Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, January 7, 2008

A Surprise along the Journey!

For those dear friends who have told us that God's timing is always right, we have a wonderful example of that to share with you today! Just last week, we contacted our social worker about updating paperwork and the process began. We received an email from her last night and another email from the agency today telling us that as of last Friday, state regulations have changed and we will NOT need to update the homestudy at 12 months. There were changes made last week that allow us an extended six months! This means that we have major updating to do this spring and summer...but it is wonderful news in that we presently have one less "report" to do along in this journey. As any of you involved in the adoption process understand, that is a huge blessing! So...just when we were stepping into yet another chapter of paperwork, we were told within a day or two that this specific chapter is not necessary! Yay! The news could not have been more perfectly timed! We will miss seeing our dear social worker soon, but we will definitely be able to stay in touch with her and see her this summer! And...there are many projects underway in our household right now to keep us busy, as well. As God timed these new regulations so perfectly, we are reminded that His timing in our Journey to our daughter will also be perfect...and worth every moment we wait in His plan.

Thank you for your continued prayers! Thank you for walking beside us in this journey. Thank you to loved ones who have already shared beautiful gifts for our baby girl. Thank you, God, for the perfect timing and master plan You continue to provide as we walk closer to our sweet daughter. We are so blessed in this Journey and we will keep you posted as we move forward.
Counting our blessings,
Terri and family


Joyce said...

Dearest Terri,

I don't think I have read one single post without welling up with tears...HAPPY tears. God is great! It is fun, and a blessing, to be able to keep up with your "journey." I'm so grateful for this site. Prayers are with your family and with the little girl(s) who will be with your family, in God's time.

So much love to all of you,

Joyce said...

Hello Terri,

Thinking about you this morning and praying your "Journey of Blessings" is still going smoothly. God bless you and your family - including the baby girl(s) you are waiting for!

So much love to all of you,