The past week has been very eventful, to put it mildly! There were exciting moments, surprising moments, overwhelming moments, challenging moments, studious moments, uncertain moments, "I can't believe this is happening to us" moments, frustrating moments, determination moments, exhausted moments, victorious moments, are you serious moments...and wow, God, thank You for bringing us through it all moments!
Last week, Tim and I were rejoicing about the completion of our latest home study update process. We had turned in all the necessary paperwork and were waiting for the final touches to be finished at the agency, after which it would be sent to Homeland Security to update our I-600A status...which is the official USCIS approval for us to adopt. That's a verrry big thing! :)
The phone rang Thursday morning and our social worker had a few questions for us from the agency re: some details before sending off the home study. One of those questions involved parenting classes. Yes...we still need to take parenting classes. I know....we have an almost 23 year old daughter and an almost 20 year old son...and we stilllllll have to take parenting classes. This is more about the needs, conditions,care, etc. of adoptive children so we knew it would be informative and helpful. No problem. We would get that done in the near future. However, due to some recent changes in Hague Convention requirements, (an international arrangement), parenting classes must NOW be completed before home study updates. Whaaaaaaaaaat? Our home study had to go to USCIS NOW before it expires in September...or we would have to start this process all over again...and I mean completely start all over again. During our Dossier and last two updates before this one, we had been informed that our parenting classes would not be addressed until we were much closer to going to China. pressure...until RIGHT NOW!
The parenting classes were online so I quickly ordered them and set them up for immediate use. The "alleged" 10 hours...notice I said ALLEGED ten hours..meant watching four different classes/sections, taking tests, watching a Culture segment...and then receiving proof of passing the course by receiving certficates of completion. Hmmm. It sounded a bit involved...but doable. So Tim and I quickly realized that our weekend plans would be changed and we would take the four classes, take the tests and move forward. I wish it had been that easy. But, satan had another idea.
There had already been an earthquake in my home state of Virginia that week and Hurricane Irene was bearing down on the east coast where we have so many wonderful friends. And yet, this weekend brought a storm of its own into our adoption journey. Tim and I worked all Saturday afternoon on the first class. We passed the tests, (we had to take each of the four tests individually), and vowed to take the remaining three classes on Sunday. However, Sunday became much more interesting. For some reason, many segments of the videos would not download...while others did. We tried several different ways of trying to work with the delays...and total absences of some segments...but it was not working at all. We called our social worker. We called the class seminar company in Missouri...who, of course, was out for the weekend. So...we both went to separate ends of our home...and prayed. Although the classes were still not easily downloaded or easy to watch, we slooooooowly viewed piece by piece of the remaining courses. We worked throughout the entire day...through most of the evening...and until 4 am on Monday morning. At this point we had passed all four tests. All we had to do was watch the required section on culture and our classes would be complete. We finished that around noon on Monday.
Tim and I were extremely exhausted...very overwhelmed...and discouraged. Although we have never doubted God's leading, we had pushed a parenting course that should take a month or two into about forty-eight hours or less. And that alleged TEN hours I mentioned earlier...became more like twenty or more by the time everything was done! Not only did we have to watch videos and graphics, plus check other resources...but we had to then study...take the tests...and move forward. We both felt extremely under satan's vicious attacks on many levels of life at this point. But GOD........
That's what I love about God. No matter what is going on in is never the end with God. Our Monday was busy getting things done at home and work. And then along came Tuesday. Tuesday morning brought a call from the parenting class company in Missouri. They apologized repeatedly and are sending us additional resources in the mail to help in our adoption journey. Well, that was nice, I thought. The certficates arrived by email so we quickly printed those, copied them and sent them off to our agency so the home study is OFFICIALLY now complete. Yessssssss! we can breathe. Sounds like a pretty cool day, right? BUT GOD......
Then it happened. A phone call from our adoption agency telling us about a little girl in China who just might be of interest to us! Whaaaaaaaat???? I talked to the SN lady at the agency and she explained that this precious little fourteen month old girl...born less than a week before my birthday in 2010...had been "locked in" China's just-released list for our consideration. Wow! However, her Special Need situation is quite severe...and one that we had not agreed to on our SN checklist form we had turned in just a couple weeks ago. We had checked that a minor form of this would be considered...but the agency wanted us to see her "just in case" before making her available for other agencies.
Tim and I immediately prayed about this possibility. The SN lady asked if we just wanted to see the medical records...or if we wanted the pictures, as well. I told her we definitely wanted to see all of it because this little sweetheart was not just a "condition"...but a precious child God had created...and we wanted to see her! As Tim and I opened the email, we looked into the face of a precious little girl who has a bright future ahead of her. Of course, we want to bring her home. But...we also want what is best for her complicated needs. We had several phone consults about her...and although our hearts were very moved by this little girl, we knew right away that she belongs to another family who can care for her needs more sufficiently than we can. It wasn't easy to say that to her adorable face, her beautiful pictures...or her documents that talked about her love for music...but it was a totally peaceful decision. You see, this journey is about following God's plan...not ours. It's about what is best for that little girl who will need many, many professional services to take care of her. It's about waiting...working...waiting...and watching for God to move in such a way that we have absolutely, positively no doubt whatsoever that the child/ren He places in our lives are exactly what He planned and our Forever Family is brought together while her needs are met in every way she deserves and requires.
