Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Friday, December 21, 2007

A Blessed Christmas To You All

What a year 2007 has been! It seems like only a month ago we were putting away the candles, wreaths, lights and spotlights, tree, ornaments and wrapping supplies. Now we're a few days away from Christmas...and a few more days away from 2008. Unbelievable! We could chat about all the progress made in our adoption journey. We could tell you about the places we've gone and the joys we've shared with our children. But for tonight, it's simply a time to say "Thank You" and we wish you a very Blessed Christmas!

There have been so many blessings along our journey this year. There are the friends who ask how the process is going and really want to hear about it. There are our Doctors and their staff members who take time to ask and help in any way needed. There are our Church friends who always have encouraging words about this journey. There are those of you who are praying for this process, for our little Jenna Elizabeth, (and maybe Emma Katherine), and for everyone involved. There's the adoption agency who is so kind and encouraging. There are our friends who are adoptive parents who always share positive thoughts and information. There are always people to remind us just how blessed we have been...and are right we wait and walk closer toward our little daughter each day. There are those who see us out and about at the stores and say "any word on the baby?" and our hearts are warmed by their enthusiasm and genuine concern. There are so many blessings along this journey that we can't possibly mention them all. But one thing is for sure. What a wonderful journey it is because of each of you who truly care and bless our lives in so many wonderful ways. Thank you!

As the Season continues to grasp us with busy schedules, long check-out lines, numerous commercials everywhere we look...and even traffic jams...take a quiet moment to stop, think and realize that you are a blessing in our lives...and we thank God for you. As you reflect on your past year, your activities, your goals for 2008 and the purpose of your life, never forget that you are touching lives deeply with one of the greatest gifts of all...loving others. Thank you for your love, your joy, your friendship, your prayers and your genuine interest in our family's journey to a little girl on the other side of the world waiting to come home. You may never realize how much you mean to us, but always know that you matter and your life is a gift! We can hardly wait to tell our little daughter about all the special people who prayed us through our journey to her.

We'll keep you posted on our progress. Please keep us posted about your precious lives, as well. We'll continue to update this blog...and will add pictures once we figure out how to do that. Meanwhile, our love and prayers go out to all of you in our lives who truly care and walk beside us in our Journey of Blessings. Thank you for being wonderful blessings to us. A very Blessed Christmas to you all!
Love to all,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah

1 comment:

Joyce said...

Dearest Tim, Terri, Rachel, Micah,

Greetings to you as Christmas Day approaches. Your family is a blessing beyond words. I want to thank YOU for being who you are. Finally being able to meet all of you in October, was one of the greatest blessings of my year. I continue to pray for you and your "journey" as you dream of your baby girl(s) spending Christmas (and every day of the year) with you in your home. I get goose bumps just thinking about that! Have a blessed Christmas.

So much love to you,