Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Another Step toward Her...

Today brought another step in the journey to our sweet baby girl/s. It's time to update our fingerprinting with USCIS (Homeland Security) so we mailed the official written request and the required fees to the government office. In approximately three to four weeks, we will make another trip to be refingerprinted. Yes, it is yet another expense but we choose to look at it as another step toward our precious daughter/s in China.

We thank God for His provision as we faced this step in the process. Somehow, He always provides at just the right time in just the right way. Wow! We thank each of you for your continued prayers and concern, as well. It is a tremendous blessing to know we are never alone!

Please pray specifically that we will be able to return to the USCIS office in Cincinnati. We have gone to that office the last two times we were fingerprinted. Some prospective adoptive parents are sent to Louisville. But we really like the Cincy office and have learned (somewhat) how to travel there a bit easier now. So, if you will, please pray that we will once more be able to return to the Cincy office and enjoy the familiarity we have learned along the way. Please also pray that our appointment date will work easily with Rachel's school schedule since she will be nearing the end of her spring semester around the time we travel to the USCIS office.

We thank God for each of you and we hope and pray that your week is going well. May you be blessed in your journey each day...and each step along the way.
Grateful for another step toward our little daughter/s,
Terri and family

Saturday, March 21, 2009


It's a cool, crisp Saturday afternoon and the first weekend of spring, 2009. Even though the temperatures do not reflect the spring season, we know that we are headed that direction. Winter is officially over, (yay!), and we have every reason to believe that the spring and summer seasons will bring long, warm, sunny, breath-taking beauty we've always enjoyed this time of year.

Of course, with my analytical mind, I consider that in other areas of our lives. We are creatures of habit, aren't we? We automatically think that we'll experience warmth in spring and summer and brisk, cool temps in the fall and winter. We pack away the clothes from the cooler seasons to prepare for the warmer ones. We plan our flower and vegetable gardens in anticipation of the proper weather conditions that will later yield that which we have planted. We anticipate the accomplishment of summer projects outside and winter projects inside. It doesn't surprise us when things go according to plans by the design of the seasons, does it? Why is that?

Well, I definitely believe that it involves two perspectives. The first perspective is experience. In all my years of life, there has never been any other order of seasons than spring, summer, fall and winter. It always happened and I have no reason to believe it will change. The second perspective is expectation. What I believe and hope for certainly seems to affect what I expect to happen. Of course, experience affects expectations. But sometimes, our expectations also influence our experiences...and how we view them.

I've noticed many things along life's journey. I've noticed there are different personalities, perspectives, temperaments, attitudes, life experiences, histories, resources, etc.. I've also noticed that some groups of people may have lived in very similar surroundings yet express vastly different perspectives. And then there are individuals from vastly different surroundings who share very similar attitudes, etc.. (Can you tell one of my college degree majors included psychology/counseling?) :)

What does this have to do with our journey of blessings? Quite simply...everything. I believe we all learn from our experiences. But I also believe that we choose how we learn from life and how we will apply that to our present and future opportunities. Let's face it. Life is not an easy journey sometimes. Life isn't always fair. Life isn't always fun. But life is a gift and how we choose to live it makes a huge difference. I'm not trying to oversimplify the difficulties and challenges. I'm simply saying that our perspectives influence our experiences. How we view this gift of life can certainly have a profound affect on our choices and our journeys.

We are often asked about our adoption journey with great interest, support, enthusiasm and kindness. Other times, we are met with skepticism, pessimism and shock. We have often been asked "Are you sure you're ready to start all over again?" Then they look dazed and confused when we simply reply "We never finished!" You see, the "unusual" prospect of having a young adult daughter, a teenage son...while raising a little girl or two from China...while we experience our middle years of life...does not bother us at all. Why? Because we knew in our hearts that this was the journey we were called to pursue. While other friends our age are enjoying grandchildren, we are preparing for another nursery for our youngest addition. Who knows? Our own daughter and son may eventually have their own families with children not so different in age than our youngest addition/s. :) Wouldn't that be wonderful? But we know that our journey has been guided in this direction and we are so excited...and blessed. If our journey is different than others....that's perfectly fine. We're all called to live our lives in His plan and design. And if He can create each snowflake differently than the rest...well, He can certainly create us..and call us differently, too. does this apply to life's journey in general? Lately I have noticed that many precious lives are struggling. It's heartbreaking to hear and see the story of so many aching souls. Of course, this is nothing new for in this world, people experience hurt every day. Yet, it seems to have reached epidemic proportions and that concerns me. Do we simply accept that since they experience it, we should just "expect" it...and therefore, accept it? I hope not. Life should not just be a blessing "to" us...but it should be a blessing "through" us. Just as we see the promises of the seasons around us, may we be living promises in life's seasons for others. Promises of genuine hope, love, faith, kindness, joy and peace can touch lives deeply. Who knows? Maybe an unexpected blessing could vastly change someone's experience and entire journey! Go ahead. Enjoy the blessings and enjoy being blessings!
Thanking God for the journey,
Terri and family