So why did this happen? I can't speak for God, of course. But I know this. Sometimes...when we least expect it...God does something that grabs our attention so strongly...that we KNOW He is preparing us for something far greater than we can ever imagine. Sometimes, He doesn't say yes...or no...or even maybe. He just NODS...and He assures us that He IS working it all out. He has NOT forgotten what He has called us to do or what He has promised to do. He is simply nodding His head forward and backward saying..."Watch's coming soon...and I want you to be READY!" Tim and I...and both of our children...firmly believe with all of our hearts, that the "sneak preview" of God's amazing hand at work...was allowed into our lives today to remind us that it is almost time...and to be pray, prepare and be at peace as His plan unfolds so very soon! At a time when Tim and I have been so excited about our 54 month update's completion...only to be bombarded with satan's schemes to distract and discourage us in different ways recently...God has stepped in....and said...I AM GOD....HOLD ON!
Today I ask that you pray specifically for the precious little girl we have nicknamed "Lili" ("Leelee") who has lots of surgeries and work ahead of her. She's definitely going to make it! And her new family will be blessed beyond measure to have her. What an incredible life and story she will have to share in the years ahead. Pray for all those involved in taking care of her. What a joy it would be to somehow hear how her life unfolds.
So now...we wait. Many tests and trials have come upon us. We have had human moments when we felt frustrated, annoyed, discouraged, alone...and impatient. That's from satan's schemes, no doubt. But we have never stopped believing that God is in control and He will make a way for just the right moment...for just the right little girl/ come home to us. Were we surprised today? Sure! I never imagined that after a grueling parenting class marathon, we would within hours receive a call from our agency about a little girl in China who needs a Forever Family and home. I never imagined we would see the words "Referral Information" on our computer screen so suddenly. I never imagined we would decline the referral. But I am certainly learning about what I like to call "Nods from God." As He moves His head back and forth toward us, I can't imagine what He has planned for us...and our little JennaBeth. He knows. He has it all worked out just right. He is waiting for just the right time to bring her into our lives. As God nods...I can only wonder what He will do when we see her face for the first time...finally hold her in our arms...and bring her home. I believe, as a friend said to us today, that God will smile, laugh and cry tears of joy with us when His precious baby girl is brought together with her Dad, Mom, Brother and Sister, friends and relatives who have waited for so long to bring her home. We are so thankful...and we rejoice...for this amazing Journey of Blessings...complete with tests, surprises...and Nods from God.
Cherishing each step toward our baby girl/s,
Terri & Family
This website has been created to share our wonderful Journey of Blessings with family and friends as we walk by faith toward our precious daughter in China. Not only will she be a wonderful gift from God, but every step taken and every individual involved along our journey are also considered blessings for which we are very thankful. Thank you for joining us in this Journey of Blessings.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Happy Birthday, Dad!
Today is a very special day! Eighty years ago on this day, my precious Dad was born! I am so grateful to him for being a wonderful Dad and grandfather to my family and me. He has taught me so much about life, unconditional love, laughter, integrity, music, faith and perseverence. I will thank God through my last breath for blessing me with such an incredible Dad.
Dad has taught me a lot about family. I have countless memories of him through my childhood that are wonderful examples of parenting. He is patient in life and with those he loves. He loves his family and never stops loving or caring for us. He believes in God and living for Him no matter what. He is generous in helping others, loving others, laughing with others, serving others and caring about others...even if he doesn't know them. He is faithful to our country. Dad served in the Korean War...was wounded and awarded a Purple Heart...and I have never heard him criticize his country no matter how tough times may become. Dad is a hard worker. Even at 80 years of age, he always has another project...or work on. I often remind him to try to take it easy. He always seems happy when he is working. And whatever he does...he does well! Nothing is done half-way. Dad believes and lives for God. Even when life is difficult, unfair or frustrating, he doesn't question why...but tries to find the right way to handle it. Dad loves unconditionally, consistently and selflessly. He is genuine and kind. He is polite, gentle yet unafraid to be firm when he must stand for truth or what he believes. Dad is truly "the real deal."
As a little girl....I remember Dad always being very involved in our lives. It was not unusual for him to play baseball, croquet, badmitton, horseshoes, cards or games with us...all five of his children! We always loved when he came home from work on paydays. There would be something special for us to share...including those wonderful orange circus peanuts. We just knew Dad would make that day special for our entire family. A tradition I carried into my own family now is the "Friday Night" celebration. Dad always made it a special time whether we watched a special show on tv, had a special snack, played games...or sat on the front porch talking. It didn't have to be "major" was simply...special.
