we always say "it's worth the wait"...not because we're lacking the human tendencies to miss our baby girl/s...and not because we have an unending amount of patience. We miss her so much every day! IS worth the wait...and we will gladly walk this long journey...because that's what love does! And that's all that matters. We are enormously blessed to have this opportunity to welcome another precious child (or two) in our hearts and family. We are incredibly blessed to have wonderful friends who are so loving and supportive along this journey. We are indeed blessed to know that every step of this process moves us closer to bringing her home with us. Considering the price Someone paid for us, our journey seems quite simple for her. That's what love does!
Cherish this exciting weekend. Cherish your health, your loved ones, your hope and your joy. Cherish every moment of life and the opportunities to love one another. Be kind and compassionate to everyone in your daily journey. That's what love does!
Cherishing our journey of blessings and love,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah
At the same time, my heart has been heavy on this "Good Friday." Our son came home from school last night quite ill and insisted on going to school this morning while we assured him that we would schedule a doctor's appointment today as soon as possible. He took his math test and then went to the doctor this afternoon. Micah isn't one to become ill very often but when he does, he is miserable. So we were relieved when he was prescribed medicine for the next ten days to help him recover. As a Mom, I am always very sad when our children are sick. I would much rather be ill than have them experience it. But I know he'll feel better soon and I'm so grateful for a great doctor, effective medicine and the joy of watching our son return to normal.
I can't help but think about another Mom many years ago who watched her Son suffer so terribly. She couldn't rescue Him. She couldn't get him to a doctor or give Him medicine to help Him feel better...or survive. She wasn't even clear that He would miraculously return in three days. But she was with Him in those final moments. I cannot imagine her heartache, her despair, her sense of loss as "her little boy" paid such a price for those He loves. Love endured it all as He did what He came to do...and as she loved Him through it. It seems kind of silly that we can't be more kind, thoughtful, respectful, loving and helpful to one another every day when others went through so much more in the name of love.
Sometimes folks comment that our journey to our little girl/s must be very difficult and challenging. I admit that it isn't always easy as we try to remain patient, hopeful and peaceful in the middle of waiting. But we always say "it's worth the wait"...not because we're lacking the human tendencies to miss our baby girl/s...and not because we have an unending amount of patience. We miss her so much every day! IS worth the wait...and we will gladly walk this long journey...because that's what love does! And that's all that matters. We are enormously blessed to have this opportunity to welcome another precious child (or two) in our hearts and family. We are incredibly blessed to have wonderful friends who are so loving and supportive along this journey. We are indeed blessed to know that every step of this process moves us closer to bringing her home with us. Considering the price Someone paid for us, our journey seems quite simple for her. That's what love does!
Cherish this exciting weekend. Cherish your health, your loved ones, your hope and your joy. Cherish every moment of life and the opportunities to love one another. Be kind and compassionate to everyone in your daily journey. That's what love does!
Cherishing our journey of blessings and love,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah
Sunday, March 16, 2008
The Promise of Spring
As I glanced out the kitchen window today, I noticed that our Bradford Pear trees in the front yard are showing the promise of spring! Those little tiny buds are forming in determination for future blooms which will progress into full coverage on each limb. Then I realized the yard is transforming from multiple shades of taupe and brown into various hues of green. Yes....spring is almost here! My favorite season is upon us and it is a wonderful sign of new life, new adventures and more opportunities to enjoy the beauty of our surroundings. I can hardly wait to plant new flowers in the baskets on the lawn or in flower boxes on the deck. My citrus trees and ferns are quite anxious to return outside and as much as I'd love to move them, I know we must wait until the time is "just right" for their protection and progress.
As I considered all the promises of spring, I couldn't help but think about our journey to our precious little girl/s. The excitement builds and we continue to walk toward our little Sweetie Pie/s. Although the wait is long and it often seems that we only face mountains of paperwork and projects during this process, we must remember that when winter seems silent and unprogressive, the promise of spring continues and there is indeed progress, even when we cannot see it. As the timing must be "just right" for the trees to bud, the grass to turn green and plants to grow, we must trust that God's timing will direct this journey to our little daughter/s in China. So we continue to count our blessings, enjoy the journey and trust that the promise of spring will remind us of even more joys to come! As we've been told so often, God's timing is always right...and when we hold our baby in our arms, it will all make sense. So we wait. We pray. We trust. We work. We grow. And we enjoy the blessings of each season along the way!