Friday, March 13, 2009

Twenty-three Months Closer!

Today marks another milestone in our blessed journey to our baby girl/s! Twenty-three months ago today, our Dossier was logged into China's adoption system. We've been waiting almost two years and although that sounds (and seems) like a very long time, it's closer than we've ever been so far. So we celebrate...and anticipate...and are indeed grateful for each step that brings us closer to our Jenna Elizabeth (+ Chinese name), aka "JennaBeth." (and maybe our Emma Katherine (+ Chinese name), aka "EmmaKate.") We realize there are some folks who have been waiting over thirty months but we keep reminding ourselves that each day is one day closer to our precious little ones and we are so thankful.

As God would have it, yesterday brought another "unexpected reminder" of His hand in this journey. My dear friend, Judy, and I took a little day trip to a nearby town and had a great time, as always. (Actually, we wound up in a different state, but that's another story.) :) When she got out of her vehicle, she handed me a storage bin and that smile of hers lit up the neighborhood! (It was a cloudy, cold day but that smile of hers sure made it seem much warmer!) When I opened up the bin, I was soooo excited. Inside were multiple dresses (and hats) for our baby girl/s! They are adorable! Judy and her sweet daughter, Jen, decided to share them with us since their daughter/granddaughter could no longer wear them. They are beautiful!! I'm telling you...if you want to see a fashion show on a daily basis, this will be the place! :) What adorable dresses...and hats...and even a little pair of shoes! We kept imagining what our sweet little girl will look like in them and it was a wonderful moment I'll always cherish. Thank you, Judy and Jen...for thinking of us, sharing with us and loving us on this journey!

Just as the grass begins to turn green, or the trees begin to bud, or the flowers begin to emerge from the ground before winter's grip finally loosens...there are signs of hope, promise, provision and joy continuing to flow into our lives. We are humbled. We are thankful. We are blessed. We are overjoyed. We know God's hand has been in this journey long before it ever began and certainly all along the way since then. Yet seeing Him work so faithfully, even when we have concerns and instabilities of life all around us...renews our walk along this path. Every journey has mountains, valleys, turns, storms, wind and then those glorious sunny days. But we have been consistently reminded that we are never alone. We thank Him for His faithfulness and we thank you who have allowed Him to work through your lives to touch ours.

So, we are now 23 months along in our "Log In Date" (aka "LID.") and we are almost three years into the process. In fact, our first meeting with our adoption agency was in March of 2006, three years ago this month, before we officially turned in our application in July of 06. It's been quite a journey already. And it's far from over. Has it been easy? No. Has it been blessed? Absolutely. Has it been worth it? Oh yes!

We appreciate each and every prayer, hug, encouraging word, inquiry and blessing along the way as God faithfully reminds us that He has this all in His hands. We're not alone because of Him and because of you. It is our hope and prayer that you realize you are never alone in your journey, either. Let's continue to walk along our journeys together...gratefully.
Cherishing each step,
Terri & Family

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Unexpected Reminders

The last few days have been quite interesting and I just had to share the joy with you. Of course, we're seeing more signs of spring. (Yay!!) I went outside to "play" basketball with our son yesterday afternoon and although I missed more baskets than I made, it was wonderful to enjoy the warmth of the sun, the fresh breeze...and the grass that is gradually becoming green again! The trees are beginning to bud, there is new growth slowly emerging around us...and the hope of spring is tangibly displaying its promise. The winter seemed especially long and now the changing of seasons is definitely upon us. What a blessing.