I also remember some wonderful one-on-one time with him. If Dad was changing the oil in the car, I was there to "help." If Dad was driving the tractor to my Granddaddy's farm, I "had" to ride with him. When I was little, I would sit in his lap or on the tractor seat. But once I was a "big girl," I rode on the tractor fender all by myself after being firmly reminded where/how to sit and hold on! When I was small...around two years of the days before carseats...and Dad drove the pickup truck to the store or to a neighbor's house, I had my very own special spot. I stood on that seat right beside my Daddy...and put my left hand on his right shoulder! We talked. We laughed. I asked him questions...lots and lots...and LOTS...of questions. Soooooo many questions that Dad finally had to find a more permanent and peace-promoting answer..."Terri, it's that way to make little girls ask questions!" I still sometimes hear that response...even now! From what he says, I have always been inquisitive. I really don't think that will ever change! :) But we didn't just talk. We sang...lots. I remember him teaching me songs like "Down By The Old Mill Stream"..."Jesus Loves Me"..."When The Saints Go Marching In" and lots of other songs. Dad taught to letting me watch...and do...and ask...and "help" him when he was working. I loved sitting on his work bench when he was building furniture, shelves, etc.. To this day, when I smell sawdust or go into a Lowe's or Home Depot Store...I think of him. We went to lumber stores, too. It doesn't bother me one bit to this day to have a hammer, screwdriver, level, paintbrush or wrench in my hand. was always fun when I drove my VW to college...and he reminded me to check the oil, fill the tank...and adjust the clutch, if necessary! I was even able to help some college friends when they needed me to "pop the clutch" for them during their own car repair moments. I was always sure to carry tools with me when I traveled which, of course, Dad had placed in my VW "just in case." Yes...Dad taught me lots! :)
Dad never got upset with me when I made honest mistakes. Of course, when I did something wrong, all he had to do was look at me...and I knew to never do it again. It wasn't that he wanted to scare me. Just realizing that I had disappointed him or did something that wasn't right or respectful...was enough to change my behavior. Of course there were times I lost my stereo or bike...but he never made me feel worthless. He simply taught me responsibility! Then there were those times when I caused some "interesting moments." Around five years old, I broke my leg. It had lots to do with my horse stomping me which initially caused an unknown hairline fracture...and then playing leapfrog...when that same fracture grew into a major break from my knee down to my ankle. Dad remained calm...wrapped my leg with an Ace bandage...and saved me from major surgery by his quick thinking and calm response. I feel bad that my parents had to carry me around for six weeks since my cast was from my foot to my thigh. was complaints from them. I just sat on the porch during the day and sang those songs Dad taught me. There was the time I drove my bike down the hill...and surprisingly crossed the fence...without the bike. Dad was at my Grandfather's farm...came to get me on the tractor...wrapped his handkerchief around my torn finger...didn't fuss about my missing glasses...and took me home without one negative comment. Oh yes....then there's the time I tried to drive his "three speed on the column" pick up truck while I was also trying to learn to drive for the first time. He didn't have much tolerance for that...but he didn't fuss. He just told Mom that he couldn't do that any longer. (I finally learned to drive...and later bought a 4-speed on the floor manual transmission VW!)
Dad is a man of faith. He has always wanted his family to know God, as well. As children, my four brothers and I were taught the Bible...and what it meant. I can remember standing in front of the fireplace and reciting ALL the books of the Bible...OT and NT...from Genesis to around five years old! We named the apostles, the Ten Commandments, learned to search for books/chapters/verses at very young ages...and we knew that Church time meant that's exactly where we would be! But even more importantly, I grew up seeing my Dad sitting in his chair reading His Bible...regularly. He didn't announce it. He didn't mention it. He just did it...consistently. That influenced me the most. We never ate a meal without praying and we always knew that people were to be treated with respect. Dad walks what he talks!
Dad is gifted! He built our home a couple years before I was born. He could look at something and build it. Better yet...he could not see something...create it in his own mind...and build that, too. His house, furniture, buildings and projects were never made without being built to the very best of his ability. Dad could make a garden and knew just when to plant, etc. He can hunt, fish, cook, refinish furniture...and sing! He rebuilt the engine in my VW when it broke down. Dad was the worship leader at my home Church when I was growing up. Wow! And when he found out that I sang and played piano at a young age, he didn't hesitate to encourage me...or my brothers in our music interests...or anything else we did and do. Some of my greatest childhood memories are sitting at the piano...with my legs not even reaching the floor yet...and Dad standing beside me singing. We would sing folk songs, Christmas songs, hymns, country...but I don't think I have ever heard him singing rock songs...except Jingle Bell Rock. :)
Most of all, Dad continues to teach me to never, ever give up. Whether as a child, teen, college student, young adult, wife, minister's wife, mother, woman or child of God, Dad has taught me through example to not give up! He believes in seeing the Truth, accepting what is or is not, doing our very best in whatever we do...and never giving up even when...especially is unfair, challenging or overwhelming. Dad has taught me to persevere in my faith, family and future. Somehow,in the middle of each moment of life, there is a purpose, plan, promise and peace that we cling to no matter how tough life becomes. My wonderful Dad lives his life like that and whether it's in my blood or in life-lessons, I have been blessed to continue learning that from him. It is my hope and prayer that my own children....Rachel, Micah, and our little JennaBeth in China...will learn those same lessons that he taught me.
