Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny!

The day is almost over but my thoughts certainly never stop thinking about a very dear lady in my life. Today is my very precious Grandma Jenny's birthday! Had she not left several years ago, she would have celebrated her ninty-ninth birthday today. I'm sure she's still celebrating but now she's in a place where years aren't so definitive anymore. :) But I had to share a birthday greeting to her anyway. She will always have a very special place in my heart and days like today make me miss her even more and love her even deeper.

She may not have stayed on this earth long enough to see one of her dreams come true but we're still working on it. And some day soon, Lord willing, we will bring home our sweet baby girl from China and tell her all about her namesake. Yes....Jenna Elizabeth (+ Chinese name) Lorenz, aka "JennaBeth" will hear all about her Great Grandmother Jenny and how the love of one precious, humble, gentle and genuine soul...touched countless lives for generations.

I miss you so much, Grandma. I miss sitting at your table and laughing like two school girls. I miss the letters we wrote to one another when I was in college. I miss the phone calls from Kentucky to Virginia late at night when we shared life...and love...and secrets...and dreams. I miss surprising you with unexpected visits to your house when you still thought I was in KY that day. I miss our trips in my little VW. We had some great ones. I miss calling you to ask how you made a special recipe...and you talked me through it. And I still use those recipes for my family! I miss your laughter, your music, your joy and your faith. I miss your smiles and your strength...your love and your hope. I miss hearing your voice and walking into your home where love abounded every moment. I miss hearing the exciting stories from your life and how you remember historical events I've only read about. I miss hugging you...and kissing your cheek...and knowing there would always be a bond between us. I miss you, my precious Grandma Jenny.

But I also remember some of the last words we spoke to one another...and we knew that even though they might be the final words we shared on this earth...we would see one another again someday...forever. I remember the promises we made to one another on this earth and for eternity. I remember you. I remember your love. I remember your incredible influence on my life. And I remember a place in my heart that will always be yours...and only yours. You were...and of a kind. It has been, and will always be, a joy to call you my Grandmother.

Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny. You are one of the greatest blessings in my life. I love you so much and I can hardly wait to hold your namesake in my arms. Then I will tell her for the very first time that her name is Jenna...because of a dear, precious, selfless and loving, faithful woman who had a heart full of love and who changed my life forever. It seems only fitting to name your great-granddaughter after you...when our JennaBeth will also enter our lives with lots of love and will change our lives forever, too.

From all of us here to all the love, glory and hope where you are, Happy Birthday, Grandma Jenny. I can only imagine how wonderful the celebration is there for an amazing lady like you. I can hardly wait to hug you once more..for eternity.
Cherishing your life and love always,
Terri and Family

Friday, February 13, 2009

Twenty- Two Months Closer!!

What an exciting day as we celebrate twenty-two months since our Dossier was "Logged In" China's system. Of course, we wish we were holding our baby girl in our arms right now and I can't deny that our hearts ache to have her home with us. But it is wonderful to realize that we are twenty-months closer to her than when we first began this journey. It may be another year or more before we see her picture for the first time. It may be a year and a half before we board a plane to fly to her homeland to meet her, hold her in our arms for the first time and bring her home. As a Mom, I struggle with waiting that long. (I thought nine months were hard during my previous pregnancies!) Yet at the same time, we know that it will all come together at just the right time...with the exact child God has chosen for us...and we cannot rush His plan. Meanwhile, our love continues to grow deeper and deeper for our sweetie pie. We have never seen her. We don't know the day of her birth. Yet she is so loved so very much! All we know is that we have been called by God to open our hearts, lives, family and home to this wonderful, special and precious child...and she is with us every day in our thoughts, prayers and heart. It's hard to explain how much we love this child who lives on the other side of the world yet lives in our hearts. But she is definitely a part of our lives already. Love can't always be explained easily...but there is no question that our baby daughter is loved and a very present part of our family. I can't imagine what it will be like to finally see her...hold her and share life with her. Stay's going to be a great journey!

Meanwhile, as the economy around us brings many adjustments, sacrifices and concerns, please pray for all the adoptive parents in this process. None of us know what tomorrow may bring. It is very concerning, to say the least. So if I could ask you to pray fervently for some specifics right now, it would be two-fold. First, please pray for our sweet JennaBeth...and possibly EmmaKate. Maybe the birth has occurred. Maybe not. Maybe her birth mom still carries her and awaits her arrival. We don't know. But please pray for our baby girl and all those who are caring for her in various ways. Second. please pray for adoptive parents who are dealing with uncertainties, concerns, adjustments, etc.. So much depends on the financial aspect of our journeys. We honestly cherish every prayer you offer on behalf of every family already making selfless sacrifices so that children can be brought home. Our hearts ache for our babies and the concerns grow stronger as the economy grows weaker. We know we must trust in the God who led each of us to this journey. We know He is more than capable of bringing these precious children home to their Forever Families. For that, we are incredibly thankful. And it means so much to know you are all praying, as well. As the old song used to say..."He didn't bring us this far to leave us."

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and although I definitely believe we should express our love to others every day of the year, I ask you to please remember to do so during this special time as well as in every opportunity. Happy Valentines Day to all of you. Without your presence beside us in this journey, it would not be the same. Be blessed....and be a blessing. We are so thankful for each of you!
Cherishing the twenty-two months closer,
Terri & Family