Our thanks to all of you who so faithfully pray, love and encourage us along this journey. When you share your hearts, prayers and hopes about our sweetie/s, it warms our hearts and increases our excitement! For spring will come...and our little one/s will be placed in our arms, and our joy will always include the kindness shown to us along the way by each life involved.
Our daughter is now home from college for spring break. Our son is outside shooting basketball. My precious husband is determined to complete projects around the house. My mind is racing with new ideas for spring cleaning and transforming our home into a season of celebration and excitement. How wonderful that Easter is only one week away. It is truly a journey of blessings for which we are very grateful. Have a wonderful spring, everyone. And Happy Easter, too!
Cherishing this season,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah
As I considered all the promises of spring, I couldn't help but think about our journey to our precious little girl/s. The excitement builds and we continue to walk toward our little Sweetie Pie/s. Although the wait is long and it often seems that we only face mountains of paperwork and projects during this process, we must remember that when winter seems silent and unprogressive, the promise of spring continues and there is indeed progress, even when we cannot see it. As the timing must be "just right" for the trees to bud, the grass to turn green and plants to grow, we must trust that God's timing will direct this journey to our little daughter/s in China. So we continue to count our blessings, enjoy the journey and trust that the promise of spring will remind us of even more joys to come! As we've been told so often, God's timing is always right...and when we hold our baby in our arms, it will all make sense. So we wait. We pray. We trust. We work. We grow. And we enjoy the blessings of each season along the way!
Our thanks to all of you who so faithfully pray, love and encourage us along this journey. When you share your hearts, prayers and hopes about our sweetie/s, it warms our hearts and increases our excitement! For spring will come...and our little one/s will be placed in our arms, and our joy will always include the kindness shown to us along the way by each life involved.
Our daughter is now home from college for spring break. Our son is outside shooting basketball. My precious husband is determined to complete projects around the house. My mind is racing with new ideas for spring cleaning and transforming our home into a season of celebration and excitement. How wonderful that Easter is only one week away. It is truly a journey of blessings for which we are very grateful. Have a wonderful spring, everyone. And Happy Easter, too!
Cherishing this season,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Together In Our Hearts
It's very early on Saturday morning...actually just past midnight Friday night...and we're experiencing a major winter storm. The meteorologists say this is the worst winter storm we've faced in a decade. So it's hard for me to rest when our family is together in our hearts, but not at home. As I'm writing, we're having thunder, sleet, snow and a very cold wind chill temperature of eight degrees. As the sleet hits the windows and pounds on the roof, I am reminded just how much my heart aches when our family and friends are not together.
Tim is working tonight and it will be very challenging for him to get home safely. Rachel was supposed to come home from college to work this weekend but we urged her to stay on campus for her own safety. Our son is in bed sound asleep. Our baby girl/s are half way around the world. Our family and many friends live in different states while other friends live locally or an hour or two away. During times like this, I must remember that our hearts may not be in one physical location...but we remain very connected in other precious and meaningful ways.
Although this major winter storm is supposed to affect us through the entire weekend, I continue to remember that better, (and warmer), days are ahead. Eventually the storm will move away. The temperatures will rise. The sun will shine again. We will find opportunities to be together with our family, our friends and relatives. And...on another wonderful day, we will also rejoice when we are holding our precious baby girl/s in our arms...and we will bring them home.
There's a well-known statement that says "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming." Now I must say "It's winter, but spring is coming." Hold on dear ones, we may be going through the storm and separation momentarily...but we are looking forward to those moments when we are together in hearts...and hugs. :)
Take care, everyone, and cherish one another!
Terri and family
Tim is working tonight and it will be very challenging for him to get home safely. Rachel was supposed to come home from college to work this weekend but we urged her to stay on campus for her own safety. Our son is in bed sound asleep. Our baby girl/s are half way around the world. Our family and many friends live in different states while other friends live locally or an hour or two away. During times like this, I must remember that our hearts may not be in one physical location...but we remain very connected in other precious and meaningful ways.
Although this major winter storm is supposed to affect us through the entire weekend, I continue to remember that better, (and warmer), days are ahead. Eventually the storm will move away. The temperatures will rise. The sun will shine again. We will find opportunities to be together with our family, our friends and relatives. And...on another wonderful day, we will also rejoice when we are holding our precious baby girl/s in our arms...and we will bring them home.
There's a well-known statement that says "It's Friday, but Sunday's coming." Now I must say "It's winter, but spring is coming." Hold on dear ones, we may be going through the storm and separation momentarily...but we are looking forward to those moments when we are together in hearts...and hugs. :)
Take care, everyone, and cherish one another!
Terri and family
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