Happy Birthday, Dad! May your life be blessed as richly and beautifully as you have blessed the lives of so many others in this world! I love you, Dad...and will always be your "little girl."
Cherishing the blessing of my Dad,
Terri and Family
Dad has taught me a lot about family. I have countless memories of him through my childhood that are wonderful examples of parenting. He is patient in life and with those he loves. He loves his family and never stops loving or caring for us. He believes in God and living for Him no matter what. He is generous in helping others, loving others, laughing with others, serving others and caring about others...even if he doesn't know them. He is faithful to our country. Dad served in the Korean War...was wounded and awarded a Purple Heart...and I have never heard him criticize his country no matter how tough times may become. Dad is a hard worker. Even at 80 years of age, he always has another project...or work on. I often remind him to try to take it easy. He always seems happy when he is working. And whatever he does...he does well! Nothing is done half-way. Dad believes and lives for God. Even when life is difficult, unfair or frustrating, he doesn't question why...but tries to find the right way to handle it. Dad loves unconditionally, consistently and selflessly. He is genuine and kind. He is polite, gentle yet unafraid to be firm when he must stand for truth or what he believes. Dad is truly "the real deal."
As a little girl....I remember Dad always being very involved in our lives. It was not unusual for him to play baseball, croquet, badmitton, horseshoes, cards or games with us...all five of his children! We always loved when he came home from work on paydays. There would be something special for us to share...including those wonderful orange circus peanuts. We just knew Dad would make that day special for our entire family. A tradition I carried into my own family now is the "Friday Night" celebration. Dad always made it a special time whether we watched a special show on tv, had a special snack, played games...or sat on the front porch talking. It didn't have to be "major" was simply...special.
I also remember some wonderful one-on-one time with him. If Dad was changing the oil in the car, I was there to "help." If Dad was driving the tractor to my Granddaddy's farm, I "had" to ride with him. When I was little, I would sit in his lap or on the tractor seat. But once I was a "big girl," I rode on the tractor fender all by myself after being firmly reminded where/how to sit and hold on! When I was small...around two years of the days before carseats...and Dad drove the pickup truck to the store or to a neighbor's house, I had my very own special spot. I stood on that seat right beside my Daddy...and put my left hand on his right shoulder! We talked. We laughed. I asked him questions...lots and lots...and LOTS...of questions. Soooooo many questions that Dad finally had to find a more permanent and peace-promoting answer..."Terri, it's that way to make little girls ask questions!" I still sometimes hear that response...even now! From what he says, I have always been inquisitive. I really don't think that will ever change! :) But we didn't just talk. We sang...lots. I remember him teaching me songs like "Down By The Old Mill Stream"..."Jesus Loves Me"..."When The Saints Go Marching In" and lots of other songs. Dad taught to letting me watch...and do...and ask...and "help" him when he was working. I loved sitting on his work bench when he was building furniture, shelves, etc.. To this day, when I smell sawdust or go into a Lowe's or Home Depot Store...I think of him. We went to lumber stores, too. It doesn't bother me one bit to this day to have a hammer, screwdriver, level, paintbrush or wrench in my hand. was always fun when I drove my VW to college...and he reminded me to check the oil, fill the tank...and adjust the clutch, if necessary! I was even able to help some college friends when they needed me to "pop the clutch" for them during their own car repair moments. I was always sure to carry tools with me when I traveled which, of course, Dad had placed in my VW "just in case." Yes...Dad taught me lots! :)
Dad never got upset with me when I made honest mistakes. Of course, when I did something wrong, all he had to do was look at me...and I knew to never do it again. It wasn't that he wanted to scare me. Just realizing that I had disappointed him or did something that wasn't right or respectful...was enough to change my behavior. Of course there were times I lost my stereo or bike...but he never made me feel worthless. He simply taught me responsibility! Then there were those times when I caused some "interesting moments." Around five years old, I broke my leg. It had lots to do with my horse stomping me which initially caused an unknown hairline fracture...and then playing leapfrog...when that same fracture grew into a major break from my knee down to my ankle. Dad remained calm...wrapped my leg with an Ace bandage...and saved me from major surgery by his quick thinking and calm response. I feel bad that my parents had to carry me around for six weeks since my cast was from my foot to my thigh. was complaints from them. I just sat on the porch during the day and sang those songs Dad taught me. There was the time I drove my bike down the hill...and surprisingly crossed the fence...without the bike. Dad was at my Grandfather's farm...came to get me on the tractor...wrapped his handkerchief around my torn finger...didn't fuss about my missing glasses...and took me home without one negative comment. Oh yes....then there's the time I tried to drive his "three speed on the column" pick up truck while I was also trying to learn to drive for the first time. He didn't have much tolerance for that...but he didn't fuss. He just told Mom that he couldn't do that any longer. (I finally learned to drive...and later bought a 4-speed on the floor manual transmission VW!)
