Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, December 21, 2009

It's Christmastime...& Adoption Update Time...& Family Time, Etc.

Stating that it is a busy time of the year is a true understatement in our lives right now. It's Christmastime...and Adoption Update time...and family time...and shopping time and baking time and wrapping time and family illness time and..well, you get the picture. It's been a very stressful time in our home for the past couple of weeks but we're doing the best we can and counting our blessings along the way.

Are we done with our shopping? No. Are we done wrapping packages? Haven't even started. Are we done with the baking? Only about halfway there. Decorated the house? Finished this afternoon. Rested, relaxed and ready to enjoy the season? No, no and trying. Tim and I have been working very hard to get as much paperwork done and sent out before the holidays so it will be "in motion" and hopefully returning to us before the impending deadline for our homestudy update. There's still MUCH to do...but we're slowly making progress. When we're not working on adoption papers, we're picking up this or that for Christmas, grocery needs, running errands, etc.. Before moving here years ago, we had three weeks between Tim accepting his new job and finding a place to live, pack up the house and two children...and relocate...all around Christmastime. I honestly believe this season has been more demanding and stressful than the one involving a major move.

So...why are we wearing ourselves out and "burning the candle at both ends?" I ask myself that each day and feel so guilty because it's not the Hallmark setting I'd imagined. As our children often do...our daughter and son answered that question for us quite clearly this weekend. Tim and I had spent hours working on documents while trying to make holiday plans for our family. I was feeling quite guilty for not spending time with our children as much as we wanted. So I apologized to our children for the delay in our family time. Our daughter kindly responded with understanding and kindness and offered to help with household chores, which meant so much to us. Then our son said, "Mom, you're not taking time AWAY from the family. You're working FOR our family." Wow! Sure, they realize that it is Christmas and staying in Mom and Dad's good graces is advantageous. :) But Tim and I were moved by the love, patience and support our children geniunely extended as they watched a flurry of papers, mail, phone calls, emails and lists take over our household. They realized that this challenging time is not without an incredible blessing down the road. They know that their little sister continues to wait to come home from China...and they are willing to do/sacrifice whatever it takes to ensure that she is able to come home as soon as possible. Pretty amazing children, aren't they? We think so! IS Christmas....and although we have had to make some pretty interesting sacrifices to accomplish the goals before us, we are taking time to be thankful for our precious children who care, understand and are willing to share their parents with vital paperwork and deadlines. We are thankful for the folks in attorney offices, post offices, banks, government offices, doctor offices and sheriff offices as they help us put together information needed. We thankful for our adoption agency who listens to our many questions and helps us try to find answers. We are thankful for dear friends who make phone calls to check on us and encourage us to hold on in this journey. We are thankful for grandparents and relatives who understand the challenges we are dealing with and who unselfishly encourage us to keep moving forward in this journey. We are thankful for ministers who pray and each individual who offers strength and hope when we are exhausted. We are truly blessed and we are deeply grateful.

Although I don't feel as peaceful or prepared for Christmas this year as I had hoped, I believe I have already seen the spirit of Christmas in unexpected ways. To each person who has touched our hearts in our frantic "pace of panic" recently...we've seen kindness, hope, encouragement, peace, understanding and compassion along the way. We have seen ways that cannot be packaged but will always be cherished.

This year, as I gaze into the skies and remember two very overwhelmed parents who traveled a long way full of obstacles and concerns before the arrival of their precious Child...I will also thank God for those who made room for us in their schedules, offices, hearts and lives as we await the arrival of our daughter. I may not be ready for lots of Christmas details this year. But my heart has been stirred by the ways Christmas was shared with us in ways we never imagined. We won't forget the true spirit of love, sacrifice, kindness and hope each of you shared with us. Thank you...from the bottom of our hearts.

Merry Christmas to each of you. Many blessings in 2010 for you, too. May you experience the true spirit of Christmas every day.

And JennaBeth, (Emma Kate?)....Merry Christmas, sweetie/s. Oh, how you are loved...and missed...and so worth every step of our journey. May you always know that many people worked together to bring you home. And may you always know the true spirit of love that so many people have shared in our touch yours forever.
Cherishing the blessings of Christmas, Family, Adoption...and Life,
Terri & family

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More News, More Demands, More Work, More Prayers!

It's been a very windy day with major wind gusts rushing through our community and probably the entire state of Kentucky. Little did I know that between the very hectic pace of Christmas preparations and the winds howling through our area, our lives were about to become even more busy and rushed.

We have been aware for a couple months that our 36-month homestudy update was approaching and we were under the impression that it would be very similar to the previous 18-month update process. The 18-month update involved several documents and reviews plus a home-inspection and interviews. It was work...but not considered overwhelming. We found out today that due to new Hague convention stipulations, the USA is requiring much more than we anticipated for our 36-month update...and it all has to be done in the next month or so. Wow! It will be very similar to the very first process of assembling our Dossier before sending it to China 32 months ago. In fact, there are even more documents required now than before. So...we are trying to catch our breath, somehow, before finding a way to get all this done within a matter of weeks!

Have you ever had one of those experiences when you fell and had the breath knocked out of you? Well, that's how we feel today. We had expected more paperwork and expense...but not "intense" paperwork and even greater expensive fees than before. 'Guess we're still lying on the ground waiting for our breath to return. But...when it does, there's much to be done!

Someone asked me today if we felt like giving up. Without a shadow of a doubt, the answer is NO! We didn't begin this journey because it was easy. It is not easy at all. We didn't begin this journey because it was inexpensive. It is very expensive and a total walk of faith in many areas. We didn't begin this journey because everyone understands why we're doing it. Sometimes God leads us to do things that many people don't understand or consider "logical." The reason we began this journey is because God placed it on our hearts to bring a little girl (or two) home from China to join our family...forever. That part has not changed. Nor will our efforts or commitment to continue this journey to her/them. We will do whatever it takes to be ready when God decides it's time to welcome home our little girl/s. we go. Our journey of blessings does not always involve sunny days and easy roads. Just as in life, we have to take the great days with the tough days...and keep moving forward no matter what the day brings.

We would deeply appreciate your prayers as we begin to face this "mountain" ahead of us for the next month or so. I'm a mountain girl by birth...and I know that mountains are not always easy to climb. But they are BEAUTIFUL when you get to the top! They're even beautiful when you gaze at them from a distance. So here we go. This mountain was unexpected...but we're not climbing it alone. God knew the day we began this journey that there would be steep inclines and rocky terrain. But He also knows how to get us through them. We have no doubt that when we have crossed this mountain, the view is going to be amazing! For now, it's time to prepare for this part of the journey. Your prayers are so very important and valuable to us. Thank you for being our faithful friends along the way. We'll keep you posted as we prepare for Christmas...and the mountain of updating ahead. It's going to be work...lots of it. But the view will definitely be worth it!

Hold on, baby girl/s. Each day...and each document will bring us closer to you! We love and miss you...and are always willing to climb mountains and cross oceans to find you. But what a day it will be when we are finally together! I love you, sweetie/s! I'm still holding you in my heart until we hold you in our arms.
Preparing for more of the journey...
Terri & family