As I shared in my last post, the waiting time in our journey to our little girl/s in China has seemed quite lengthy lately. But we continue to trust that God's plan remains and in His perfect timing, design and leading, we will definitely see the "winter of waiting" turn into "spring of promise." Later this week, we will reach the twenty-three month anniversary of our Log-In-Date and as long as that sounds, we know we are that much closer to seeing our sweetie/s and bringing JennaBeth (and maybe EmmaKate) home with us. But there is never a moment we don't miss her/them. There is never a moment we don't love them. There is never a moment we cannot pray for our sweet baby girl/s and all the care that others are so unselfishingly providing for her/them. Although we've yet to hold her in our arms, our hearts have held a very special place for her for a long, long time. And we miss her. He so perfectly orchestrates, God knows what is on our hearts and He sends just the right reminder into our lives. We are then encouraged to keep holding on and cherishing each step in our journey. The past several days, we have been blessed with the love, prayers and interests of many friends at Church and in our community as they ask about our journey. Oh, how that touches our hearts! Thanks to all of you for caring and continuing to walk beside us.

There are even other friends we stay in contact with by email and Facebook who continue to encourage us. Each word spoken, each prayer lifted up and each thought extended touches us beyond words!! Thanks to each of you. Another dear friend of mine has been so thoughtful lately. She has reached out so graciously several times in the past few days to remind me that we are never alone. Thank you, Kim, for all you are doing to walk this journey with us, too. Just when our hearts ache the most, we are blessed abundantly. Truly, we are never alone...and neither is our baby girl in China. The very same God who holds us together in friendship is also holding our baby girl/s in His arms as well. How incredible is that!

Thank all of you...for caring, praying, smiling, hugging, loving, walking, sharing and encouraging our journey. Always, always know that there is joy in the journey because of the blessings along the way...and that includes each of you who are so near and dear to our hearts. Thank you, God, for the unexpected reminders. May our dear friends, family members...and our baby girl/s in China....always know that we love them and are praying for their journeys each day.
Cherishing each one beside us,
Terri & family

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Signs of Spring

It just keeps happening. No matter how much snow, ice, cold or windy weather arrives, we continue to see signs of spring. The days are getting longer. Warmer days surprise us a little more frequently. Birds seem to be singing a song of excitement and anticipation. Ahhhh, spring is just around the corner.

Anyone who knows me realizes that I welcome warm weather. I really look forward to spring and I absolutely love summer. So it's not uncommon for me to begin the "countdown to spring" around sixty days before the official calendar spring season. It gives me focus, hope and a reminder that the brutally cold winter season will pass and the warmer days are just ahead. Of course, fall and winter have their purpose and beauty. I would never deny that. But my personal favorites are spring and summer. It's been an especially long winter so every little sign of spring is welcomed with tremendous enthusiasm in our home.

Likewise, the long, long wait for our little girl/s seems to take forever sometimes. We will soon reach the twenty-three month LID anniversary. But just when I feel the "winter" season chilling my journey as we miss our little girl/s even more, I am equally reminded that the "spring and summer" seasons will come, as well.

Recently, two friends have touched our hearts...and we are so thankful for their reminders which I consider "signs of spring"in our adoption journey. Not long ago, Yolanda sent more pictures of her precious daughter from China and an incredible note that encouraged us beyond words. I remember reading her blog as she waited to bring her sweetie home. Now she is encouraging me with beautiful pictures, encouraging words and heartfelt prayers in our journey. Likewise, we recently reconnected with another friend from college who recently adopted a little boy from China. Thank you, Tim, for your words of encouragement, hope and understanding. It amazes us how God works through so many wonderful friends to convey the message that it may be "winter" now in the journey...but spring is coming! :) To all of our adoptive parent friends in VA, NC, MS and KY, we thank God for you and the joy you have shared. You have walked this journey. You are now holding your little ones in your arms and praying us through this time in our lives. Thank you.

I am gradually learning that each season we experience in life prepares us for the next season ahead. I am sure there is much to learn in our present season. I cannot rush it. I cannot ignore it. I must embrace it and be thankful for it. Each step has its purpose and place along this path of our lives. anxious as we are for spring and summer to arrive, I must accept the cold winter days for the blessings they are, as well. Not every season is easy...but it's definitely worth it.

May you all be blessed in your journeys. May your seasons in life bless you, too. May you always know how much we appreciate your prayers, support and companionship along the way. There is truly joy in our journey.
Cherishing the blessings,
Terri and family