Dad is a man of faith. He has always wanted his family to know God, as well. As children, my four brothers and I were taught the Bible...and what it meant. I can remember standing in front of the fireplace and reciting ALL the books of the Bible...OT and NT...from Genesis to around five years old! We named the apostles, the Ten Commandments, learned to search for books/chapters/verses at very young ages...and we knew that Church time meant that's exactly where we would be! But even more importantly, I grew up seeing my Dad sitting in his chair reading His Bible...regularly. He didn't announce it. He didn't mention it. He just did it...consistently. That influenced me the most. We never ate a meal without praying and we always knew that people were to be treated with respect. Dad walks what he talks!
Dad is gifted! He built our home a couple years before I was born. He could look at something and build it. Better yet...he could not see something...create it in his own mind...and build that, too. His house, furniture, buildings and projects were never made without being built to the very best of his ability. Dad could make a garden and knew just when to plant, etc. He can hunt, fish, cook, refinish furniture...and sing! He rebuilt the engine in my VW when it broke down. Dad was the worship leader at my home Church when I was growing up. Wow! And when he found out that I sang and played piano at a young age, he didn't hesitate to encourage me...or my brothers in our music interests...or anything else we did and do. Some of my greatest childhood memories are sitting at the piano...with my legs not even reaching the floor yet...and Dad standing beside me singing. We would sing folk songs, Christmas songs, hymns, country...but I don't think I have ever heard him singing rock songs...except Jingle Bell Rock. :)
Most of all, Dad continues to teach me to never, ever give up. Whether as a child, teen, college student, young adult, wife, minister's wife, mother, woman or child of God, Dad has taught me through example to not give up! He believes in seeing the Truth, accepting what is or is not, doing our very best in whatever we do...and never giving up even when...especially is unfair, challenging or overwhelming. Dad has taught me to persevere in my faith, family and future. Somehow,in the middle of each moment of life, there is a purpose, plan, promise and peace that we cling to no matter how tough life becomes. My wonderful Dad lives his life like that and whether it's in my blood or in life-lessons, I have been blessed to continue learning that from him. It is my hope and prayer that my own children....Rachel, Micah, and our little JennaBeth in China...will learn those same lessons that he taught me.
Happy Birthday, Dad! May your life be blessed as richly and beautifully as you have blessed the lives of so many others in this world! I love you, Dad...and will always be your "little girl."
Cherishing the blessing of my Dad,
Terri and Family
Friday, August 19, 2011
54 Month Update...Done!
We have reached another exciting milestone in our Journey of Blessings! This week, we received our final papers needed to turn in for our 54 Month Update. Today we took all the remaining papers, copies, etc. to our social worker and have completed our 54 Month Update! Wow! We also sent our Special Needs checklist and papers to the agency so that we are in the official wait for SN possibilities. It's been a great week...and another wonderful segment of this journey. We have now been in the process for over five years....Logged In for over 52 months...completed our third update after sending in our initial Dossier...and we are so very grateful.
I often hear the term "angels among us." I have no trouble whatsoever understanding that term. God has been working through so many wonderful people in this journey. Each factor is an amazing story in itself. Perhaps I will write a book about this someday. I would love to do that! For now I can share that the countless ways God has made this journey possible have touched our hearts forever. There truly are "angels among us" without a shadow of a doubt! He has put such precious people in our path no matter where we go or what we have had to do to reach this point. When we were uncertain, someone had an answer. When we needed direction, someone "just happened" to be available. When we considered this or that, another individual was in the right place at the right time to explain options or experiences. When we didn't know how our budget would work out, He made a way! It has been awesome to watch God work each day and we thank Him for each of you who are a part of this journey.
As we now wait for what lies ahead in His perfect timing and master design, we still have much work to do. We have lots of research to continue in the various SN options. We have parenting classes to study. (Yes, even as parents of adult children (22 and 19), we must study parenting resources to learn more about bonding, handling adopted children situations, etc..) I also have a list of various organizations to apply for grants to cover the many adoption expenses we have faced in the past, face presently...and will face in the months and years ahead with adoption fees, traveling costs, court dates, medical needs, etc.. On top of all those applications, we need to plan and prepare the nursery as well as gather other baby items we will need...stroller, car seats, diapers, clothes, etc.. As I always say, there is never a dull moment in the Lorenz home! There is also never a moment when we are not blessed!
