It has been another day of blessings! What a wonderful journey God continues to provide! We met with our new Family Advocate at the adoption agency today and she is precious! It will be a joy to have her walk us through the rest of the process. So that makes two wonderful family advocates we've had and both have been so sweet! We are so thankful. Our discussion today gave us a great deal to consider. But before we even arrived home, our Family Advocate had emailed us an answer to some of our concerns and that was very helpful! Right now, the estimated wait from Log-In to Referral is around 23 months!! So we were concerned about the age factor. But it turns out it's not a major concern! Yay, God! So meeting our new Family Advocate and finding out that my age is not an issue at this point were great blessings! Of course, we still have paperwork to update in the coming months, but we know God will lead us in that aspect of our journey as well.
We have a few specific prayer requests at this point. First, please pray for everyone involved in the adoption process...the precious children waiting to go home, the wonderful folks in the USA and PRC who are working so hard to bring the children and their families together, and the families who are working, waiting and walking by faith to bring the children home. Waiting for approximately 23 months is very difficult to imagine and endure. But once again, God's master plan and perfect timing will orchestrate bringing everyone together so beautifully! Second, please pray for this waiting time to possibly decrease. Time frames fluctuate often so it is very possible that it will be reduced sometime. Yet our hearts ache for all the children and parents who long to be together as "Forever Families." Third, Tim and I have always been open to both non-Special Needs Children and Special Needs Children options. We are currently in the non-Special Needs process and remain peaceful with this choice. However, we always wish to follow God's leading and we ask your prayers as we continue listening for His direction in this area. He already knows the answer. We simply want to follow His call. Please pray that we will continue to listen wholeheartedly.
What a beautiful day! The emails and posts we have received from precious friends are indeed gifts from God. Thanks to all of you for every word, hug, prayer and kindness you share. May your lives be blessed as richly as He has blessed us through you!
Walking by faith....
Terri & family
Hi Terri: I'm gong to try this 1 more time. I am really getting frustrated and can't understand why this doesn't let me get in. They keep saying my password isn't long enough. It's 10 characters! Oh well, let's try it again.
Love you.
Hello Terri,
As I said in my other post, your love for your family really shines through! God bless you for that and for wanting to give of yourselves, to save a Baby Girl, and give her the kind of life everyone deserves. I will continue to pray for you and the requests you have written about.
Much love to you and your family,
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