Jenna Elizabeth (aka "JennaBeth") Song Lorenz

Waiting For Our Little One To Come Home From China!

Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Beyond Our Reach, But In Our Prayers

It's a beautiful sunny, spring day and our journey continues, including learning many new lessons along the way. The lesson for right now seems to be learning to trust even more for the protection and provision of our loved ones. For they may sometimes be beyond our reach, but they certainly remain in our thoughts, prayers and hearts...yet in the hands of God continuously.

Our daughter, Rachel, is in New York City as I write this. The university choirs were invited to sing at Carnegie Hall and left last week to make the trip. She's already seen a Broadway musical, visited Times Square, Central Park and will witness Ground Zero and the Empire State building today. They have also been rehearsing for their concert tomorrow evening. After their concert, they will enjoy a cruise around New York Harbor and view the incredible Statue of Liberty. What an amazing experience this is for her and the other sixty-some choir members. What an amazing lesson it is for her parents! :) She has called home faithfully to let us know she's ok and we are always grateful when the phone rings and she's on the other end. We are indeed grateful for that call of assurance each day. We have even stated that of all weekends she is visiting NYC, we are so thankful that she is there the same weekend that the Pope is also visiting NYC. That would certainly mean more security in the area...and we breathe a sigh of relief for that. Of course, this isn't the first time she has been away from us. She has toured with other choirs as far west as Missouri and as far south as Florida. (We are so thankful for cell phones!) :) Yet for her to be in such a large city with limited supervision is a big step for her...and us.

As we considered all the "what ifs," I had to remind myself that just because our loved ones are out of our reach in the physical sense, that doesn't mean that our love and prayers cannot surround them. In one way, this is very similar to what we are experiencing in our journey to our little girl/s in China. We are unable to hold, protect and provide for our little one/s in a literal sense right now. But we have the peace in knowing that although we are limited by physical distance, we are not limited in the love and prayers that we can offer. So, I guess you could say that with our oldest daughter in NYC right now....and our baby girl/s in China, we are learning much more about trusting God to protect and provide for each of them as only He can. There are dear people in this world in other cities and countries whom God can certainly work through to take care of our loved ones while we're apart. And we must trust Him to do that and release them into His care knowing that He loves them and is a very capable parent, Himself!

We are grateful for all of your thoughts, prayers and love that you extend to our family along this journey. We cherish your kindness, hope and faith that you encourage us with as we wait...and learn...and grow along the way. We also pray that God will protect and provide for each of you in your journeys, as well. For even when we cannot see you on a daily basis, we must also remind ourselves that He's holding you in His hands, as well. God must certainly have wonderful and amazing hands as He holds all of us in His love and care. And if we're all in His hands, I guess we're not so far away from one another as it sometimes seems.

Cherish the gifts of life and today. Hug your loved ones nearby. And hold those "out of reach" in your hearts, thoughts and prayers...for then they really aren't so out of reach after all.
Cherishing our loved ones,
Terri and family

Monday, April 14, 2008

One Year And Counting....

As of yesterday...April 13, 2008...we have been "logged in" China's adoption system for one year! At the present time, that's around one half of the wait time until referral...but one year into this journey is a significant step forward! Actually, it was two years ago, (March, 2006), that we began talking to the adoption agency and then we handed in our application in the summer of 2006. So our journey has been moving forward for two years. But the "LID" (Log In Date) is the "waiting ticket number" in the adoption process so we're thankful that we've come this far! I know this is a very frustrating and discouraging time during the adoption process for so many families waiting for their babies. And we certainly understand! But we must keep our eyes on the goal and know that in just the right timing, the child meant to come home with us will be in our arms. And that's worth waiting for!

When we handed in our application, the wait was around eighteen months, but that's not the case anymore! Yet as we look at our precious children already in our family, I am reminded that they came at just the right time as well...and if it had been a different scenario, they wouldn't be who they are. I can't imagine Rachel and Micah being any other way! It will be the same with our little JennaBeth, (and maybe EmmaKate). There's a perfect plan...a master design...and if that means we wait for another year or more to hold the child in our arms that is meant to be ours, then we will wait...patiently...expectantly...and trustingly. Yes, this is the hard part. But when we think about two or three years of working and waiting to bring her/them home compared to having her in our family for the rest of our lives...then we will wait peacefully. Of course, the wait times can fluctuate and can either increase or decrease at any moment. But that's ok. We'll hold her in our arms when we're supposed to do so!