Yesterday, a dear friend/family member brought some precious toys to our home for our JennaBeth/(EmmaKate?). It is beginning to feel like there is light at the end of this tunnel as we see tangible reminders of preparations for our little one/s. It seems like just yesterday we were preparing for Rachel and Micah's arrivals! Now Rach has graduated from KCU and is living on her own, working at her new job as an RN. Micah will begin his new year at UK next week. And although the years with them have gone way too fast, we rejoice that we have been called by God to bring another precious child or two into our family. As people continue to ask if we are ready to "start all over again," we are thrilled to answer "Ohhh, we never stopped!" Our family was never complete and we look forward to it growing in such a beautiful the miracle of adoption. Thank you, Mama-Love Judy & Papa Ralph...and their wonderful family in IN, who have shared toys, clothes and gifts with our little one/s in China. You are amazing gifts fron God and we thank Him for your love, kindness, generosity and prayers as we walk this journey. YOU are definitely some of the angels among us!
So now...the 54 month update paperwork is done. More projects and plans lie ahead. And our prayers continue for our little daughter/s in China as well as all the wonderful people...angels among us...who God blesses our lives with each step of this journey. What an incredible journey of blessings we have been given. Thank You, God, for all You are, all You do, and all Your love! May You be praised and honored each step of our journey!
Now...we wait...patiently...prayerfully...purposefully...and positively...on God to lead our next step...and the remainder of our journey. In the middle of all the paperwork, projects and preparation...we simply wait. For only then will we know and follow Him...and all He has planned. May we remain still enough to hear Him each moment.
Hold on, our sweetie/s in China...we're getting so very close to you! Our love embraces you. Our thoughts accompany you. Our prayers surround you. And our God holds you in His loving arms while we hold you in our hearts. See you soon, little one/s. You are never alone...and always loved.
Cherishing this amazing journey of blessings,
Terri & Family
I often hear the term "angels among us." I have no trouble whatsoever understanding that term. God has been working through so many wonderful people in this journey. Each factor is an amazing story in itself. Perhaps I will write a book about this someday. I would love to do that! For now I can share that the countless ways God has made this journey possible have touched our hearts forever. There truly are "angels among us" without a shadow of a doubt! He has put such precious people in our path no matter where we go or what we have had to do to reach this point. When we were uncertain, someone had an answer. When we needed direction, someone "just happened" to be available. When we considered this or that, another individual was in the right place at the right time to explain options or experiences. When we didn't know how our budget would work out, He made a way! It has been awesome to watch God work each day and we thank Him for each of you who are a part of this journey.
As we now wait for what lies ahead in His perfect timing and master design, we still have much work to do. We have lots of research to continue in the various SN options. We have parenting classes to study. (Yes, even as parents of adult children (22 and 19), we must study parenting resources to learn more about bonding, handling adopted children situations, etc..) I also have a list of various organizations to apply for grants to cover the many adoption expenses we have faced in the past, face presently...and will face in the months and years ahead with adoption fees, traveling costs, court dates, medical needs, etc.. On top of all those applications, we need to plan and prepare the nursery as well as gather other baby items we will need...stroller, car seats, diapers, clothes, etc.. As I always say, there is never a dull moment in the Lorenz home! There is also never a moment when we are not blessed!
Yesterday, a dear friend/family member brought some precious toys to our home for our JennaBeth/(EmmaKate?). It is beginning to feel like there is light at the end of this tunnel as we see tangible reminders of preparations for our little one/s. It seems like just yesterday we were preparing for Rachel and Micah's arrivals! Now Rach has graduated from KCU and is living on her own, working at her new job as an RN. Micah will begin his new year at UK next week. And although the years with them have gone way too fast, we rejoice that we have been called by God to bring another precious child or two into our family. As people continue to ask if we are ready to "start all over again," we are thrilled to answer "Ohhh, we never stopped!" Our family was never complete and we look forward to it growing in such a beautiful the miracle of adoption. Thank you, Mama-Love Judy & Papa Ralph...and their wonderful family in IN, who have shared toys, clothes and gifts with our little one/s in China. You are amazing gifts fron God and we thank Him for your love, kindness, generosity and prayers as we walk this journey. YOU are definitely some of the angels among us!
So now...the 54 month update paperwork is done. More projects and plans lie ahead. And our prayers continue for our little daughter/s in China as well as all the wonderful people...angels among us...who God blesses our lives with each step of this journey. What an incredible journey of blessings we have been given. Thank You, God, for all You are, all You do, and all Your love! May You be praised and honored each step of our journey!
Now...we wait...patiently...prayerfully...purposefully...and positively...on God to lead our next step...and the remainder of our journey. In the middle of all the paperwork, projects and preparation...we simply wait. For only then will we know and follow Him...and all He has planned. May we remain still enough to hear Him each moment.
Hold on, our sweetie/s in China...we're getting so very close to you! Our love embraces you. Our thoughts accompany you. Our prayers surround you. And our God holds you in His loving arms while we hold you in our hearts. See you soon, little one/s. You are never alone...and always loved.
Cherishing this amazing journey of blessings,
Terri & Family
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
52 Months LID, Another Update...and Good News!
The last several weeks have been so busy...and exciting! It's hard to know exactly where to begin but I will try my best to cover everything as concisely and completely as possible.
