Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Monday, July 28, 2008

A Truly Blessed Day! is a Monday...and it's been raining...but it's been an incredibly blessed day for our family in this journey! Today around noon, our social worker came to visit us for the Home Study update inspection and interview. What a precious, precious lady! We all sat around the kitchen table sharing from our hearts and laughed...and completed the necessary paperwork. We truly thank God for her and the gift she is to our family. We can hardly wait for JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) to meet her!

So...except for the updated Home Study, (which is in progress at this moment), we are pretty much officially "updated." Once we have the USCIS (Homeland Security) document in our hands, we're all set for awhile. Whew! It's been a pretty awesome process this time around. We thank each of you for your continued prayers and support. Knowing you're praying makes all the difference! The journey is long...and sometimes we find ourselves fighting impatience and discouragement. But it's pretty safe to say that today was a vast reminder that God STILL has this journey in His hands...and He's going to carry it through in His perfect timing and master plan. We were surprised to find out that one of our documents needed in this updating process usually takes a long time to return. But guess what? For "some reason"...our report came back in an impressively shorter time frame. Yay God!!! He indeed has it all in His hands!

Hold on, Jenna Elizabeth (and maybe Emma Katherine)! We're another step closer to you and we love you so very much! The same God who is leading our journey to you is also holding you in His mighty and loving hands! We love you and are praying for you, dear baby girl/s. We're holding you in our hearts and will someday hold you in our arms!
Love to all,
Tim, Terri, Rachel and Micah