But one year of being logged in is a huge step forward. And we are thankful!! Of course we don't know the exact schedule, but we're guessing we're somewhere around half-way there! That's better than it has been and each day is another step toward her. Meanwhile, we wait, we work, we pray, we love, we live, we celebrate, we trust...and we learn great lessons in patience, faith, joy, hope and gratitude.

It's one year...and counting the blessings along the way! As we remind ourselves daily, we have a great day ahead when we will hold our precious new daughter/s in our arms and that's an incredible blessing to anticipate. But each day we have now is also an incredible gift to cherish, celebrate and appreciate. Thank you for your continued friendship, prayers, encouragement, questions, concern and excitement on this journey. And for today, thank you for living life to the fullest in this gift we have called "today." Live, love, laugh...and cherish this moment. We have been given this day. What a blessing today...and counting!
Love to all,
Terri and family

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful for Questions!

While shopping today, I saw some adorable spring dresses for little girls and I just wanted to bring them home...but I guess it's too soon. Yet I know the day will come when we will be purchasing diapers, formula, dresses, socks, shoes, hair bows...and all the other little frilly things that a little girl needs. (Ok...I confess...I do have a "very small collection" started.) :)

It's been a little sad this week as I watch the news and see airplane problems and unrest between countries...and I wonder how those situations will influence the journey to our Sweetie Pie/s. Of course, we firmly believe that it is all in God's master timing and perfect plan and we will hold her in our arms at "just the right moment." Yet it's so easy to see all the bumps in the road and become a little concerned. As so many of you have reminded us, though, when we hold her in our arms," it will all make sense" and "God's timing is always right." So we need to keep our focus on the One who knows exactly how it's all going to work out...and not fret over things we cannot change or control.

In the middle of "missing our little one/s," we have been truly blessed by the questions of family and friends. My parents in Virginia ask how it is going frequently. Tim's Mom in Ohio called yesterday and asked about it, too. And several friends have asked this week, as well. It is such a JOY to be asked those questions for that means that you are still remembering, hoping and anticipating this wonderful journey...and somehow that makes our connection to our little girl even stronger. So thank you to everyone who cares enough to ask questions! We appreciate your concern, your prayers, your faithful companionship along the way...and your encouragement. We are indeed thankful for those questions! It would be a bit lonely if no one ever asked. But please know that our faces light up and our hearts leap when someone care enough to remember. Thank you!

It's been a busy week but a good one. We're looking forward to the weekend, of course. But there are many blessings, joys and celebrations each day as we cherish every moment we have, every step we take closer to our baby girl, and every breath that we take in this gift of life.

Enjoy your moments. Have a great weekend. Cherish every breath. And be thankful for the questions...because that means someone cares!
Cherishing the journey,
Terri and family

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Floods, Spring and Trimming

What a weekend! This area of Kentucky has been through lots of flooding over the past week or so but thankfully, things are slowly returning to somewhat normal status. We are ok and our home and property are not damaged so we are very thankful. Yet in the middle of seeing many negative affects of the flooding in this area, we also see definite and beautiful signs of spring. The blossoms on our pear trees are beautiful. The grass is a rich shade of green and the neighborhood is bursting with color as various trees, shrubs and flowers are unveiling their glorious beauty.

Spring also brings another perspective to life. Our shrub bed desperately needs weeded. The grass requires an appointment with our lawnmower. My citrus trees, ferns and other plans are in dire need of trimming and some tender loving care. And when the spring storms appoach, we need to take precautions for safety and protection. Yet in order for growth to occur in a healthy manner, we must enjoy the beauty and utilize the measures to make sure everything is heading the right direction. Trimming what isn't needed. Enriching what is needed. It all has a valuable purpose. Spring is a time of reflection, direction and action!'s time to trim the trees and plants, nurture them with the necessary nutrients, and enjoy the beauty of this season. As our hearts prepare for yet another season of life now and in the months to come, we will likewise try to sharpen our focus on what is needed to become more ready for what lies ahead. We shall enjoy the beauty now and in the moments ahead. We will trim what isn't needed and enrich what is important. We will evaluate our direction and look forward to entering another season of life. As always, cherish the moments we all have. Enjoy the moments of laughter, love, joy and family. Trim what distracts us from our blessings. And nurture the gift of life we are given in this moment...and in the days to come. And realize that just as the various colors, hues and blooms proclaim such beauty in our world, each person likewise has beauty to share and cherish.

We cherish you, our family, friends, encouragers and each one walking along this journey with us to our precious daughter/s. May spring shower your life with many blessings, too. Take time to enjoy them!
Cherishing our blessings,
Terri & family