Our family continues to adjust as Rachel lives two hours away from home. She was here this weekend for the first time in a month. We were so thrilled to be together again. Of course, she will come home as often as possible and we will visit her and spend weekends with her when we can. But we are grateful that she is doing well and enjoying the opportunities God has given her.
Micah has moved into his new apartment and we have been working on it for the past few weeks. He continues to work at the pharmacy but after this week, it will be every other weekend for awhile. He will move "officially" to his apartment this weekend for his new year at the Univ. of KY. It sounds like an exciting year is ahead for him and we are thrilled. We're going to miss him here everyday but he isn't too far away and that is a blessing.
Tim has been very busy at work. It is highly suspected that there will be much overtime in the coming months due to new model changes beginning immediately. So we are thankful for his job and prayerful for his safety while there.
I have been very busy, as well. It's been much like "Grand Central Station" here all summer. With graduation, job searches, moves, updates, paperwork, appointments, the home study visit and many other things going on in our lives, our home is always busy and full of life, love and laughter. :) I am grateful that I enjoy multi-tasking! :) It's the only way I can get things done...but I am so blessed to be a wife, mom and all the other roles I have in this life. I can't imagine it any other way.
As of last Saturday, we have been "Logged In" 52 months in our adoption journey. We have been in the process for over five years and our paperwork has been in China almost four and a half years. It's been quite a journey. But so much is happening now and we are more excited than ever!
Just before our Home Study visit with our amazing social worker, I decided to look around on our adoption agency website. I noticed a new checklist for Special Needs and mentioned it to our social worker. We had never seen this before, for "some reason." We were approved for Special Needs during our 36 month update but had not heard anything about this form. From what we understand, the SN system had been revised after our 36 month update and we were not made aware of it until I discovered it. But we truly believe that God's hand was in this all along. Our social worker immediately connected us with the SN Advocate at our agency. We set up an appointment with her and had a wonderful meeting with her last Friday.
During all this time, Tim and I have been praying for God's direction...specific, obvious and unquestionable regard to His will and plan for our little one/s in China and our journey to her. We know we are NOT making a choice simply based on a time frame...and that we are very willing to wait as long as it takes to do whatever God leads us to do. We continue to pray for God to open the doors He wants us to enter and He has been doing just that.
There have been countless incidents of God's direction and assurance. Whether in doctor's offices, conversations with friends and family, notes that "just happen" to come to us in amazing perfect timing, our daughter's job at KDMC in a specialized area...or other areas, God has laid it on our hearts to consider Special Needs options even more seriously. The more we pray about this, the more peace we have and the more clearly God directs our path. We know that at our ages, we are not able to handle a severely disabled child. But there are children with "mildly correctible" special needs...such as minor heart defects that are correctable..and often done before we bring her home...or club feet (which tugs at my heart because of my brother's childhood experiences with this)...or a birth mark...or a missing finger...or a minor scar...or something else very small and treatable. Tim and I have completed the newly-discovered form and are sending it to the agency tomorrow. This does NOT affect our possibilities for "healthy" children nor does it commit us to a special needs option alone. It merely opens the doors even wider for us to be ready for God's leading.
The Special Needs Advocate told us that there are regular monthly lists that become available. Upon their receiving and acceptance of our checklist, we will begin waiting for opportunities quite soon. There is an estimated time frame for a Special Needs adoption referral for us somewhere between the next five to seven months! That is very exciting! The wait for non-special needs is at least another two to three years. Again, we are willing to do whatever God calls us to do. But for now, it seems God continues to open doors consistently and clearly for us in Special Needs, as well.
For this month's prayer request, I ask that you please pray for God to continue making His perfect will OBVIOUS to us. We have no doubt whatsoever that God is at work and making our path very clear. Please pray for the child/ren He has created and designed to come home to us. We know it will be a major adjustment for her and for us. Please pray for all those who are working so hard to bring these precious children together with their Forever Families. And please pray that we will honor Him in this journey, in the wait, in the process of special needs and healthy opportunities...and that He will protect and provide for all those involved. We are absolutely amazed at how He continues to take care of our every need when we simply don't know how He is going to work it out. But He always does. He called us to love and take care of His precious child/ren in China....and He has never let us down in this journey. I truly pray that all we do, say and share in this journey honors Him above all else!
JennaBeth...(maybe EmmaKate)...we are quite possibly MONTHS from seeing you and bringing you home! Hold on, sweetie/s. You are definitely in God's arms of love, protection and provision. We hope to see you soon...and we are holding you in our hearts until we hold you in our arms. We love you so much already!
To all of you...our family, friends, doctors, nurses, office staff, agency, USA government offices...and the PRC...thank you for all you are doing for Him, for our precious children in China...and for all the orphans and Forever families. You are truly blessing our journey more than we ever imagined. We thank each of you for your prayers and kindness. May you all be blessed on your journeys as beautifully as you are blessing ours.
I will continue to keep you posted as we learn more in the days...weeks...and months ahead....
Cherishing His perfect plan and master design,
Terri & family
Our family continues to adjust as Rachel lives two hours away from home. She was here this weekend for the first time in a month. We were so thrilled to be together again. Of course, she will come home as often as possible and we will visit her and spend weekends with her when we can. But we are grateful that she is doing well and enjoying the opportunities God has given her.
Micah has moved into his new apartment and we have been working on it for the past few weeks. He continues to work at the pharmacy but after this week, it will be every other weekend for awhile. He will move "officially" to his apartment this weekend for his new year at the Univ. of KY. It sounds like an exciting year is ahead for him and we are thrilled. We're going to miss him here everyday but he isn't too far away and that is a blessing.
Tim has been very busy at work. It is highly suspected that there will be much overtime in the coming months due to new model changes beginning immediately. So we are thankful for his job and prayerful for his safety while there.
I have been very busy, as well. It's been much like "Grand Central Station" here all summer. With graduation, job searches, moves, updates, paperwork, appointments, the home study visit and many other things going on in our lives, our home is always busy and full of life, love and laughter. :) I am grateful that I enjoy multi-tasking! :) It's the only way I can get things done...but I am so blessed to be a wife, mom and all the other roles I have in this life. I can't imagine it any other way.
As of last Saturday, we have been "Logged In" 52 months in our adoption journey. We have been in the process for over five years and our paperwork has been in China almost four and a half years. It's been quite a journey. But so much is happening now and we are more excited than ever!
Just before our Home Study visit with our amazing social worker, I decided to look around on our adoption agency website. I noticed a new checklist for Special Needs and mentioned it to our social worker. We had never seen this before, for "some reason." We were approved for Special Needs during our 36 month update but had not heard anything about this form. From what we understand, the SN system had been revised after our 36 month update and we were not made aware of it until I discovered it. But we truly believe that God's hand was in this all along. Our social worker immediately connected us with the SN Advocate at our agency. We set up an appointment with her and had a wonderful meeting with her last Friday.
During all this time, Tim and I have been praying for God's direction...specific, obvious and unquestionable regard to His will and plan for our little one/s in China and our journey to her. We know we are NOT making a choice simply based on a time frame...and that we are very willing to wait as long as it takes to do whatever God leads us to do. We continue to pray for God to open the doors He wants us to enter and He has been doing just that.
There have been countless incidents of God's direction and assurance. Whether in doctor's offices, conversations with friends and family, notes that "just happen" to come to us in amazing perfect timing, our daughter's job at KDMC in a specialized area...or other areas, God has laid it on our hearts to consider Special Needs options even more seriously. The more we pray about this, the more peace we have and the more clearly God directs our path. We know that at our ages, we are not able to handle a severely disabled child. But there are children with "mildly correctible" special needs...such as minor heart defects that are correctable..and often done before we bring her home...or club feet (which tugs at my heart because of my brother's childhood experiences with this)...or a birth mark...or a missing finger...or a minor scar...or something else very small and treatable. Tim and I have completed the newly-discovered form and are sending it to the agency tomorrow. This does NOT affect our possibilities for "healthy" children nor does it commit us to a special needs option alone. It merely opens the doors even wider for us to be ready for God's leading.
The Special Needs Advocate told us that there are regular monthly lists that become available. Upon their receiving and acceptance of our checklist, we will begin waiting for opportunities quite soon. There is an estimated time frame for a Special Needs adoption referral for us somewhere between the next five to seven months! That is very exciting! The wait for non-special needs is at least another two to three years. Again, we are willing to do whatever God calls us to do. But for now, it seems God continues to open doors consistently and clearly for us in Special Needs, as well.
For this month's prayer request, I ask that you please pray for God to continue making His perfect will OBVIOUS to us. We have no doubt whatsoever that God is at work and making our path very clear. Please pray for the child/ren He has created and designed to come home to us. We know it will be a major adjustment for her and for us. Please pray for all those who are working so hard to bring these precious children together with their Forever Families. And please pray that we will honor Him in this journey, in the wait, in the process of special needs and healthy opportunities...and that He will protect and provide for all those involved. We are absolutely amazed at how He continues to take care of our every need when we simply don't know how He is going to work it out. But He always does. He called us to love and take care of His precious child/ren in China....and He has never let us down in this journey. I truly pray that all we do, say and share in this journey honors Him above all else!
JennaBeth...(maybe EmmaKate)...we are quite possibly MONTHS from seeing you and bringing you home! Hold on, sweetie/s. You are definitely in God's arms of love, protection and provision. We hope to see you soon...and we are holding you in our hearts until we hold you in our arms. We love you so much already!
To all of you...our family, friends, doctors, nurses, office staff, agency, USA government offices...and the PRC...thank you for all you are doing for Him, for our precious children in China...and for all the orphans and Forever families. You are truly blessing our journey more than we ever imagined. We thank each of you for your prayers and kindness. May you all be blessed on your journeys as beautifully as you are blessing ours.
I will continue to keep you posted as we learn more in the days...weeks...and months ahead....
Cherishing His perfect plan and master design,
Terri & family
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